Activation problem
Hi, I have a problem with F-Secure Internet Security activation. When I enter my license key, the system informs me that I have reached the activation limit number, yet the license has never been activated. Can you help me solve this problem?
F-Secure TOTAL - Problem with link Internet
Good evening, Some features do not work. I have already had email exchanges with a colleague in French. However, the problem was not resolved and I was told to wait. I am coming back to you because I may have identified part of the cause of the problems I am encountering with the F-Secure TOTAL application. Indeed, as…
Banking Protection
This discussion was created from comments split from: TURN OFF PROTECTION option is now hidden in F-Secure 19.1 ?.
Banking protection begins on a non-banking site
Hi, When I am on the gab.com site using chrome, and launch a link from inside gab.com, I am stopped by banking protection asking if I want to add the new site as a trusted site. This has become burdensome. Gab.com IS NOT A BANKING SITE as far as I know and can tell ! It is annoying to stop browsing to deal with an warning…
VPN via F-secure Total (not with’Freedome) not installed
Hello, I'm using IPad Mini, IOS 17. Following problems of extreme slowness via the VPN under F-secure, I have uninstalled F-secure. After reinstalling F-secure, the VPN can't install the protocol in the IPad settings. My VPN therefore remains inactive and impossible to activate. I've read that there are applications for…
No Capricorn updates for DAYS? Again......
Since 12/11? Why did you choose Capricorn? I remembered, when I years ago, had the free Avast Antivirusprogram, it was just the same - some times - and almost always aroundd weekends, no Capricorn-updates...
Antivirus database not updating anymore
So after a recent update, it seems that the updater is broken. F-Secure Version 19.3 (52927) MacOS 14.1 Beta
When will F-Secure repair the password autofill functionality for Safari on macOS?
When will F-Secure repair the password autofill functionality for Safari on macOS?
close to expiry date on TOTAL subscription, want to change order type before renewal
I currently had up to 7 devices capability but I only need 5 devices now. I want to save a bit of money on this but would still like to renvew but change the order type to 5 devices down from the 7. I was unable to change the order type to 5 devices and your webstore does not allow me to purchase a 5 order 2 year…
Installazione di F-Secure Total in computer non aggiornato Windows
Salve, ho acquistato il prodotto F-Secure Total per i tre computer di casa. Quando sono andato ad aggiornare il mio pc, mi blocca in quanto ho installato Windows 7 e non 10. Purtroppo il pc ha diversi anni e non riesco ad aggiornare Windows, quindi dovrò cambiare computer. In attesa dell'acquisto, posso avere a…
down below should be the question
so my dad says we got f secure total until somewhere in 2025 but it says our subscription has expired but its not how do i get it again
F-Secure Password Manager
Hi There! What happens if I run out of subscriptions and I have my passwords saved in the password manager. Will I lose access to them ?
How can I use my 25 included F-Secure Total licenses when I can only create up to 8 users ?
Hello, How can I use my 25 included F-Secure Total licenses when I can only create up to 8 users on the platform? Is it possible to assign multiple licenses to one user? Thank you for your answers. Have a great day!
VPN Deutschland Falkenstein Probleme
Hallo zusammen, seitdem ich Total habe und VPN Aktieviert ist, habe ich massive Probleme. Mehrere Seiten werden nicht geöffnet. Ich E-Mails werden nicht mehr abgerufen. Sehr langsame Verbindung! 50 Mbit Leitung fällt auf 4,7 und 39 Ping. Ich muss immer auf Österreich wechseln, damit ich mich im Netzt bewegen kann. Dass…
Search result mark not appeared for Chrome and Edge
The safe mark for search result stop appearing. Only Firefox showing the result for all link. Bugs?
Apple TV Support
This discussion was created from comments split from: Apple TV support.
Total Password vault inaccessible
Hi, as of a few days ago I lost access to my password vault - trying to access it gives me an error and a suggestion to reboot or restart the application on windows. Restarting has no effect, still same error (tried numerous times). No idea on how to just restart the application, but can't see why this should have a…
Switching/Upgrading from F-Secure Anti-Virus to Total
Hello, I received a notification today that my existing product F-Secure Anti-Virus will be discontinued and replaced with F-Secure Total. I only need the anti-virus protection on Windows. Can I disable the other features of Total? The popup advertise, that I could use my current subscription with the new Total. How can I…
Does F-Secure Total have an anti-spam filter?
I have currently switched to F-Secure Total and miss an antispam filter.
Two mobile phones received a message "Google app is infected - immediately uninstall". I checked both phones with F-Secure virus protection and found nothing. What should I do ?
"How can you verify the legitimacy of shortened links?"
"You can receive shortened links from friends, organizations, or even strangers, often shared via chat, email, or SMS. How can you determine if the source is trustworthy?"
Nach Update des F-Secure Total vom 19.10.2023 wird Thunderbird Serververbindung verweigert.
Nach Update des F-Secure Total vom 19.10.2023 wird Thunderbird die Serververbindung verweigert. Betriebssystem Windows 11 wurde hinsichtlich Firewall-Einstellungen bereits geprüft. Diese Problem gab es vor einigen Monaten nach einem Update bereits schon einmal. Ich bin es leid und bin in Versuchung, ein anders…
Error in installation
When I tried to install F-Secure Total, the installation window only reached 99% and was hanging from then on. I closed the window and tried to start setup again, but nothing happened. I uninstalled what was installed and tried setup again with the same result. What to do?
how do you check shortened links for being legit?
Yoy can get shortned links from friends or organsiations and from strangers. They can send themnin a chat, email or sms. How do you check if the source is legit?
One Device One License
This discussion was created from comments split from: New F-Secure and "One License/One Device".
Why can I no longer browse the internet when I turn the VPN on
Since the start of this week I have noticed that I can no longer surf the web or use apps on iOS 16.6 when I turn the VPN on. I have tried changing protocol, location and switched between wifi and mobile data.
Freedome makes me restart the program att every start
I have to type password to start Freedome
kombinera min mans och mitt abonnemang?
Borde bli mycket förmånligare om vi har gemensamt abonnemang. Men hur göra? Mitt går ut om några dagar, min mans betydligt senare? Minns inte vilken typs abonnemang han resp. jag har. mvh m
2. Benutzer
ich habe eine FS-AntiVirus Lizenz die noch 1-3/4Jahre läuft. Jetzt wurde ich aufgefordert auf Total umzustellen. Das hätte angeblich keine Nachteile. Leider ist das nicht so. Meine Frau und ich haben jeweils eigene Benutzerkonten in Windows. Mit dem neu angelegten FStotal-Benutzer kann ich mich nur auf einem Windowskonto…
Virus is not removed
This discussion was created from comments split from: freedome and tv4play.