Freedome doesn`t work with Samsung Galaxy S6 Android
Hi, if I turn on the freedome protection, internet stops working completely. What could be the problem? Andoid version is 6.0.1
refund please
this product does not seem to work. i cannot watch british catch up tv or get on the national lottery website. it also slows my internet speed from 300mbs to 15mbs. i would therefor be grateful if you could let me know how to get my money back stevew
freedome app closes by itself on Mac
I have been using Freedome over a year on my Mac (Yosemite 10.10.5 on MBP retina), and during past couple of months noticed tendency for the application to close itself without any known reason. No error message, no nothing, app just closed and VPN off. When re-start app it works normally, until at some point closes itself…
Can not use my code
I buy a code for F-secure freedome yesterday, and can not use it? Dont know where I need to use it, have try those places I can find? If I try under my F-Secure I need a name from a card or a box, and I got the code on mail with out a campaign name. PLEASE HELP. Annika
xfinity code is invalid
Malware Scanning
Hi- Please can someone from the F-Secure staff please confirm whether Freedome scans incoming Internet traffic for malware ? If so, presumably it uses the same malware definitions as the F-seure anti-virus products ? Is this correct ?
Freedome and Flash Player for Windows10
Hi, since I downloaded the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 I have no access to the internet using Freedome. After having deleted Flash Player everything works again. Is there someone who has an idea how one can fix that problem? Thank you!
Google captcha
For the last three weeks, I'm unable to perform Google Searches when using Freedom for my preferred location since I'm always asked to prove that I'm not a robot. The bad thing is that no matter how many time I fill the captcha, I'm always requested to write the text again and again and again. In other words, I'm unable to…
so slow
Hej When I download a movie without vpn activated it takes 3 minutes ... With vpn activated - several hours is this normal??
Does F-Secure slows down STEAM downloads?
When I have Freedome enabled STEAM only will download my games with about 74 to 100 kbits/sec. Also visiting websites while Steam is running with Freedome enabled is extremely slowed down. I used another VPN Software and there STEAM works fine - so I guess it is not Steam that is slowing sown network traffic using a VPN…
Transfer to new PC please
Hy guys, my old UX31A has some issues with overheating, so I've bought a new Razer Blade Stealth. I'd like to deactive Freedome on the old ASUS and continue my subscrition on the Razer. I for some reason cannot seem to find an obvious way to do this. Can you guys please help me ASAP? I don't see an e-mail address for…
Where is my subscription key?
Hi, I bought Freedome 3 device license. And immediately used the key displayed on the screen to activate a trial version. I got no invoice, or any other documentation with the keycode on it. No I want to install FD on two other devices but have no record of the kycode. How do I recover it? Thanks, OW
Purchased subscription for Freedome but code does not work.
Some time ago I used the 30 day trial subscription for Freedome. I now purchased a 12 month subscription and went to the Subscription tab, clicked Have a code? and entered the code I had received. I then get an error message saying "Could not verify your code. Please try again later." I have a Mac and this is the only…
30 day trial expiration overwrited 1 year license?
Hi, I bought 1 year / 3 device license and activated it on 3 computers. two which previously had a 30 day trial and one that didn't. Even though the computers were registered with 365 days license they expired after 30 days (I assume overwriting license expiration date with the trial) the only computer that didn't have a…
Stopped working
Hi, around 2 months ago f-secure FREEDOME VPN stopped working on my daughter's kindly, around 2-3 weeks ago also on my kindle. I found an e-mail informing in October that my abonnement is about to expire. So I bought a new abonnement for 5 devices. However, I cannot enter the new code as on all devices I am informed that…
5 devices
Hi, if I buy 5 devices, 1 year, would it be possible to install Freedome on 5 different iPad that all have different Apple ID? Also, could I easy transfere one user account from one iPad to another within thai 1 year, if I buy a new iPad? kenguru
Reached maximum number of installations with the code
Hello, I use VPN Freedom on my mac and PC. (So only 2 devices, i think i have a 3 devices subscription) And i dont know why but every X days, the subscription/account/code is removed from the app... I always have to copy paste the code again and again. This morning I tried to activate the app again and I got a message:…
email service issues through German VPN location
For the last days, I'm having issues communicating with my mail-accounts (3 physically different server locations in Germany: GMX, 1&1 and one public university), both rending and receiving, if freedome is connected to Falkenstein/Germany. If I disconnect or even if I simply change the location, e.g. to Copenhagen, the…
not working
I got Freedom installed also on my adroid cell phone. Now I got the warning that a paket-installer is very risky. But I'm also told that it is a part of the android system. it's called riskware:Android/Fakeangry.6dfe5555f4!online A uninstallation is not possible. How should I go around with that problem?
Freedome (1.73413.0) not starting on Win 10; no issues with the same version on Win 7
Hi everbody, My Freedome does not start on Win 10 (clicking on the taskbar icon brings up the program but there is no response whatsoever when I click on the big circle to start protection; separately, clicking on the desktop shortcut results in absolutely nothing). Resinstalling brings everything back to normal (both the…
My subscription code dosent work
Hi, I have payed for freedome and got my code in the mail. I go to the subscription as it was described in the mail, and out in my code. But nothing happens. Also tryed to log in thru the program but that didnt work either. so what do i do?
Mac OS Freedome, what traffic is through the VPN tunnel?
Hello, I'm new to Freedome, need to admit. I installed Mac OS client to the latest Sierra OS release. I opened my Tidal and Airfoil clients for streaming. Airfoil can still find stereos from my WiFi 10.x.x.x network and streams the music, even if Freedome client is ON. This brings a question to me head that what traffic…
Renewal on PC: do you receive a new code?
Hi! when I renew my subscription (5 devices) do I get a new code that must be entered on all devices? Or is the subscription extended without needing to input a new code? I am asking because I don't want one of the device owners to get a free ride (no longer friends hehe). Cheers, M
subscription renewal 1 year
Hello, I need to renew my subscription and I see I'm going BENEFIT 3 months aditional for freedom of the anniversary on mac but when I click on the link nothing happens!!! Then how I must do to qualify for this promotion? Thank you Dom
Freedome subscription reset
Hello, I have switched my andriod annaul subscription to a key subscription, and since my phones broke down and replaced with new one, I wonder if I can tansfer my previous key to the newone, as I think most of my keys are being used. If yes, please advise for the procedures, many thanks! KF
How to "lock" into an older version of Freedome
I ran into "OpenGL 2.0 missing" error that prevented starting Freedome in an older laptop, where there isn't OpenGL 2.0 support available (in Win10?) for the graphics card. Running an older version of Freedome (1.0.1842.0) solved the case. I've found no obvious differences in functionality between this older version and a…
With Outlook 2016, I can not receive email, and send as F-Secure freedom is on
With Outlook 2016, I can not receive email, and send as F-Secure freedom is on. Incoming mail is set to port 993 - SSL and outgoing mail is set to port 587 - automatically. These settings are in line with my provider Ziggo.nl
Fatal Error
Hello! I updated my Freedome and it started complaining about a fatal error. I contacted support and I was adviced to unistall my Freedome and try installing it again. The problem now is that when I try logging in with my subscription code it won't accept it. The computer is still the same one I downloaded the program to…
Help page Feedback not working
Hello E-mail feedback on help page is not working by trying I get the following message Sending email failed Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed I'm using Thunderbird and it is working fine with and without Freedome