Fatal Error
Hello! I updated my Freedome and it started complaining about a fatal error. I contacted support and I was adviced to unistall my Freedome and try installing it again. The problem now is that when I try logging in with my subscription code it won't accept it. The computer is still the same one I downloaded the program to…
Help page Feedback not working
Hello E-mail feedback on help page is not working by trying I get the following message Sending email failed Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed I'm using Thunderbird and it is working fine with and without Freedome
proxy un block
You seem to be using a proxy or unblocker" Rip Netflix makes it impossible to stream outside my own region. What to do? Bjorn
Entered new job, received new devices and faced maximum number of installations
I recently moved to work for another employer and therefore received a new computer, new iPhone and also bought an iPad. I can't activate Freedome on the new devices since I've reached maximum number of installations. I've bought Freedome for 5 devices. I have installed Freedome roughly on 6-7 different devices, but don't…
Freedome sounds
Hi, Why there are no options to turn sounds off? I would like to keep prompts about connections but I hate that blimb that is always played when freedome establishing secured connection.
New phone
Hi, I have a Freedome license for 3 devices, and have it installed on Android phone + 2 x PC's. I have a new Android smartphone. Old one has been wiped. Installing Freedome on new phone I was given an option to transfer a licecse, which I accepted. It seems to have used a licese from one of my PC's, so I'm no unprotected!…
Installation on hp elitebook 2530 win 7 home premium
When I install it and start i t the first time I get theScreen with the big cirkel on or off. It is on off but when I press nothing happens. I gor a symbol in the activity field, and when I press this one I get a small white rectangel up left on the monitor.If I restart the program I only get the symbol in the activity…
Impossible to connect Freedome
Hello, I just bought a 1 year subscription to Freedome. It'w working on my Iphone and my Ipad, but when I try on my Mac it's connecting, and after 30 sec trying to connect it just tells my that it's not working anymore. What should I do ? Thank you
Licence Check(Freedome),old my.f-secure.com user
How do i check(From Gui) which type of subscription i have and how many installation i have left(if any) and what are the devices they have been applied to?
Does freedome prevent arp attacks
I know some securty porducts provies arp protection. Does freedome also have similar functions?
IOs no connection to local devices
Hello, According to this article I should be able to connect to my local devices while freedome turned on on iOS: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Can-I-connect-to-my-local/ta-p/82003 Unfortunately while It works as described with the Android version (after setting my trusted network), it does not work on IOs…
Are there more VPN locations coming anytime soon?
Hello! I originally chose to get Freedome because I needed to access some Finnish TV shows from Estonia. However, I'm currently in Finland and now I would like to access some Estonian content which is limited So is there any change that Freedome maybe adding more VPN locations, such as Estonia anytime soon? I have used the…
Subscription not working on my other android device
I've just purchased the 1-month fixed term subscription from Google Play on my phone and it works from my phone. However, when I start the app on my other android tablet, it tells me "upgrade to full protection". When I then go to the subscription page and tap on the 1-month fixed term subscription, I get the message…
Activate license on a new phone
I have a Freedom license which is activated on 3 deviced (Iphone 5, Ipad, Laptop Win 10). I recently changed my Iphone 5 to Iphone 6s. How can I transfer the license from my old phone to my new one?
Mac OS - Block internet access when VPN not connected
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to block internet access totally when the VPN is not enabled on Mac OS? The issue is that, if the mac goes to sleep, you log back on, the VPN has disconnected and takes a while to connect. Sometimes you can forget and start browsing outside the VPN. I wanted a way to restrict access so…
Error when accessing google scholar
Hi, When I accessed http://scholar.google.com/ using Freedome (v 1.7.3413.0) on Mac, the website always showed this message: "We're sorry...... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. See Google Help for more information." Is it possible…
Freedome for iPad - Netflix
I just bought new iPad and installed freedome but it is blocking my Netflix. I have a US Netflix account and my VPN location is set to US (West coast) but the VPN still blocks any Netflix streaming with a pop up message 'proxy block or something ..' I have the same set up on my Nexus 6P and don't have this issue. Any help…
Freedome updates say trial period expired but I'm an Elite member
The message asks if I have a key but when I provide the key it rejects it as invalid. Cancelling the message doesn't seem to affect Freedom operation but I'm concerned the updates aren't installed. Platform info: Win7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit OS PC: Alienware R17, 16 GB memory, Intel Core (TM) i7-4710MQ @ 2.5GHz
When Freedom is ON, internet connection disappears on iOS 10
Hello, I have a Freedom subscription, version No problem with my PC laptop (Windows 10). With my iPad (iOS 10.0.2) however, it worked ok at first, then the quality of the connection dropped (pixelized tv-image), then it become difficult to get VPN turned on, and now when I get it on, I loose internet connection…
Freedome Subscription Problem
Like others from this past thread: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/freedome-subscription-problem/td-p/68719, I can no longer connect to Freedome. I had to reinstall twice because of problems on my laptop (I'm just using it on the one device), and now my subscription says Expired, even though I've only used it…
comcast vocher code
I am trying to subscribe to your vpn client, with code given by comcast and I get error message. You have reached maximum number of installations. This first time trying. Any help would be nice. freedome Windows 10 X86_64 Intel Thanks Cliff
No internet connection
Hello, I am regularly facing an issue with internet connection, which is not available. Only solution I found is to uninstall the network card and restart. Very annoying and time consuming. Windows 7 premium family SP1 TAP driver version Thank you for any support.
Freedome turns on and off several times during session
Recently it seems that Freedome is all the time dropping out, and then reestablishes the connection. This is very annoying, especially when trying to watch a movie. I use a Microsoft Surface with Windows 10, all updates made. But my wife also has the same problem on her HP laptop, also with W10. The issue occurs both in…
upgrade to 5 units
I bought Freedom for one unit, but would like to Upgrade to 5 units. How shall I do that in Itunes?? Michael
Can't reach web address
Hi, I wonder why I can’t reach this page: http://www.extmatrix.com/ if I connect via your Danish or Swedish server, but have no problems, if I connect via your German, Norwegian og Finnish servers. This is via different browsers on Windows 10 and F-Secure Freedome
Windows 10 connection not working after restart
If Freedome is connected when you close Windows 10, there is no internet connectivity after rebooting. The only connection that can be made is Freedome itself, after which the internet will work again through the VPN. You can then also switch the VPN back off, and everything is back to normal. This means that if you keep…
No License available - Freedome
I have purchased the Freedome 3 device 12 month subscription and when launching Freedome it asks me to login, when I do I get the No Licenses Available error. I am unable to use Freedome. I have tried uninstalling using the uninstall tool and reinstalling and get the same error again and agin. Thank you.
IP is treated by Google as being in Germany
The IP address is supposed to be in Miami. But, Google thinks it is in Germany, so any Google service displays in German.
With freedome turned on I cannot get access to any internet at all
as above
VPN connection fails repeatedly (iOS) [Solved]
Hi, I repeatedly get this error when using Freedome for iOS. What's going on? I've reinstalled the app and restarted the phone. I have also removed VPN configurations from the Settings page and re-added them but it did not resolve the issue. I've tried multiple locations, e.g. Stockholm, London and Montreal. EDIT - Solved…