is another way to fix freedome after losing connection besides restarting computer?

Hello ry4n314,
Regarding your issue, does the interruption happen randomly? If there is no connection, does Freedome show any error message?
What location does Freedome connect to when lost the connection? Have you tried to change the location and see if the Freedome connection is restored?
Regarding your issue, does the interruption happen randomly? yes, as far as i've been able to tell. I don't k now when exactly it gets disconnected until i use chrome and that page is returned.
If there is no connection, does Freedome show any error message? - no, on main screen that blue light circles endlessly.
What location does Freedome connect to when lost the connection? us - southeas and us south
Have you tried to change the location and see if the Freedome connection is restored? yes, like said above the blue light just circles .
Hi ry4n314,
Kindly ensure there is no other default VPN program installed on your Windows 10 too, please check if you current Anti virus program has any VPN program installed together since this might cause the problem too.
And are you currently logged in under Administrator account on your computer now?
Thank you.
Hi ry4n314,
Sorry to hear about your trouble! Could you please open a support ticket as our support team would be able to investigate further on this issue and please include the Freedome Log as well.
Thank you.