F-Secure SAFE can not update online

Thusor Posts: 3 New Member
edited February 2022 in Web Browsing

I installed F-Secure SAFE v17.11 on MacBook Air with M1 CPU (BigSur 11.5.1). The software can not update properly because it stucked in "Waiting for initial update to complete". How could I resolve this error?

Accepted Answer


  • Dear @Thusor,

    If your computer shows the error waiting for initial update to complete, please try to re-install F-Secure SAFE for Mac:

    1.2. You can remove F-Secure SAFE by following these steps

    1.3. You can install SAFE again. Read here how to do it. 

    2. Please be aware that the issue might be due to the system extension not being enabled. During the installation, the System Extension Blocked dialog is shown indicating that a program tried to load a system extension signed by F-Secure Corporation. To enable the extension:

    • On the dialog, select Open Security Preferences. The Security & Privacy window opens.
    • On the General tab, select Allow.

    This allows F-Secure's system extension to load, and your computer is fully protected.

    Note: If you didn't enable the system extension during the installation, you can still do it as soon as you have activated the product:

    • Open SAFE and select the Enable real-time scanning for full protection link. The Allow new system extension from F-Secure dialog opens.
    • On the dialog, select Security & Privacy. The Security & Privacy window opens.
    • On the General tab, select Allow.

  • Thusor
    Thusor Posts: 3 New Member

    Dear @Lucaseuropa

    Thank you for your answer. I installed F-Secure SAFE as you suggested and re-installed also, but the software is in the same situation. Also, in the YouTube video which you suggested, do not show any Security & Privacy window with allowing extension to load. After the installation, I can not find any information in the Security & Privacy window. F-Secure SAFE did not want any extension to load, only "Full Disk Access", which I allowed. So, at the installation System Extension Blocked dialog did not show up and I can not allow it what F-Secure SAFE do not want it. Please, suggest an other solution because in this form, SAFE can not be use on MacOS 11.5.1.

  • Thusor
    Thusor Posts: 3 New Member

    I have not got any System Extension Blocked in the Security & Privacy. I also made a video about the installation process but I can not upload it because the file size is too big, also I can not attach a link because I have not got a permission for this on this forum, unfortunately.

  • Hey @Thusor,

    I will check that on my 11.5.1 machine and consult this issue with my colleagues from the product team.

    I will let you know of the results here.

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