Automatic update does not work
Hi, My Freedome client doesn't update itself. When i click "check for updates" in the menu bar, nothing happens either. Today i had version 1.1.2531.0, but i just downloaded it manually from the website again and there was a newer version: 1.3.2910.0 I've already tried removing Freedome and reinstalling but that didn't…
No internet when Freedome is turned on
Since a few days, at home freedome isn't working correctly anymore. The moment Freedome states that it's connected; the WIFI gives a exclamation sign saying 'connection limited' and thus no internet. I've tried all other virtual locations, no succes. Turning off Freedome brings back a working connection The strange thing…
Freedome mysteriously disappearing from menu bar
Hi, I use the new hidden menu bar feature in El Capitan. After waking my mac from sleep, the Freedome menu item is invisible. Un-hiding the menu bar in preferences and switching to the 'light theme' makes Freedome visible again. However, now it shows the inactive symbol, even though Freedome itself works fine. While this…
I installed an update to Freedome today (7th March 2016) and after that I never can get the Security on. Freedome informs for a couple of minutes that it is "Connecting..." but the connection never gets completed. The internet connection I have works well so the trouble is not in that. ???
Deactivate multi-device usage and set up on a new iPad
Hi, I have a multi-device subscription (3 devices) which is currently set up on a Windows PC, an Android Phone and an iPad. I want to deactivate my iPad subscription and set up on my new iPad. How can I go about doing this? Thanks
iOS 9, Freedome and Airplay problems
Hi! Earlier Airplay from iPhone to car audio and Apple TV worked with Freedome enabled flawlessly. I could drive hours without having any problems or need to adjust the devices. After upgrade to iOS 9 (and maybe also upgrades to Freedome App, can't really remember) same setup and devices starting having problems. First,…
.enjin sites blocked
Hey! it seems .enjin guild sites are blocked as they might be harmful, how come? Also when something is blocked that way is there any way to visit that site apart from disabling freedome/browsing protection and is there some kind of whitelist coming?
Cannot activate after updated Android OS
I can only see the window but not activare. I un installed and reinstalled, with boot included, and behavior is the same. What can I do?
Belgian location in Holland?
Hello, When connected to the "Belgian location " I am connected to a server in Holland. (The IP address is located in Holland). Could someone verify this? Thank you.
Subscription is not synced between devices
Hi, On my PC it says that I have 245 days left on my license. I have entered the very same code on my iPhone when I bought the license. However, now my iPhone says that the license ends tomorrow and when I re-enter the licens it says that I've already entered it. What should I do? I only have these two devices.
New install, no internet connection when Freedome turned on
I just installed my free trial of Freedome. It installed without errors. As soon as I turn it on, I get a message saying that information is encrypted but my wireless connection shows 'No Internet Connection' and I can't open any web pages. I have tried several different servers, samething. I have another pc that uses…
Issues with the Swedish node
Speed does not seem to be an issue for me anymore with the node (hence I make a new thread since that one is made purly for the speed issue) BUT I cannot access certain sites nor play some games with a connection to the Swedish node. Examples include the game DCUO and their sites dcuniverseonline.com and daybreakgames.com…
code freedome lost
hi i lost my code freedome i can to receive it? thx and sorry for my bad english EDIT: Removed payment information
How to cancel Freedome subscription?
I bought an 1-year subscription for Freedome? I've already sent two messages to techincal support with this question. There was no answer and I couldn't find any automatic way to do this.
My Freedome subscription code is lost
My Freedome subscription code is lost. No when I reinstalled Windows on one computer I can´t activate. I do´n´t think I got a mail or something.And neithher remember whick of my 20 mail accounts I´ve used. But I remeber the screen showed the code. I should have taken a print screen. I have a bank account recipt and a print…
cant find code to use freedome on other devices
Hi(: I paid for a subscription for freedome, but can't find a way to use it on my other android phones. Could you please help?
Android TV
When there is Freedome available on PlayStore for Android TV's?
Freedome says "connecting" and nothing more. It doesn't matter which location is set. I'm using WIN 10 X64 and Freedome 1.00.2246.0. Ip address is not hidden. Tried to update but that didn't help.
Problem solved thank you
Problem solved.
Freedome on Linux and Windows Phone ?
Are there any Freedome version for Linux and Windows Phone ?
Freedome license
Dear All, Can anybody tell me how to buy one F-Secure Freedome license for my windows pc.? Thanks
DNS Leak
When am using ur app I see a DNS Leaking maybe there is a Loophole could u check this problem please??
Tracker Mapper
Hi guys from Freedom World! After along use of Freedom I noticed that there is a feature "Tracker Mapper" I was so exited to see what it is, but really I didn't used after the first time. Why ??!! Because it is so hard for me to "every 24 hours open it and open again and again" for me the best is to make a normal list of…
programme wont open to add purchase code
I have an expired install of freedome. Today I purchase a 1 year subscription. Opened programme to add my purchase code. I get a message saying that trial has ended as I expected. I click to subscribe. Programme closes and then nothing happens. Absolutely nothing, no new window opens. I have uninstalled the programme,…
How your VPN can be a front door access to your system.....................
Hello, I recently read an article in MRG Effitas and I was quite worried !!! I wanted to understand in detail what makes the F-Secure to avoid such problems !! This is something of great concern to me, because I had the idea that my VPN connection was« inviolable» !!!…
Tramsfer license from android device to another android device
Hi, I bought 3pcs Freedome license from your Black Friday offer in last year. I've installed it on three devices: my mobile, my tablet and my media player. However now my tablet went broken and I bought a new one and of course I cannot use Freedome on the new device because the old one has reserved the one of the licenses.…
Vpn isnt working
My freedom vpn doesn't work on my computer and rarely on my phone and this is a big problem as I am studying in china for months. What is the solution? Thanks for your help
Just bought a license for 5 items
I already had a license for my iPhone and then a bought a license for 5 items. I try to enter the new license on my iPhone but I just get an error message telling me that the license are not valid on my iPhone. The old license on my iPhone is valid until the end of May. But I want to use my new license.
What happened to P2P Support
Hi Admins! I have some problems using P2P feature Not Working Completely Even 1 KB is not transfered [Download or Upload] We hope you check it?? Info: Windows: 10 Clients: Vuze, Utorrent , ... No Connection Problems
F-Secure's techical support
I've made THREE separate reclamations to F-secure's technical support regarding program problems without receiving any answer. I'm very dissapointed in the arrogancy of the company & suggest everybody else to avoid this company in the future, because there is alternatives which respect their customers & whose products are…