Does not change my ip
I'm new to computers and interested in keeping my searches and internet use to myself. I've read about f-secure here and decided to dive it a try. So, I've been very satisfied with it. However, when I visit various "what is my ip" sites they display my real geo-location or actual internet provider’s address. Is this…
Freedome with Apple TV
I would like to used Freedom with Apple TV (3 and/or 4). Is this possible now or in the future? At least Apple TV 4 should support seperate apps from app store if nothing else is possible. Regards lakend
I cant conect to Netflix it says I am using unblocker or proxy.
Can anobody help me ?
freedom vpn stops working
windows 10, freedom vğn stops working. Have to open task manager, stop the freedom from programs. Then when restarting, have to enter the subscription code again.
Freedom VPN not working on ANY devices
Freedom says it connects to a certain place but then I am blocked from content due to Geo codes for that area. This is happening on both my computers and all of my tablets.
Why does Freedome break my WordPress Admin icons and images?
I help to maintain a WordPress site running on wpengine.com. Yesterday I noticed when I went into my WordPress Admin panel to do some maintenance that some icons and/or images within the Admin panel were displaying as broken... I verified the icons are being affected by Freedome by turning off the VPN tool and reloading…
Subscription has expired on mobile device - butI have paid for an annual subscription
I bought a multi-platform Freedome subscription a few weeks back. On my Mac the software works fine and according to the "Subscription" tab it is active until Oct 2017. However, on my iPhone, the subscription has suddenly expired. Message: "EXPIRED Your subscription has expired. To renew your subscription, please contact…
Release freedoms license
Hi, I have freedome installed and using a license on a laptop that has broken and cannot be repaired. How can I release the license so I can use it on my iPad instead?
Possible to prevent kids switching off the Freedome?
Hi. Is it possible to prevent kids switching off Freedome application in iPhone 5S or on iPhone 4?
Hello, I purchased a subscription/license that allows me to have several devices on Freedome. Yet when I tried to install it on a tablet I purchased, I keep getting a "No licenses available" message! Why is this? I feel taken advantage of, since I paid for multiple licenses and have Freedome installed on ONE device! EDIT:…
IPv6 leak?
Hi All, I've been testing Freedome's security using tools found in the following articles... VNP Leaks, Is your VPN Secure. (I know a little knowledge is a dangerous thing but...) Freedome passed all the tests I used (DNS Leak, Tor, Email, WebRTC, IP etc...) apart from 1. The IPv6 leak test from…
Opera Max and Freedome
Has anybody any experience with Freedome and Opeara max? My understanding is that Opera Max would create a VPN connection and does not do that if Freedome is creating the VPN. The claimed benefit of Opera Max is saving in transferred data like some 200 megs when playing an one hour recorded video from Elisa Viihde. Is it…
Set up on Laptop but how do I get also on phone?
New problem - although I will probably go to other VPN as I see this one not even in top 10 reviewed. Basically there is no service, no Chat Line, not even a Contact Us. I have this VPN on my laptop but don't know how to also put it on my phone. I wanted to find technical guff as well to compare how fast it is to say Nord…
Freedome App bypass
Freedome VPN will not connect when bypassing apps such as Netflix etc. Not only will it stop working but requires a "REBOOT" before any " CONNECTIVITY" can be established "WITHOUT" the bypass. Uninstall, reinstall etc have been tried. OS Android 6.0 and 6.01 phone and tablets - all have most current updates available
Malware/Trojan found on Android Samsung SSlibrary - further information/how to disinfect phone?
Hi, I got notification on by Freedome on my Samsung Note 5 (Android 6.0.1) about Infected app (SSlibrary with Trojan: Android/Moavt.4da88a2ab7!Online) but I could not find any further information on this trojan from your web site nor how to deal with this? Br Juzu
Unidentified Network
Hello! Just purchased the F-Secure total security package, and am loving it! However, Freedome has started acting weird after my computer restarted this afternoon. The FreedomeVPNConnection is now listed as "unidentified" and some of my programs are unable to speak to their respected servers. thus I am unable to…
map network drive blocked
How do I get access to my map network drive, it is blocked when freedome is turned on.
F-Secure Key after Reset of Unit
I'm using a macbook and I need to reset my unit but I don't have a copy of the promotional key I used to activate my F-Secure Freedome subscription. I have an active subscription until April 2017 but I assume I won't be able to reinstall that subscription after reset without the key. Is there a way to pull the key from my…
Freedome VPN Network Config
Hi All, Im running Windows 10 Pro... I installed Hyper-V and created a virtual switch using Freedome but Freedome stopped working, I sorted this with help from the community by re-enabling IPv6 in the Freedome VPN Connection... Since then I witnessed that a lot of traffic wasn't going through the VPN connection... So I…
Virtual Machine setup / best practice and Freedome VPN
Hi, I'm wanting to install a virtual machine on Windows 10 Pro with Freedome already installed, I've enabling Hyper-V, after setting up the external virtual network Freedome stops working... How can I install and configure either Hyper-V or Virtual-Box successfully? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks aM0nk3yboy
iPlayer not working
Hi, I got a subscription today to discover that iplayer won't work with the VPN. Any ideas how to solve that? Being able to use iplayer was the reason for signing up in the first place. simon
Wifi direct to tv not working when freedome on
Could someone please tell me how to get freedome to allow my wifi direct from tablet to tv to work. It connects fine but stops working as soon as freedome is turned on. TV is sony Bravia and tablet is samsung Thanks
Can I opt for monthly and assuming I have no problems change to the annual pricing?
Freedome 3 seat licensing
I bought 3seat license, and activate those like this: 1. iPhone using Apple ID: X to get software 2. iMac using Apple ID: X to get software 3. iMAc using Apple ID: X(Y) to get software (same computer as in step2. but different user, and the software was installed thru Apple ID:X) (4. iPhone using Apple ID: Y to get…
Does Freedome hide my Phone on wifi?
Hello. When i surf on my phone on my works wi-fi, can they see its me if I use freedome? Or does freedome hide me?
Install via Remote Desktop
Hi there How do i start Freedome on a server via Remote Desktop? I could easily install it, but when starting it to configure it, it complains about OpenGL drivers missing (due to Remote Desktop). I really wonder why a VPN need's opengl drivers. Please help, would be quite a job to get a monitor/keyboard to the machine.
Top up my subscription.
So, I have subscribtion that is active till aprill 2017 via coupon. Today I bought a 1 year more (Black friday offer). There is no possibility to add any codes to my vpn client due to fact it is active. What to do?
Factory reset a iOS device and require to release a used license
Please could you assist me in re-activating my Freedome for iOS 10.1.1. I had to perform a factory reset on my previous iOS version. Receive the message "You have reached the maximum number of installations with your subscription."
Subscription code not working
Hi! I just baught a code but it's not working. Get error messade when I type it in.
Freedome closes wifi
After two days of using the free trial on my ipad, suddenly freedome will not turn on. When wifi is on with a good signal, and I try to turn on Freedome, it turns wifi off and is therefore not able to access the server. It worked fine yesterday, but now it does not respond, not even after several reinstalls. What to do?