Two accounts on the same device (Windows 10) - Passwords

Accepted Answer
Sorry for the lengthy answer.
Is there a solution to have access to data (passwords) on both sessions?
I think - yes. However, I will try to re-phrase your situation (as I understood it and if I missed something - tell me).
You have a device (with Windows 10 as OS) that has two accounts ('user profiles', 'Windows users', or whatever the wording is). I suspect that the "main" account (user profile) in which F-Secure TOTAL was originally installed has the ability and option to use F-Secure TOTAL's Password Vault. And the other one (the second user account) does not have this feature. But it still retains all the main functions of the application - AV, browsing protection and some more.
Most likely, this second account also suggests the possibility or need to “log in” to the F-Secure TOTAL app. Presumably you cannot use the same "email" as the first\main Windows user account (or if you use it, you will be prompted to create a "child profile" there) if you try to log in.
You need to log in (most likely) in order to have access to additional functionality - Password Vault, ID Protection, something else.
The workarounds are:
- to invite yourself as a 'sub-user' (a rough guide there: How do I share my F-Secure SAFE subscription with a friend or family member? - F-Secure Community - it is bit of 'outdated' but likely steps are still relevant; if not.. come back with a further ask); and then to login with these credentials.
- to use second Windows user account with 'child-profile' in F-Secure TOTAL app; a little difference and you can easily disable / not to use Parental Control features (if you want). There still AV, Browsing Protection, Privacy VPN, Password Vault, likely ID Monitoring.
With both situations: both Windows user accounts will be with its own storage (unrelated to each other); maybe it is possible to use some tricks and get state when both storages will be synced between or, at least, with the basic set of 'similar' entries;
later added: wrong section actually: And with both situations - an extra 'licence' will be used. Such as 'two licences of five available' (if no other devices are also in use). You can treat this situation as 'AV and Browsing Protection, even Privacy VPN' can be used unlimited per device (with any Windows user account - only one licence is required); However, for Password Vault (and ID Monitoring, probably) - an extra license is required (which will be as a 'second' device) for multiple user Windows accounts (one per user account). This is somehow similar to the situation when Password Vault was a F-Secure ID Protection (so, the installation was unrelated to F-Secure TOTAL and license is consumed per installation or 'activation' on user account/profile).
However, on one of these it is impossible to access "My data". (passwords).
But could you explain a bit more? Such as, why it is impossible? Or what do you mean by 'impossible'? For example, Password Vault module is not visible; or it is not possible to 'unlock' storage; or it is impossible to be able to access the storage from the main Windows user account; ... ?
Also, is it necessary to have “shared passwords” between two accounts? Or, more simply put, synchronized storages between two Windows user accounts?
Or the way to have two 'unrelated' storages for each user account is suitable?
Situation as such is likely related to the design of its current solution (discussed there: Multiple Windows users - FS Protection login not accepted on others but the main user — F-Secure Community)
Thanks for your feedback!
This solution seems to work fine and, since both accounts are on the same device, F-Secure only counts one device for me.
Very great, that's even better!
Although (perhaps) there should be one for the user's main account and one for the "invited" account in my F-Secure portal. If not - and only one license was required "globally" indeed - very great then!
I'll try to check this set-up with my devices (maybe) later. Just to see what my results would be.
On the purchase page, it clearly says “devices” and not “users”.
Yes it's true. And completely valid for most cases.
For some reason I thought that the invited user would use an extra license (which was allocated to him by the main user, so to speak).
But since your experience is different, I don’t even know any points for discussions in some of the topics in the Community (because then everything is quite convenient, transparent and thought out for users; even with the current design).
// later added: so, indeed! invited user on the same device (for another Windows user account) will not consume an extra licence. At least, situation is the same with my experience now as with your feedback! I think - it's brilliant design.
However, sometimes it may be wrong about 'devices' (if this has not already been changed). For example, device with multiple operating systems on it. Then, despite the fact that the device is still same - operating system is different, In that case, treated as "installations" instead of "devices". But, anyway, it is a bit offtopic, actually.