Pay with Mobile

Hi! My friends in F-Secure Freedom community
I don't have any problem with f-seure freedom works well for me mobile and pc
but i have finished my trial that where 14 days.
but the problem is ican't buy and pay with mobile for more than 14 days for 3 devices
i want probably to buy one year subscription for 3 devices
so how can i do that
Simply how to but one year subscription for 3 devices with "pay with mobile"
Hello Robert-brinkman,
Depending on the country we can offer either 14 or 30 day subs for 3 devices. It always depends on the country and operator what is available and for what price. We unfortunately cannot influence that. Usually there is a monetary top limit of how much can be paid with SMS for each particular country or operator.
F-Secure has not made modification in Freedome regarding SMS payments or its availability.
However our SMS payment partner Fortumo may add or remove countries and operators.
They are the party who makes the agreements with the operators.
Iv been paying by mobile for 30 days, 3 devices @ £3.00, now my 30 days is up and now says not available in yr country YET!
It already was available in UK.I was happy with freedom but now I can't use it as pay by mobile was only option allowing 3 devices (phone , tablet, PC / laptop) at a price that fitted my budget perfectly - all the others are all phones logged into same account but nothing for laptop.
I like freedoms ,but if pay by mobile is now obselete in UK I'll have to find another VPN service.
End of day futumio are prob not too concerned if you succeed or not so why wood give them and network the power of sale over YOUR app?, it is only you who suffer loss of customer .. Not them.
Please if u don't mind could you reply with futumio's contact details to see what they are playing at?
Thanks -
I also emailed them and received this reply:
Re: [#XXXXXXXX] f-secure freedom payments HELP
From B To XXXXXXXXXHi R,Thanks for letting us know and I am sorry to hear that you are not able to pay via mobile anymore.To give more insight about who we are and and what we do, I would like to start with a short overview about Fortumo. We are a mobile payments provider for games, social networks and other online services and apps. We enable users to pay for virtual and digital goods with their mobile phone. Basically, you could compare us to PayPal or banks with the difference that we are providing payments via mobile phone. So basically it is up to the content provider to integrate our mobile payment solutions for their products or not.I think f-secure might not be even supported by us in the UK since I checked their account and could not find any UK traffic. Have you tried contacting their support desk since they should be able to explain whether it is possible to pay via mobile right now for the UK users or not? By the way, are you sure you made a payment with Fortumo before? Could you please indicate your phone number so I can check the logs accordingly?I hope this is helpful, please let me know if there's anything we can do to help from our end.Best regards,B.--
Customer Support | Fortumo Mobile PaymentsEDITII
i just received aniother reply where they say that f-secure has been diabled in the email...
Re: [#XXXXXXX] f-secure freedom payments HELPHi R,I remembered you now indeed, I hope all is well.Well, the thing is that we noticed f-secure is not live in the UK since January.As much as I would like to help you more with this, their services are currently disabled in the UK due to technical issues and it is not possible to make a payment for their services with Fortumo at the moment.Best regards,B--
Customer Support | Fortumo Mobile PaymentsIs this fixable or is this option no longer available??thanksEDIT: PII -
Ok thanks Ben,
all seems a bit mysterious and 'dark side' lol
I relly hope it all gets sorted i got 2 google accounts on different devices and just paid £2.99 for each account then another £2.99 in 5 days when laptop version expires.. I know it would be more economical to buy yearly package but too big of a chunk of money to pay out at once with everything else, the pay by mobile was a bit of a god send really. i dont think ill be able to keep up with £9 p/m tho and it sounds daft coz really doesnt seem that much, but as you are well aware like the rest of us we all got bills to pay and until the government stop their ridiculous taxes on everything all spare loose changes will continue to be syphoned into their greedy pockets.
thanks for your time and good luck with Fortumo .