Some major sites like Twitter get blocked when Freedome is on
For example Twitter.com and Cosmopolitan.com don't load (error: can't find server), seems like a DNS problem since tracert can't resolve them either. Tried from different locations and turning off browsing and tracking protection. Running Windows 10, 64bit. Edit: Seems to have been caused by the DDOS attack. Everything's…
P2P freeze internet.
Hi, when i got p2p download without freedome i get 10MB/s download speed; when freedome turned on i might get speed at the start up to 4-5MB/s but then it starts to drop and i mean drop to a freeze. Cannot get youtube to load anything, cannot even get to google.com while p2p (utorrent) is on. When i stop p2p i once again…
F-securite program broblem to load that to a laptop
Hi I have a broblems to load Dna securite packets to my lap top. I have got a massage that some files is named wrong? What can I do? Thank you Pauliina
Licence transfer from one iPhone to another
Hello, I have five device licence for Freedome. I broke my iPhone and got a new one, but I cannot activate Freedome as all licences are used. And because the old iPhone has its screen broken, I cannot deactivate it to free a slot. How should I proceed in order to benefit from all five licences?
No internet connection when Freedome is activated
Freedome v. 1.7.3413.0 win used on Desktop PC win7 and Laptop win10 when Freedome is activated, the internet and LAN connection is cut off when Freedome is off, all connections working Ethernet-Adapter FreedomeVPNConnection Status shown: Medium disconnected Internet access through Cable-Modem CISCO 3208G
Renew order
Hi. My order expires in a week. Can I renew my order before it ends? I payed via googleplay.
very poor bandwith
im now testing f-secure freedome, i have tested 3 or 4 different VPN services, all with the same problem.. i only get 10/10mbit out of 100/100mbit with VPN on, i have tried all i can to solve this. but not getting anywhere. someone know what i can do?
Campaign name
Hello i can not activate my code, i have a code card from notebooksbillger.de What do i have to do ? The code nummber is okay but the campaign name not. Greetings from Germany Belinda
Freedome 3 device subscription issue with replacement phone
Hi, I have 3 device subscription for Freedome, and my faulty iPhone was recently replaced. I'm unable to use my previous code on the replacement iPhone, and I get and error message stating I have reached the maximum number of installations for my subscription. Is it possible to release the previous code, so I can use it…
F-Secure on PC
Is it usefull to have F-Secure on Windows 10 PC with Eset Smart Security ? Martinnn
Freedome prompts uninstall, reinstall made me lose Freedome on both phones
I received an error message on a MacBook Pro prompting me for uninstallation/reinstall. After browsing the forum, it seemed the best option. I did so, transferred a licence in order to get it working again. After that, I lost my licence on my iPhone, and my fiancé his as well. This seems unfair as I encountered a problem…
Unusual traffic when using F-secure Freedom, forced to connect to Finland
When I connect to Paris, London and Milan (I have not tried other locations) I cannot search using Google Chrome. I have a mesaage 'Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network' and need to fill a CAPTCHA again and again, infinitely..Except if I connect to Espoo. Could you please help?
Hi! My freedome secure give me this message after a few minutes: "There was a problem connecting to the server Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our Support." What to do? Tried to reinstall all start computer again. Nothing helps. It on a mac.
Rai - Italian public tv
I used freedome to watch the Italian public TV (Rai). Since yesterday It seems that the app doesn't let me use vpn anymore (no direct message, but it behaves like it knows I'm on vpn and doesn't show the live channels). Could anyone check this? If this is the case, this software will become less than useless for me.
How can i change the account from my old Iphone to my new one?
New Iphone, already 3 devices are set. Problem, old IPhone is brocken and i cant use the display anymore
local http server
Hi, When Freedom is ON I can't acces to my local http server (port 8081) client and server are on the same local network 192.168.xxx.xxx
Applications issue when switching off Freedome
After installing the latest update I encountered an issue when turning off F-Secure Freedome. Namely both my One Drive accounts cannot connect as well as Abode Creative Cloud. Everything seems to be fine, Ethernet connection easily connect the Inteernet.Only does apps produce an error. I've checked you r advice and after…
How i Connect my freedom access to another android device?
How i Connect my freedom access to another android device? I buy already for 1 year 3 devices
Freedome connection protocol
Hello, I want to know what is the protocol used by Freedome (SSTP, L2TP ... ) And what are the ports used for the connection. All the best
Network connection issue with Android 6.0.1 when Freedome is turned on
I do not have Internet connection when f-secure protection is On on my Samsung Galaxy tab S2 (SM-T815), Android 6.0.1. F-secure ver. On the same network: I'm connecting successfully, f-secure protection on, on my Samsung phone (SM-N9005/Galaxy Note 3), Android 5.0. F-secure ver. Thank you for any…
Freedome mac app
It would be nice if you could close Freedome window and the app would continue running in the task bar. Also when I wake macbook from sleep I have to turn wifi off and on again to get internet/freedome working.
Is BBC now blocking iPlayer access to Freedome users?
Since yesterday (6th October) I have been unable to access the BBC iPlayer from France via Freedome running on my MacBook. Is this a known issue? Some details: I am running Mac OS Sierra and Freedome 1.6.3289.0 The same issue occurs using both Firefox and Safari I am not aware of any changes/updates to my configuration…
I can't open freedome.exe
I downloaded the freedome.exe but when I clicked on it to open it, it (the F-Secure Freedome Installer GUI) just shows up a white space and that's all I see. What do I do to fix this? I'm on Windows 10. Thanks.
Freedom is not aloud by Netflix to make a connection to her server
Hello everyone, I have tried to make a connection with Netflix Netherland. I got a message " you are using a proxy or a unblocker" . I have tried it several times, restarting the computer, delete all markers but nothing helps. I know that Netflix is started to block all Internet access feed by proxy's and unblockers. There…
Intermittent Disconnects
I'm having an issue on Windows 10 losing internet connectivity while using Freedome. If I'm connected to the internet and enable Freedome, things will work fine for a while (usually from 10 minutes to an hour or two). After this initial period, pages will stop loading and my browser tells me I'm not connected to the…
Delete devices off subscription
Hi, I have 3 device license. I installed it on my iphone and then tried my work computer. I would like to manage the devices, how do I do that? But I cannot log into any portal as I was never asked to set up any password when ordering the subscription. Thanks, Tash
New phone transfer not prompted
I have just purchased a new phone and installed Freedome ( I have 12 months on 3 devices purchased via Cleverbridge). The new phone is stating "You have reached the maximum number of installations with this code. Please make a new purchase to extend your Freedome subscription" All I want to do is transfer usage from the…
Blocked web site.
Why does F-Secure Freedome block the website www.MajorGeeks.com ? This is and always has been a legit site.
Freedome doesn't work anymore after windows 10 update
Hi, after a windows 10 update yesterday, freedome doesn't work anymore. I've reinstalled windows 10, then I uninstalled and resintalled freedome but it did not work. Each time I recevie the following message error: Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags(), depthBufferSize 24,…
Trouble with freedome and netflix
Got the license for three devices with my friend, for her it works on netflix for me it doesn't. Is there a reason why it doesn't work for me? She's running a mac and i've got windows x as my operating system. Tried switching browsers and it doesn't work in any. Is there going to be a solution to this problem soon, i can't…