how can i recover my lost subscription key?
please send that to my email
Simple Question: Best Location To Download FreedomE From?
Hi, I know this is an extremely basic question so I'm sorry to be making a thread on it, but I'm very worried hat I'm going to accidentally download the FreedomE installer App from a bad source and infect my PC with a virus/trojan/malware... :'( I have already paid for my FreedomE subscription which lasts until August…
How to renew my iPad secure
I just renewed my f secure freedome. When I open f secure app, I don’t get a question to provide the new code. It just tells me that I have to pay. /Christian Jönsson EDIT: Removed PII
Subscription through website but not connected to account
Hi, I've purchased a subscription through the website, but when I created an account the subscription and the accounts are separate, so on my laptop I have the full subscription but when I log in on my phone I only have a 30 day trial.
Custom OpenVPN connection - Android
Hi! Using a VPN on Android, and probably on all other OS:es, is a one-VPN-only world. Freedome is, as I understand it, using OpenVPN as the backbone. Sometimes one might need to connect to the corporate network using VPN and that means disconnecting Freedome and configure/connect another VPN product, making the process…
Freedome and some issues with propably network firewall settings
Hi, First of all I know my problem is not caused by freedome, but because it is related to it I ask for your assisstance. I recently upgraded my home networking equipment and ever since have had some issues with getting my Internet connection working when freedome is enabled. I am pretty sure the problem lies somewhere in…
iOS App does not allow subscription management
I have just paid for a 3 device subscription rather than the iOS-only version available through the App Store, as I have both iOS and Windows devices. However, the ‘Manage Subscription’ link in the iOS app takes me to a broken link and I cannot input my new code. Please explain how I upgrade my iOS device to the new…
New FREEDOM update 2.34.6337.0 not possible on MAC El Capitan OS 10.11.6
Daily basis I'm getting pop-up to update to new FREEDOM version. While doing that, I'm asked to update my MAC OS El Capitan 10.11.6 to newer one - WHICH NOT EXIST. Anybody getting a workaround here?
Freedome throttles when using torrents
Every time I use a program that uses bittorrent protocol my connection is throttled to a crawl after a minute. This happens regardless of which exit location I select. When I turn off the VPN full connection speed is immediately restored. What gives?
What kind of VPN is Freedome
Some people categorize VPN by the protocol Which one is Freedome?
How good is F-Secure Freedome VPN?
I wanted to know if F-Secure Freedome VPN is worth a shot? Does anyone has any experience with it? Apparently, they are giving 6 months of VPN for free.
VPN Freedome geo blocking dr.dk (Norway to Denmark)
This has not been a problem before, I have used the Freedome VPN connection to watch danish television often, however today it has had problems. It works for maybe 5 minutes, then change the screen to one, saying - "only avalible if in Denmark, Greenland etc". If I then delete the cache and close/ open a new browser +…
Connecting does not work well on Mac OS after it comes out of sleep
After Mac OS awakes from a sleep, I find Freedome will normally not connect and tries over and over again to connect, it can take up to five minutes. The only way I can get it to work quicker is to turn off Freedome and back on or unplug and replug the network cable. I am on a cable connection. The issue may relate to the…
Freedome VPN not working for UK channels
As of today it is impossible to connect to BBC from Sweden. Any suggestions as how to fix this problem?
are there any problems with the italian IP connection?
When connected to Italy google chrome does not which to italy
Freedome not working
For weeks I have had a problem connecting to UK TV. I assumed it had something to do with insufficient bandwidth. Yesterday I had fibre optic installed much faster, and freedome worked!!... All day today.... Nothing... Very frustrating As I am in Spain and paid for freedome solely to WATCH UK TV
Gmail can send messages but there are no incoming messages
Since I installed Freedome I don't have any incoming messages form my gmail account. Sending messages is possible.
Error: The app could not be configured. Restart Freedome and try again.
While opening FSecure Freedome at startup I get the above error message "App can't be configurated. Starte Freedome again and try again. But anytime I do this the same error message appears. Any idea where the bug is? Any help is appreciated Thank you Daniel
Channel 5 is blocking me, is there a problem?
Hi Recently I am finding UK Channel 5 is blocking me saying not available for my location, although I am using London UK as my location. Are you able to investigate please?
Why is Freedome VPN IP Blocked for Abuse
Hi there Over the last few months, I have noticed that the Freedome VPN IP have been blocked by various site when it is set to "Singapore" locale. If this is changed to another locale, or if the Freedome VPN is turned off, the block disappears. An example is the following screenshot: Another associated phenomenon when the…
Freedome and Garmin Connect (IOS)
I use Garmin Connect (iPhone) to upload activities from my sportswatch (Fenix 5) to the main Garmin server. The process first needs Bluetooth, to upload the activity from my watch to the app. It then uses WiFi to upload the activity from the app to the main Garmin server. If I have Freedome protection ON, I can't make a…
Is freedome compatible with amazon firestick? Tried several times with no success.
I cannot connect to iplayer, have loaded app on iPad several times, but still will not play just says I’m in wrong country please help
So many customers having issues with Outlook mail not working
I am running latest Microsoft 360 and whenever my F Secure (Home) is running it blocks my emails, my sent emails get held in outbox. So many people have this issue but F Secure are not updating to resolve the problem. Why? I used Nord VPN before F Secure and I had no problems with that at all, so why are we having so many…
All 4
I have my VPN set to UK while I am in Cyprus and it seems not to work on All 4 can anyone help?
Freedome and BBC iPlayer plus Amazon video in UK
I live in the UK, Freedome location is London, yet BBC iPlayer and Amazon video will not play. Can anyone help please; I have only just subscribed to F-Secure.
Can i host my own vpn
Can i with F secure freedom have my own vpn that lets me connect to my local network when i am in someother network?
why am I still gettinghundreds of trackers
With Freedome active I am still getting hundreds of "trackers"
Freedome not so clever
I can no longer access three television channels, ITV, BBC or All4, they each know my true location. Can you explain why this is or give me some advice. I am based in Portugal but my location is set to London.
Freedome is not working for ITALY location
Hi there, since yesterday I'm having problems trying to set my location in Italy. Somehow I am relocated in UK, not matter what I do. Freedome confirms my location in Milan but Youtube or Google search show GB. Raiplay doesn´t work either. it seems to be working for other countries as Canada, Germany and Switzerland but…