Won’t work in greece on Disney plus
Hey I'm in greece, i want to log into Disney plus app. They seem to know I'm in Europe. I'm using the latest app on iPhone. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong i have it set up for East coast usa and the app is active. i tried closing the Disney app and turn back off I'm connected to by wifi not cellular
Internet router
Anyone having experience with this issue? I have freedome vpn and looking for a internet router that would work and is suitable for this vpn! please help!
Apple/Mail - error when connecting to the mail server
Hello, In 2017 I contacted the Freedome support because of a problem with Apple Mail: I have several mail accounts (about 8, POP3). With Freedome ON I get almost after every mail check the message in mail that there is a problem with the connection, not possible to create a connection for all accounts. I was in contact…
freedom vpn no working
freedom vpn no working
Sidecar in Mac OS Catalina
I use my iPad Pro as sidecar to my Macbook Pro, but it works only when Freedom is turned off on my Macbook. Whether Freedom is turned on or off on the iPad, doesn't make any difference though. Any solution?
Why does tracker mapper dont save information for me to se?
Always when i come back to watch the tracker mapper its finnished and no protocol is to be found.
Problem with Danish server
Hi there, Until recently, I have been able to connect to the Danish server in Copenhagen and watch Danish national television (dr.dk), but now it says that I am outside Denmark, Greenland or the Faroese Islands. How come? Is the server not located correctly anymore? I have tried changing different settings but is doesn't…
Freedome VPN subscription not recognizing Family Sharing on iCloud/iOS
So a few years back, we purchased Freedome VPN for our iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.). So far, it's worked very well, up until today. Today, I went off the VPN and found that I was unable to go back on and I now required a subscription. I was then told that we actually had an automatic renewal for the service and it was…
BB&T Center free wifi does not work with Freedom
I noticed that BB&T Center wifi only work when you close freedom. Is this common problem in that kind of places? Or is there something wrong in my phone what I do not get ? How arena wifi could stop users to use VPN?
Exit node Germany "burned"?
As I live in Germany, my default exit node is, of course, Germany. In recent weeks, I keep getting blocked on various sites because the IP range from which my requests are coming are associated with malware, suspicious activities and attacks. Most prominent site doing this is youtube. Nowadays I frequently have to prove…
Re: F-Secure Key renew does not work
I have payed direct thru Cleverbridge, have a new key for multi-device subscription, but the App only provides either Buy or reclaim iTunes purchases. No field in the Settings Subscription to actually enter the new liable code for the running period. Ofcourse there is a month free in the renewal, but as it seems to work…
F-Secure Freedome version update
Hello I got a popup with there is a new version of my F-secure Freedome, if I remember correct. Shall It do that, or how do I know if I have the newest version of F-secure Freedome? I now have Fredome Version 2.28.5979.0
Freedome is blocking Wells Fargo Bank's secure signon
I've been very pleased with Freedome for more than a year; appreciation as imagined for Helsinki :) But in past few days, Freedome isn't allowing me to sign on to a NA bank's website. The problem is that it is not even allowing DNS for their sign-on processing. Because of that, I can't tell you if the blockage goes…
Menu bar icon invisible in Catalina
After upgrading to Mac 10.15.1 Catalina, the Freedome menu bar icon became invisible in light mode. It's visible in dark mode. This makes it harde to see the status of the connection. I have activated the automatic switch of light/dark mode in the system settings. If I manually switch to dark mode and then back to…
Renewal of F-Secure Freedome with a code
I have used the option of purchasing a new subscription period for Freedome on your web page and have received a renewal code. As far as I have understood from the info on this web page, the code shall be entered into the app (it regards two Apple devices). However, when I push the button ”Handle subscription” I am being…
Plex Server
Hi, Do we have any more news on how to use Plex Remote Server using F-Secure as I am trying the trial verson of Freedom and its not looking good, if i cant connect remotely then this is no good to me. Freedom is very good, easy to use, but we need to have a say as to what progams are allowed.
Can't access geo locked site in New Zealand
Any way to access GEO LOCK sites in New Zealand?
Frequent loss of internet connection on Motoroloa G7
Hello, On my wife's and my Motorola G7 phones we frequently loose internet connection while the VPN is on. Turning the VPN off and on does not solve the problem, but restarting the phone does. I've checked the FAQ's but I haven't found anything that works. My daughters iPhone on the same network has no issues. We are…
dazn streaming italy does't work with freedome vpn to italia!
Hello Sice a few days, there are problem with freedome vpn to Italy when I use Italy stream Dazn .. Dazn app response an error stream with freedome vpn to Milano-italy.. You see message error on screenshoot below. The same problem with error message by Italy Dazn site web.. See screenshoot below:
SAFE vs. Brave vs. DuckDuckGo
While using the Freedom VPN, which broswser offers the best protection, SAFE, Brave or DuckDuckGo?
Printing to a wi-Fi Printer no working
I have the same issue just as in this topic Though, 2 laptops (with Freedome) are in the same subnet as Freedome. This issue started a few months back after Freedome got updated. The current versions are 2.28.5979.0 When I turn Freedome off the print starts right away. What can I do?
Windows 10
will Freedome prevent all the spying by Windows 10 ?
error install freedome VPN on ios 12.4.2
Hello, When i install freedome from the f-secure total licence, on my IOS I get one error on the screen. When I want to activate freedome in MY F-SECURE , I got + installer freedome, the I choose IPHONE, but I can't activate it , because the there are blocks on the end of the screen missing. Who can help me
Freedome would like to add VPN configurations
Recently my Freedome has the following message as I start to activate it: "Freedome Would Like to Add VPN Configurations. All network activity on this iPad may be filtered or monitored when using VPN" What is this message? Why does it only apperad on my iPad, and not on my other devices? If F-secure want´s to change the…
TOR Network over Freedome VPN: Is it possible to configure TOR Exit-Node to communicate with Freedom
I'm trying to protect myself against malicious TOR exit nodes ... So, with the above in mind, is the scenario below possible with the F-Secure Freedome VPN? Tor Browser --> Freedome VPN --> TOR Network --> TOR Exit-Node --> Freedome VPN --> Public Internet Public Internet --> Freedome VPN --> TOR Exit-Node --> TOR Network…
How do I buy Freedome code?
Hi reza i have tenda router and using the hiweb isp in iran this vpn (trial version) successfully connected on ios and android os but on windows... i cant connect with that. so... i need invitation code for buy pro version, if u can, help me pls. if ur not, thank u anyway 🙏
App Store unable to install apps
iOS 13.1.2. I was not able to install any apps from App Store. Tested all options with 6 people from Apple support during over three hours of chats. Excluded all possibilities until we started suspecting VPN issue. Freedome was installed on iPhone X, but turned off. Removed Freedome. Rebooted. I was able to download and…
My VPN does not work
Sono's music system is stopped
When I try to register the path to my Music (where I have all the music files) it does not work. I have the library on an external hard drive and when I enter the path I get the message "The computer is not responding". I turned off all the functions in Freedome and restarted the computer but didn't get the help.…
Log in
I have freedom on My laptop and iPad but can not log in on My iPhone..... why?