Freedome VPN ios problem with whatsapp

Since i`ve installed F-Secure Freedome VPN I have problems with whatsapp. Whatsapp is not connecting in background anymore. So i receive only messages when i start the whatsapp application.


Strange is, that it dosen`t matte wheter freedome is started or not (vpn symbol in the rigt corner upside).


Is this a known bug? I don`t want to remove whatsapp an reinstall because of the media archive.


Thans a lot



  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert

    I believe we haven't received other similar feedback regarding Whatsapp. We will investigate this in more detail; I will contact you with a private message with more instructions for you.





  • eskimojo
    eskimojo Posts: 4 New Member

    Same kind of problem. Whatsapp does not connect at all until I open the Freedome app and go back to Whatsapp. Not incoming messages or a possibility to send a new one before this manouver. Really nasty failure. Maybe caused by ios9 - who knows. Haven't had any other problems since updating the ios.


    I removed Whatsapp from my iPhone and reinstalled it, but it didn't make any difference. Except me losing all my Whatsapp history. That is upsetting.

  • 3rain3ug
    3rain3ug Posts: 1 New Member

    Same Problem here - with IOS 9.0.2 no connection in Whatsapp until I open a Webbrowser or Freedome VNP APP!


    Please fix this!

  • jereseb
    jereseb Posts: 1 New Member

    I've exactly this same issue on Whatsapp with iOS 9.0.2. No connection until I open Safari or Freedome. It would be really nice to get this fixed. A bit annoying...

  • D-Fens
    D-Fens Posts: 9 New Member

    I am also facing this issue since iOS 9.

    any news on that?

  • D-Fens
    D-Fens Posts: 9 New Member

    Can I help F-Secure with this? I am on iOS 9.0.2

  • Hi Everyone,


    Thank you for the feedback on the issue and our RND team is currently investigating on it. We will keep you updated once we get any information regarding this.

  • Davma
    Davma Posts: 6 New Member
    Same problems, also log time before internet connection for other apps like news republic, wunderground,...some time they can't refresh at all.
    My applewatch also acts weird....not ringing on incoming call... Or keeps ringing when answering on the iphone
    Everything back to normal when freedome is off
    Will keep freedome off waiting for an update
    Iphone 5s.. Ios 9.0.2
    Apple watch os2
  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer
    Any update? Same problem here
  • Davma
    Davma Posts: 6 New Member
    Haven't seen anything yet... Would be nice to be informed by f-secure...
  • D-Fens
    D-Fens Posts: 9 New Member

    I deactivated freedome on some devices because I receive notifications only after starting the app. E.g. a surveillance cam Smiley LOL

  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer
    Why is f-secure ignoring this topic?
  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer
    My freedome has been off for a week now because of this issue
  • Davma
    Davma Posts: 6 New Member
    Still waiting... If no news from fsecure... Will askmy money back...
  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert



    We've been investigating the recent problems with Whatsapp and Freedome on devices with iOS 9.


    Based on our investigations, Whatsapp crashes each time in the background when a push notification arrives and Freedome is running. Because of this, the incoming message will not be displayed.


    We will notify Whatsapp about this and provide them with information about the crashing, as this issue seems to be something that cannot be fixed within Freedome.



  • Davma
    Davma Posts: 6 New Member
    Thanks for the update. Please let us kno the feedback from whatsapp.

  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer

    Please keep us updated, really would like to stay with freedome but this error is just impossible to work with.

  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer
    Any news?
  • Hello Everyone,


    To keep you all updated on this issue, the fix has been submitted for Apple app store review and it depends on the review time a lot. However, we are hoping to have the fix out before Christmas.

  • Davma
    Davma Posts: 6 New Member
    Ok thanks
  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer

    Christmas 2034???

  • eskimojo
    eskimojo Posts: 4 New Member
    Yeah what?
  • eskimojo
    eskimojo Posts: 4 New Member
    Or maybe later. Still the same really disturbing issues. Freedome isn't automatically opening when opening the phone. And the mostly troubling thing is that the whatsapp messages aren't coming through.

  • sebas
    sebas Posts: 1 New Member
    Yep, exactly the same issue still in here too. Basically had to stop using Freedome on phone because of this Whatsapp problem. Unfortunately.
  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer
    Not trying to be rude, but it would be nice if f-secure would keep us updated :-(
  • Hello Everyone,


    You could try our beta version as described in this article regarding this issue.


    Another post here by @Ben, also provides more insights regarding this issue. As per the reply/feedback here, iOS 9.3 beta seems to have resolved this issue. 


  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    Some Information:


    with TunnelBear it also does not work.


    iOS 9.3 Public Beta 3 does not fix the issues with the on-demand-VPN.

    Maybe PB 2 did this, but I can't check it.


    Some other vendors say in the readme's of the iOS AppStore...

    ...SurfEasyVPN: fixed a bug to improve connectivity (2.2.2016)

    ...BetterNet: fixed the auto reconnection bug / fixed connection issues


    but trust is an important factor for VPN, so freedome is my VPN of choice

  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer

    Conclusion still not fixed. I applied for the beta. Got an invite with a broken link. Ask via pm here, replied back to the mail. No response whatsoever. I really like F-Secure. But the lack of customer support and appriciation is getting on my nerves. At lease keep us updated.


    You just link us to a topic where someone confirms that it is still not working. Come on people :-(, I've paid for 3 devices and recommended it to tons of people. A little more help would be great.

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    the new version 2.4.0 is now live in the App Store.


    · Introducing tracker mapper for mobile: A visual tool that lets you see blocked tracking attempts in real time (requires at least iOS8 and 1GB RAM)
    · Due to an increase in number of virtual locations they are now sorted in a more user-friendly manner
    · By request of advanced users and some who have experienced issues with messaging apps, a setting has been implemented to allow the VPN to be turned on constantly, even when device is idle


    many thanks to the iOS Freedome team!

  • Rbbiz1
    Rbbiz1 Posts: 24 Observer

    It has just been updated, nice timing. Testing it now. Cheers

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