Freedome for Ubuntu !?!?
Hello! I am also satisfied with F-Secure Freedome VPN and still have 3 additions until October 16! As I return Mikrosoft the back are soon all PCs my family and friends with Linux, Ubuntu, Suse, etc. are converted I do not understand why it was not long ago is a Freedome for Ubuntu? IOS and Mac run on Linux-based! Außerden…
Does Freedome block the Metaphor exploit?
Following news of the Android Stagefright exploit dubbed Metaphor, can Freedome detect and block the exploit?
Reconnect loop on Windows 8.1
Similarly to the the problem described in this post, I'm getting continous reconnects but in my case on Windows 8.1: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Windows-10-and-VPN-reconnect/m-p/72939/highlight/true#M1978 The problem only seems to happen when I'm using WiFi, based on a quick test the connection was stable…
freedoome lisance
my freedoome lisance is lost,help me please
i have a code but difficulty to register
i have difficulty to register with F-SECURE CODE. i'm on the free version
Can´t stream video
On a lot of news sites, I can´t se videos with Freedome on. If I turn it off, I can see the videos. I got the message "Error ga.js not found, be sure to check if <script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js"></script> is included in the HTML. " Any solution? I´m using Safari Versjon 9.0.2 (11601.3.9) and a MacBook…
Apple Mail unable to connect to any mail server when Freedome is switched on
Hi, I use Mac OS X Version 10.11.3 with Apple Mail. While Freedome 1.1.2531.0 is switched on, Apple Mail is unable to connect to the Mailaccounts. I use the following Mailaccounts - icloud (IMAP) - Arcor (IMAP) - a personal mailserver (IMAP) - Yahoo (IMAP) The effect is reproducable. Is Freedome switched on, none of the…
Why ficolo is still hanging on?
Why is that Ficolo still in? Really annoying to reconnect all time to avoid that **bleep** bag.
Espoo (Finland) virtual location is very very slow
Espoo (Finland) virtual location is very very slow, has been already two days. Normaly I have 30/5 Mbps, now less than 1Mbps
licence code rejected
Hello I was using Freedome and had a 2 months license remaining, I received an F-S offer to buy a one year license with 30% off, I purchased it, receive a licence code from F-secure Cleverbridge by mail, this code is consistently rejected. Pls help
Freedom shuts down after 2 minutes
I have Mac OS X.11.3. Freedome shuts down on it's own after some minutes. What can I do?
Adobe CC keeps prevent my Freedome connection.
Hi, I've called many time for sovle this problem. Freedome keeps disconnect when I reboot computer. Sometime it keeps happeneing almost more than a few days. Fortunately I found the reason why, I deleted "Akamai" netsession and disabled "Adobe CC" auto running features, such as Adobe update manager and Adobe CC Things. But…
Freedome not Connecting
Have arrived in Hawaii Freedom is not connecting on two device's Ipad and Win 10 Laptop,both were working on the US West Coast without problem, I Have Reset the VNP with in the App with out any luck. Any ideals ?
Freedome running slow and causing trackpad errors OSX
Hi. I took my Mac to the Apple Store because my trackpad was randomly selecting and dragging and also I was experiencing slowness. The genius bar ran numerous hardware diagnostics and could find no faults. They advised I turned off FileVault. I have done this, but I'm still getting the same problem. Today I experienced…
No internet access with active F-Secure Freedome
No internet access with Freedoms active on 10.6" Fusion5 tablet running android 5.1.1. No VPN profile is seen in android settings. Other android devices have no problems running F-Secure Freedoms.
Freedome blocking internet access when ON
I tried to search for an answer in the community history to my problem but it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I have to say this community-style helpdesk is the worst invention ever... But my problem is - and I hope someone can help if not F-Secure - that I turned Freedome on with UK as location and my computer…
Slow speed in NA when Freedome enabled
Hi, What kind of decrease should I expect when Freedome is enabled? Using Netwrok Speed Test application I get the following perromance: w/o Freedome enbaled delay: 38ms Dl: 29.68 Mbps Ul: 10.18Mbps w Freedome enabled, connected to nearest server, but similar results with several others: delay: 84 ms Dl: 5.88 Ul: 7.1 Mbps…
VPN drops on Huawei (Android 5.0.1)
I've recently changed phone, and on the new Huawei P8 lite the VPN connection drops every time (within seconds, max. minutes) the phone is idle/locked. Freedome version is
After download Freedom I can not open the folder to install
I have download Freedom (at least 8 times), but then when I click to open the file and install, nothing happens. Any solution? Thanks!!
Could not verify your code. Please try again later.
"Could not verify your code. Please try again later." Hi, Getting this issue when trying to install on my new ipad mini, I should have at least one licences left on my 5 device subscription, also the days left appear to be different on each on my other devices (Mac, Macbook, Android and iPad2). Can someone help me with…
Freedome License Code not working
I am getting the message "This ID is not valid for this device" when I enter a multi-subscription code on my Iphone and a Windows 10 machine. I do not have a subscription via the App Store. Please advise on how to fix this. I have 3 subscriptions left on this multi-code subscription, but am unable to use them. Thank you!
cannot open freedome
Hi, I recently purchased freedome. I installed it, but when I try to open it from my applications nothing happens..?!
Freedome Fatal Error
Hey, Installed Freedome on wife's Macbook Air. A few days later it just reports: Fatal Error, Data required by Freedome is missing or corrupt, please re-install software. Reinstalling doesn't help and Freedome just crashed with a "Please send FreedomeSupportInfo.zip and full description of your problem to Freedome support…
Freedome is not accepting subscription on my 2nd android phone
I had to reset my 2nd phone. While freedome was working perfect before, after resetting it went back to 14 days trial. I have re-downloaded it on thru my google play account on which the subscription till June 2016 is valid but its still showing trial. Can someone help me please on this.
Freedome losing internet connection
Running subscription Freedome, my device reports "no internet connection". When I turn Freedome Protection off (from the blue spherical Freedome screen center) and then turn protection immediately back on the internet connection works fine for some limited time. Example: I open Spotify. I receive "no internet connection"…
Slow speed from Finland
Hi, how can I get the speed back the way it was? I live in the US and watch Finnish TV. This has worked well but for the last couple of days the speed has been very slow. I can hear audio but the picture does not play. I've reset the VPN connection. Thanks!
Mosh (Mobile shell) not working through Espoo gateway anymore
Hi, Mosh (mobile shell) doesn't work with Espoo gateway anymore. If I change to Zürich or Oslo then the connection works. I think Espoo gateway was working properly before and only problem with Mosh and Freedome was with US gateways previously. My Freedome is version 1.2.2730.0 and I'm using Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.3.
Android N Beta: Freedome does not work!
Since installing Android N beta, my VPN doesn't work. Does F-Secure have plans to resolve this?
Automatic update does not work
Hi, My Freedome client doesn't update itself. When i click "check for updates" in the menu bar, nothing happens either. Today i had version 1.1.2531.0, but i just downloaded it manually from the website again and there was a newer version: 1.3.2910.0 I've already tried removing Freedome and reinstalling but that didn't…
No internet when Freedome is turned on
Since a few days, at home freedome isn't working correctly anymore. The moment Freedome states that it's connected; the WIFI gives a exclamation sign saying 'connection limited' and thus no internet. I've tried all other virtual locations, no succes. Turning off Freedome brings back a working connection The strange thing…