Failed update Win 7

I have an vaild licence wich I recently bough ( Safe but it's an Total licens),but after an update wich failed in Win 7 (32-bit Pro).
It worked fine for me,but after I've recied the update ( wich was critical), the anti-virus stopped working.
Because after I've got the update the OS adviced me to restart the system,but I didn't do it- just an manual restart later.
But what happed afterwords is that I've got some messages to do an rebot either way,so in some way the new update don't seems compatilbe either way in Win 7.
I've also tryed to manualy reinstall,but it's always the same. ( I've done it twice,once via "Control panel", once via "F-secure uninstall tool")
Because when I've done it firstly I got an error message that some of the new updates ( don't remember wich one) wasn't compatible with Win 7.
But secondly I didn't get any error messages that some of the new updates isn't supporting Win 7. Just the regular Error mesage that my entire licence isn't vaild at all, and that I have to do an reboot.
From the log file I have recived( installed);
-F-secure Ultralight Core (32-bit)@ 2021-07-08_01
-F-secure Security Cloud Core (32-bit)@ 2021-06-29_01
-F-secure DeepGuard Database @2021-07-23_04
-F-secure Universal System Scanner (32-bit) @2020-12-02_01
-F-secure Service Certificates (Win)@ 2021-06-03_01
-F-secure Hydra Update@2021-07-23_01
-F-secure Lynx Win32 Update@2020-08-19_01
-F-secure Virgo Engine(32-bit)@2021-07-22_01
-F-secure UltraLight Updater(32-bit)@2021-07-05_01
So is there any option for me to manualy choose wich updates I will recive,and how to manualy in reverse update older versions?
Because what I strongly is convinced that the updates wich is released is more adapted ( supported, written in Win 10) for modern OS like Win 10, but not compatibel at all with older ( End of life systems) such as Win 7, and also that the updates wich is released don't see the difference between and old and new OS.
It just via an auto disabled function is doing and forced install either way.
Accepted Answer
Seems that you are getting the error because your Windows Updates are turned off:
Hi @Thomasz29
Thank you for reaching out to F-Secure Community.
I've also tryed to manualy reinstall,but it's always the same. ( I've done it twice,once via "Control panel", once via "F-secure uninstall tool")
It is good to know that you have already done several troubleshooting steps in order to rectify the issue.
So is there any option for me to manualy choose wich updates I will recive,and how to manualy in reverse update older versions?
There is no option for you to choose which update can be install on the F-Secure SAFE because it is done automatically on the program.
Because what I strongly is convinced that the updates wich is released is more adapted ( supported, written in Win 10) for modern OS like Win 10, but not compatibel at all with older ( End of life systems) such as Win 7, and also that the updates wich is released don't see the difference between and old and new OS.
Could you please check on your Windows 7 update whether the update KB4474419 is install or not. This patch is needed in order for the F-Secure SAFE to be running on Windows 7 SP1. If this update is not install, you may download and install it, you can click on the link below to download the patch based on your operating system version:
NOTE : You may need to use Internet Explorer to download the patch.
Looking forward to your update.
Well, it seems that F-secure don´t support Win 7 anymore either way.
Because when I´ve tryed to manualy download the Win Update it just fails.
I just get an error message "0x80070422".
Since I´ve newer took any action to recive any actual Win updates, because of that my computer was an old Lenovo with Win Vista-and that Win 7 in this times was reaching it´s EOL.
But mostly that I´m quite stubburn of myself (to experience to know) that an update don´t replace anyting,just adds more trouble.
But now matter the facts,it seems more or likly that Win themselves have canceled any future (avalable) updates to Win 7.
So in other terms I found it quite dissapointing that I have to use Win 10 to make my current F-secure licens vailid.
So what´s the meaning of sending usless updates (force updates) to older systems since they are no longer supported?
Because however I still have many vital programs on my older Win 7 (such as Office,Adobe etc)- wich I don´t have on my newer Win 10.
But mostly why I don´t use (will use it) is because of that I´m in some ways a bit alergic to apps.( Not comfortable with).
I would say like the former CEO of Atari-wich kicked out and make fun of Steve Jobs.
As I wold descibe it: " To have an opend served dinner table"-and that they are in many terms spy programs.
But mostly is that I can´t work without any functional internet connection. Wich I can do on my older computer.