Recover a lost product subscription key
I have lost my subscription key. How can you help?
Recover a lost product subscription key
Hi Laksh. I have the same issue: lost the code e-mail. Could you help, please? EDIT: Title
Subscription Issues on laptop Win 7
I apologize in advance as this is a fairly complicated story I'm having trouble explaining even to myself. Last December I ordered freedome vpn multiplatform. I put in on my tablet but had some issue with my phone. Here is the topic I submitted last December:…
No connection after waking from idle (iPhone 7)
Hi, I permanently have the problem that if I turn on my iPhone after being idle and use an application which tries to connect to the internet, there is no connection at all.... The VPN sign doens't show up on the display but there obviously IS an LTE internet connection. If I start Freedome App then, the circle keeps…
F-Secure Freedom VPN Sony Android TV
I purchased a 12 mother subscription to F-Secure Freedom VPN to use on my Sony Android TV. I downloaded the app via Google Play Store and at first it all worked. Then the application was trying to reload its self on the tv so I removed it thinking I could re download it. Your app no longer appears in the play store when…
Release device licenses
Hi, Hi, I no longer need a VPN on my iPad Mini and would like to transfer the license to my iPad Pro. When I do this by trying to activate the Freedome Account ID code in the iOS app it says: Oops You have already used this ID on this device How do I release the previous iPad Mini device from my account so I can replace it…
Freedome herjaa taas: Vanhentunut, ota yhteys F-Secureen. This time in my i phone 6s
Whats is the matter. I have bought Safe total and its valid till 1.10.2018 for seven equipments. Safe its self works probably but freedome is once more time challanging me. I have discussed with assintance about this subject and they sent me a mail. So far i have not got any further help. Pls solve my problem.
Pay everything at once.
Hey, I want to get the F-Secure Freedome VPN. I want to pay the whole sum at once and not pay a little bit every month. In the billing screen how can i change to pay everything at once? //Fredrik.
Cancelling Freedome Multi-Platform Subscription
Hello, I am trying to cancel my Freedome multi-platform subscription. I have received an email from Cleverbridge informing me that my payment has been refunded and that I should use this support page to end the subscription. Please can you tell me how. Thank you
Where's my extra month?
Hello, I just received an e-mail from F-Secure saying my Freedome subscription is about to expire (actually, on 17 November), and that I should renew at once, and if I did, I would get an extra month free. I did renew, and entered the new subscription code, and now I'm told that it will expire on 17 November next year.…
Freedome vpn don't work at public network
Dear, i have a ipad 10.5 pro with ios 10.3.3 and have problems with the use of freedome-vpn in public wlan networks. if i connect with a public wlan network, for which no access data are necessary, i get a fine connection. but in the moment i switch freedome-vpn on, the internet connection is getting off an the wlan symbol…
Connecting - reoccurring very often.
I have noticed since a while ago the service this VPN should cover seem to be under all critism. It is for some reason disconnecting the service as it is connecting again and tells me it is now connected, even though it was connected and I have not told it to be otherwise. Somehow this must be solved immediately - I cannot…
Freedome not automatically on (android)
Hi, I recently purchased freedome. My computer and ipad work just fine, but with my phone I always have to turn freedome on manually after every time I let my device go idle for a while. In android settings I tried to locate the "automatically on VPNs" but the menu has no items to choose from. So, it is a pain to always…
Hello! What is the difference between control channel and data channel when they describe what type of encryption they have? https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/What-encryption-does-Freedome/ta-p/81881 Thanks!
Do I need to install a separate F-secure for each virtual machine? (Mac + Parallels + Win10)
Hi! Just to make sure: I've just installed F-Secure Freedome on my Mac. Is my Windows traffic now protected (Win10 runs on top of Mac system in a Parallels virtual machine)? - OR - Do I need to install a separate licensed copy of Freedome for each virtual machine? Thanks for Your help and clarification!
Account ID
I have a working freedome account but have not got an email yet with the account ID which means i cannot activate other devices. How do I go about getting my account ID resent?
Bitcoin payment?
Hi there, I'm looking to purchase Freedome without using credit card/bank transfer. Bitcoin would be preferable but there doesn't appear to be this option. Being able to buy a VPN through Bitcoin is very important. Is this possible? I did find this forum posting - it makes reference to buying it in cash, do you have a list…
How do I check on which devices Freedome is authorised
I have a subscription for 3 devices. The three devices were already authorised. I bought a new iPad. When I added the new iPad the system asked me to transfer my subscription from another device but did not ask me from which device I wished to transfer from. I wanted to transfer it from the old iPad. I would like to check…
How can I recover a lost product subscription key?
Hi, I cant find the mail with my subscription key for Freedome (F-Secure). I bought it on f-secure.com. I have it Aktiv on my computer but i would like to install it on my phone.
NO access to ANY websites
I’m reposting this with the title corrected. Since my ISP (Telstra Australia) switched me to the Australian National Broadband Network (NBN), I cannot access any website when Freedome is running - not even google.com. is this a known problem, or do I have some sort of settings issue? thanks
Link subscription to account
I previously purchased a subscription but only recently created and account with the same email address. Does anyone know how to link the existing subscription to the new account? I'd like to use the account to manage the devices that are using the subscription. Thanks!
Using legacy version (video driver issue) -- how can I get security updates?
I am one of those unfortunate people with a video driver that forces me to use a legacy version of FREEDOME: 1.16.3641.0. I was told not to accept updates, which are frequently offered. Although I am quite satisfied with the operation of FREEDOME on my desktop, I am concerned that by continuing to use a legacy version that…
"Could not verify your code" Error When registering a New Freedome Installation with a New Code
Any ideas please. I have an old laptop (Windows 7) and have in the last week installed an older version of Freedome (1.0.2352.0). Recent versions will not work. Yesterday I bought a new subscription with 5 licences and tried to register the 1st of the 5 on the laptop. I received the "Could not verify your code" error . I…
manage diveces
Hi, I have Freedome subcription for 5 devices and I got couple new devices I'd like to use instead of old ones. How I can chose what devices I can use with freedome?
OpenGL Hyper-V Error
I'm trying to run Freedome on a Hyper-V machine that is running on Windows Server 2012 . The Hyper-V machine is running Windows 7. I found on another thread that I need to use an older version of Freedome, but I can't find a place to dowload it or which version is best for my software. Any ideas?
Serious problems in China
For the past few days Freedome has been misbehaving badly. I've literally spent the whole day trying to make a Facebook post, and it's now 23:45 and still haven't been able to. Connection takes AGES and when it does, it drops off in a couple of minutes; I've been able to load the Facebook's front page but haven't been able…
Impossible to send mail from orange.fr when Freedome is activated
Orange.fr smtp systematically fail when Freedom is activated while there is no problem whenever Freedome is Off.
Recover Subscription Key
How can I recover a lost but active subscription key? Thanks! Rebecka
Freedome and MR-6400 router
Exactly the same issue as described here: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-not-working-properly-on/td-p/84116 Except that I use an iPhone. I also did try the following https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Port-configuration-for-Freedome/ta-p/75829 Did you manage to solve this?
Freedome does not turn on since a few days
Since a few days my Freedome on Mac does not turn on. It seems it’s always searching for connection. I tried on different networks, but even on my home network where it always worked it’s not.