Expired Freedome blocking webpages

Kaznomad Posts: 3 New Member

My subscription to Freedome has expired but my F Secure Safe still has some time to run. I sent an e mail asking if I could combine the subscriptions or if there is a better option.

Meanwhile Freedome is blocking my internet access. I cannot open a web page from a link in Mail as all I get is the Freedome renew subscription page. I find this extremely annoying and intrusive and may just remove the application totally.


  • Hi Kaznomad,


    If Freedome is expired, it won't be turned on. If Freedome is off, the features are also off.


    Could it be possible that the blocking is from SAFE? Are you able to open the same webpage by copy pasting the link? Or trying to open it in a different browser?




  • Kaznomad
    Kaznomad Posts: 3 New Member

    Why should Safe cause a Freedome  subscription renewal page to come up every time I try to open a web page? I only have one browser on my devices and I should not have this hassle just because my subscription ran out. I would renew but I sent an enquiry asking if I could combine my subscriptions for Safe and Freedome or if there is a better alternative. No reply yet!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Kaznomad wrote:

    Why should Safe cause a Freedome  subscription renewal page to come up every time I try to open a web page? I only have one browser on my devices and I should not have this hassle just because my subscription ran out. I would renew but I sent an enquiry asking if I could combine my subscriptions for Safe and Freedome or if there is a better alternative. No reply yet!

    Sorry for my reply.


    I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions); Just interesting...


    But how it looks?!


    --> Your Freedome is expired (disabled/turned off);

    --> You do open your browser and 'under address-bar' type something like "https://google.no" and hit "Enter"; Browser do not open Google Search, but do open "renewal page" for Freedome?


    Or what steps will trigger 'renewal page'? OR what 'link from your Mail' (if this is not a critical URL with specific keys/hashes under parameters) -- does it letter from F-Secure? 

    About your main concern: there is available 'F-Secure Total'-solution/package (F-Secure SAFE + F-Secure FREEDOME subscriptions in one subscription): https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-TOTAL/tkb-p/total_en

    But not clear about any options to 'smoothly' switch to such solution from Freedome/SAFE (with common meanings); So probably -> answer for your ask is required anyway;

  • Kaznomad
    Kaznomad Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks for your response. The problem seems to have resolved itself so now I just have to decide on what to do with the renewal. It would have been nice if I had got a response to my enquiry. In the past i have found them helpful but nothing so far. I use the varioius locations in Freedome a lot so i guess I will renew but Safe still has some time left on it.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Kaznomad wrote:

    Thanks for your response. The problem seems to have resolved itself so now I just have to decide on what to do with the renewal. It would have been nice if I had got a response to my enquiry. In the past i have found them helpful but nothing so far. I use the varioius locations in Freedome a lot so i guess I will renew but Safe still has some time left on it.

    Some unofficial suggestions:



    If your license/subscription's provider is F-Secure directly: maybe it possible to use direct F-Secure Support Channels (like chat/phone).


    this is "home_global"-website and your local website can be with another view for "chat-available-status";


    If your experience not about such steps already, of course; Maybe other channels can be with delay (?! some certain workdays) or not valid anymore.


    Good to receive official clarification, but my own feelings about next view:

    --> if you with experience about both solutions (F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure Freedome) -> maybe good to look for "F-Secure TOTAL".



    --> even your SAFE license will be still available some days (?!) - maybe it can be an option;

    Because (I did not re-check it) probably such subscription (Total-package) will be with less price than two subscriptions (SAFE and Freedome packages);

    But based on how many days with your current SAFE subscription available; AND some potential troublemeanings with "Account"-handling (since good to save your one for SAFE, as example);

    Maybe it possible to re-check Knowledgebase article for Total until official response;

    also available such articles:

    --> https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-TOTAL/Upgrading-from-F-Secure-SAFE-to/ta-p/86313

    --> https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-TOTAL/Upgrading-with-a-box-code-from-F/ta-p/98191


    Where description for potential 'upgrade' from SAFE to TOTAL (retail-based or web-store-based purchase); What can be as potential 'designed' step for 'renew' SAFE to TOTAL by upgrade subscription-package; For your situation it means something like -> good to upgrade/renew SAFE to TOTAL (while direct Freedome 'upgrade to TOTAL' is not noted).


  • Hi Kaznomad,


    As Ukko has suggested, have you got in touch with our support team via chat or phone? May I know if your email was in response to any support case? We have our support team available via chat or phone option.

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