manage diveces

@SPT wrote:Hi,
I have Freedome subcription for 5 devices and I got couple new devices I'd like to use instead of old ones.
How I can chose what devices I can use with freedome?
If you mean something as "how to transfer licenses from 'previous' devices to fresh ones" --> possible to re-check such Knowledgebase article with explanation about current design:
With less words: you able to uninstall Freedome from previous devices (or do not re-connect/re-launch it later) and with 'fresh' installation can be 'prompt' for re-use licenses (release from all devices and 'reconnect' for active/current ones);
BUT if you mean something as 'technical' supported platforms... officially there is next information:
Not an officially -> can be 'hack'-surprises; AND can be some limitations with certain devices (where platform is supported, but software or hardware is not).