Freedome does not turn on since a few days
Since a few days my Freedome on Mac does not turn on. It seems it’s always searching for connection. I tried on different networks, but even on my home network where it always worked it’s not.
Canceling my account
Hi there, I have a F-Secure account that monitors my computer when I go onto the internet. Does anyone know how I can cancel it? Thanks Mike
Re: Sense subscription should include Freedome
I have a Freedome subscription, but it doesn’t work on my iOS devices, when connected to Sense. Works fine with my laptop.
How to revoke a license from a device
I have a Freedome subscription for five devices. I would like to revoke the subscription for one of the devices (an Android). May I receive some assistance with this?
Expired Freedome blocking webpages
My subscription to Freedome has expired but my F Secure Safe still has some time to run. I sent an e mail asking if I could combine the subscriptions or if there is a better option. Meanwhile Freedome is blocking my internet access. I cannot open a web page from a link in Mail as all I get is the Freedome renew…
Upgraded to Mac OS High Sierra and VPN won't connect
I upgraded my Mac to High Sierra Mac OS, and for some reason the VPN will no longer connect. I have an internet connection, but the rainbox icon just keeps flashing as if it's trying to connect but never does. I have tried different servers but no luck
Freedome VPN impossible on iPhone SE with 10.3.3
Hello, I read through old posts about people being unable to connect and wondered if this is still an unfixable problem? I connect fine on my Mac laptop, but to the very same wifi network, my iPhone cannot. Freedome just keeps "checking" and never connects. Sometimes it gives the error "the vpn server did not respond".…
Unable to login to Courtyard by Marriott - Freedome Blocked it
Had to shut down Freedome then could login. What is going on please? http://www.marriott.com/hotels/einterface/FLLWC?ACTION_TYPE=FREE&SELECTED_PLAN=P_PLAN1&SELECTED_PLAN_PRICE=0.00&DURATION=1&iZONE=LOBBY&iRELEASE=3&LSP_URL=https://login.globalsuite.net/mpiav3/Gatekeeper This is a recurring issue with Freedome blocking too…
freedome on dead computer
Hi last night i had a fairly catastrophic motherboard failure so have had to go out today and buy a new laptop. i had the 1 licence version of Freedome and want to transfer it over but cannot acces the original purchase order or activation code as that is locked in the emails on my old dead computer. can i do anything…
f-secure freedome code
Certificate signed by an unknown authority issued by F-Secure Freedome Clients. Is this legitimate?
Thanks EDIT: Removed picture due to PII
Manually deactivate a subscription on a device
I bought a multi-platform license for 7 devices. I have read about the way F-Secure transfer license when you hit the max. It seems to be a roundabout way to manage the license. I am currently testing F-Secure FREEDOME VPN on an Android phone and an iPhone. After testing is over, is it possible to de-activate the license…
Freedome for Mac: Upgrade from 3-devices plan to 5-devices plan
Mac OS X and iOS. I have a 3-devices subscription but I now have 4 devices. My 3-devices subscription will renew long time from now so I would appreciate if you have a way to upgrade the 3-devices subscription to a 5-devices subscription. But I can’t see any mention of it. Sincerely
Re: F-Secure FREEDOME connectivity issues
Me too.Since updating to IOS 11 I have to turn off Freedome to use any app.I am in Australia with Melbourne as my location using an IPhone 6
f-secure in vietnam
Hello, I want to know if all the servers work in Vietnam, and more precisely that of France, I will soon go to Vietnam and I would need to connect from the French servers (Paris or other city), thank you for your answer . Best regards
Freedome account id when purchased through AppStore
Where can I find my Freedome account ID when the purchase was made through AppStore. No mail to be found with any relevant information about the ID.
Multi-Platform - (IOS / OS X) Can't find subscription key, isn't in app store... Awkward.
Hi, I have used your product for two years and I like and value it. However whenever I renew my subscription is is painful and I have to jumop through a rigmarole to retrieve it. I have it successfully on my IOS device but I have no record and no obvious way to find my subscription key. Why isn't it simply available to me…
VPN / Freedome on Windows mobile
How can I install Freedome VPN on windows 10 mobile? Is there an app for windows mobile? Is it possible to set VPN just through the settings of the Windows OS?
Freedome fails to prevent Sky Sports and BT sport blocking streaming
When out of my home country (UK) Freedome now fails to prevent both Sky Sports and BT Sport from blocking live streaming to my i-Pad, smartphone or laptop. Any solutions?
Previous version download for Freedome???
The latest version of Freedome is not working at all on my computer, so is there an option to download previous version??? When I try to activate the protection, it just says: Error - something went wrong (Virhe - jotakin meni valitettavasti pieleen). Then I can send error report and it generates some .7z package, but…
Whitelist certain websites
So I had this question and looked at the FAQ, which says this: "Yes, it is possible to whitelist web sites. In the URL Protection settings you can define hosts, domains or exact URLs that will be excluded from web scanning and categorization." But how do I get to the URL Protection settings? I'm trying Freedome on my iMac…
How can I recover a lost product subscription key?
Hi, i have lost my key. Can u please send it to me? Regards Fugazi
F-Secure Freedome and F-Secure
I have renewed my subscriptions but after uninstalling and downloading again, it doesn't except my Entry Code.and I don't have access to my F-Secure account. So I can't use my subsriptions. How can I solve the problem?
Freedom activation
I have a subscription on my iPhone and Macbook (which is in another country) I want to activate my other macbook onto my subscription, but cannot find my account details. Using this login in detail says I have no subscription, but on my iPhone, it says my subscription ends at the end of November. Logging in should be easy…
Best Buy Website is blocked by freedome
Does anyone else have issues with the BestBuy site being blocked. I can get to it by using https but it does a redirect to https for www.bestbuy.com or bestbuy.com I am sure this is by design, but it is annoying to always have to remember to enter https in the address. Is there a way around this?
Personal website reported as harmful
Hi there, I'm writing because I can't work on my website because it has been reported as harmful. Is there a way to discover why did this happen? I haven't a dedicated IP, I got it from GreenGeeks.com The domain is bousbah.com Thank you very much! Reda B. EDIT: removed Hyperlink
SMTP error
Hello, I can't send email with protection on (it's ok without protection). I'm not using my ISP's smtp. I tried smtp port 465 and 965 with no succes. I'm getting the message 550.5.5.0 service refused (Outlook client) Is there somebody who can help me ? Thanks in advance Philippe F Lyon - France Freedom version 1.20.3671.0
OpenVPN with Freedome
Instead of disactivating Freedome every time we need to use OpenVPN to connect to the office, you could provide an option, where we can specify IP addresses that bypass Freedome. We forcible know either the IP or hostname for the OpenVPN connection. Freedome would then route all traffic to your servers, excepte for the…
Emule and Freedom
Dear all, I am trying to configure Emule to have it in "High id" when using Freedome VPN. I read this article: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/BitTorrent-est-il-autoris%C3%A9-avec/ta-p/88118 It seems in some location, it is not possible to make it work. However, I choose another location (Switzerland) but still,…