Command line for silent start?

vk84 Posts: 11 Explorer


I need a command to start the Freedome with a task scheduler. Usually for some programs it's "program_name.exe /silent" or something.

I'm a bit clueless how is Freedome starting on boot, since it's not creating a registry key or appearing on the list of start-up programs.

The reason is that if it boots on start, it slows down the Win10 as I already posted awhile ago.

Accepted Answer


  • vk84
    vk84 Posts: 11 Explorer

    Thanks Dawid. This will do for me just fine, but you might want to consider the option to delay start for X seconds in the future releases.

    When the program starts and of the WiFi hasn't connected yet, that's the cause of a slowdown (perhaps it's trying and failing to connect to fsecure and retrying again, just guessing)

    As for the path, I'll try to use a start menu shortcut or a search function to find it. But in any case it will be a minor nuisance.

    Thanks again.

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