Command line for silent start?

I need a command to start the Freedome with a task scheduler. Usually for some programs it's "program_name.exe /silent" or something.
I'm a bit clueless how is Freedome starting on boot, since it's not creating a registry key or appearing on the list of start-up programs.
The reason is that if it boots on start, it slows down the Win10 as I already posted awhile ago.
Accepted Answer
Hello @vk84
UI is launched at user logon phase by our service component which is always started at system startup. Automatic start of the service component should not be disabled but UI launch can be disabled from Freedome GUI settings page -> untick "Freedome starts automatically when you restart your computer". And then for example if you wants to get UI launched via task scheduler (e.g. 30 seconds after login), you may add launch task:
C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Freedome\Freedome\1\Freedome.exe
-m -r
NOTE: that path might be also C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Freedome\Freedome\1.1\Freedome.exe or C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Freedome\Freedome\1.2\Freedome.exe and it will change after update so scheduled task would require changing from time to time.
Not very recommended approach and not officially supported use-case so will not provide support if there is some issues with it.
Thanks Dawid. This will do for me just fine, but you might want to consider the option to delay start for X seconds in the future releases.
When the program starts and of the WiFi hasn't connected yet, that's the cause of a slowdown (perhaps it's trying and failing to connect to fsecure and retrying again, just guessing)
As for the path, I'll try to use a start menu shortcut or a search function to find it. But in any case it will be a minor nuisance.
Thanks again.