PCMag Review on F-Secure AntiVirus 2014
Hi All, Here is a review of PCMAG on F-Secure 2014 Antivirus http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425112,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425129,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425130,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=393988,00.asp F-Secure Anti-Virus 2014 * editor rating:…
Matousec Firewall Leaktesting on F-Secure Internet Security 2014 updates!
Hi All, Here is an update of Matousec's Firewall Leaktesting on F-Secure Internet Security 2014! See the link below:- http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge-64/reports/PSC64%20report%20-%20F-Secure%20Internet%20Security%202014%2012.89.202.pdf Firewall leaktesting rankings!…
F-Secure Host Process Error
Hi, a message from windows keeps popping out every 30 seconds or so telling me there's been a problem with F-Secure Host Process (it's the classic windows message that tells a process will be shut down and asks if you want to send informations about it). By checking task manager I've found out there's about 10 processes…
Bonjour, Pourquoi Internet Security 2014 me laisse-t-il télécharger et enregistrer sans réagir eicar.zip trouvé ici: http://securite-informatique.info/virus/eicar/ ? In English Why Internet Security 2014 doesn't react when I download and save eicar.zip found here: http://securite-informatique.info/virus/eicar/
Bank problem
I have problem whit my Swedbank after your installition off the Securety. ( " kryptation " ? ) against my bank Greetings Roger Andersson Sorry for my English
2nd Full Scan is not faster
According to http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/Did-the-product-really-scan-my/ta-p/15410 a second full scan will skip files that haven't changed since the first full scan, so the second full scan will take just a few minutes. This is not the case for me. My manual scan settings is maximum search: ALL file…
Internet security 2012 - Host Process error
Hi, I once tried to get rid of this host process error, that pops up every 30s but did not fully succeed. Do you have suggestions how to fix it? I'm usiin windows xp and the internet security product is installed on d:/ br, Kai7
find my mobile
excuse me mr. f-secure,my mobile is theft. how a look for my mobile?? spec : nokia N8 imei : 3562XXXXXXXXXX number last phone : +62XXXXXXXXXXX please help me sir. that mobile very valuable for me.
uninstalltool version 3.0 did not remove logs and quarantines directory
Hi, I did a test with the uninstalltool with the current F-Secure Internet Security 2014, and come to find out that the C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Logs and C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Quarantine files are not fully deleted. So, if you intend to use other AntiVirus software besides F-Secure it still detect F-Secure being install…
AV not functioning?
Last evening I turned on my PC and had a warning that my Anti virus was turned off. I checked the F Secure software and saw that the Virus and Spyware scanning and Spam and phishing filtering were both showing as malfunctions. I had a message to restart my PC which I did and then all seemed OK. I have just turned on my PC…
security for Samsung tab3
Although I have downloaded the free trial for my Samsung tab 3, it is saying it can't find the file? Any suggestions please
Why not have 2 or 3 years license for 1 PC
F secure internet security should provide license for 2 or 3 years for 1 PC. Many other vendors provide such license. then why f secure not doing so.
i'm new,but wath's wrong with F-Secure Internet Security 2014! Worse, each I click the "Exclude files from the scan..." or "Change application permissions..." The program crash. Helpless
Testing F-Secure for Mac.
Along with 10 other scanners; 87% detection for F-Secure out of 303 malware samples. http://securityspread.com/2013/09/04/antivirus-detection-rate-list-updated-rank/ Use this link to see detail; http://securityspread.com/S0urce/LatestDetectionRates.pdf Some more Mac Antivirus testing…
Subscription issues when using uninstallation tool
18 months ago, I had some seemingly unresolvable issues with F-Secure and iTunes. While the support guys were fabulous in trying to fix the problem, this did involve several full removal and reinstalls of FSIS 2012, and each time, I had to wait for the subscription to be reset, which was a pain. I was ultimately left with…
Virus and spyware control out of order, restart does not help
My PC suddenly prompted being without virus checking and suggested restart. Restart seems to bring no help. My F-Secure Computer Security - Internet Security Status screen keeps telling that: "Virus and Spyware control program has a malfunction" ("Virus ja vakoiluohjelmatarkistus. Toimintahäiriö") "Spamming and phishing…
Repeated writes to policy.ipf
Is there anyway to reduce or remove constant writes (every few seconds) by F-Secure (FSHDLL32.EXE) to C:\Program Files (x86)\..\Common\policy.ipf file? It seems totally unnecessary and amplifies SSD wear...
Is it possible to block a program?
Hello, Apparently, there are more two-way firewall with FIS 2014. Do I have a possibility to block Internet access for some programs?
Civilization V
Civilization V (through Steam) stops loading. This has just recently started to happen. The solution is to exclude the Civ 5 directory in F-Secure. Although I shouldn't have to be doing this. A lot of people have experienced this and also confirmed that to exclude the civ map is the answer. I would so love to know if there…
Nokia E6 forgot password
I had got nokia E6.since begning itself i had activated the f secure software.now i forgot my password.I cant change my sim card for using a new connection.What can i do for that?????.Help me please as well as possible..... Regards Ajmal Ali
tp95 F-Secure Internet Security preview release 95 review. (BETA)
Hi All, This is a pre-release update version of F-Secure Internet Security release 95. This is still under a beta code. Here is a detail preview of my reports. Check the URL below:- http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/TP95-F-Secure-Internet-Security/td-p/32741
QUESTION 1. Is it possible that f-secure i.s. 2013 can come with 2 year subscrption? http://www.ebay.in/itm/F-Secure-Internet-Security-2013-1-Users-2-Year-Box-product-/121184215576 QUESTION 2. Can i put 2 keys of f.i.s. 2014 in 2014. i mean if i buy 2 keys of f.i.s. 2013 and use it one after one(after the first one…
admin.pub was not found
Hello, I recently reinstalled a version of F-Secure provided by KPN on a customer for my job and now, since the computer boots up it comes up with a warning that admin.pub could not be found. Is the best way to solve this to reinstall the program, or is there another (easy) workaround? The product that is used is called…
f-secure crashes mostly with xml files
From 09-28-2012 00:04:08 to 09-28-2013 12:34:07 to I have 48 entries im the win event log reporting a f-secure crash mostly with a XML file. Examples: Protokollname: ApplicationQuelle: FSecure-FSecure-F-Secure Anti-VirusDatum: 28.09.2013 00:49:40Ereignis-ID: 103Aufgabenkategorie:KeineEbene:…
F-Secure with Comodo Firewall?
Prior to installing F-Secure I had Comodo Firewall installed and runing on my Windows 7 system. the F-Secure installation forced me to uninstall the Comodo Firewall and left me with Windows Firewall, which a security risk of its own. My question is: Can I reinstall the Comodo Firewall now that F-Secure is installed and…
How to remove license from computer that is no longer mine?
Hello all, I have F-secure Internet Security with 3 lisence for 3 computers, one is installed to my father's computer, one to mine and the third is to a computer that went broken (guarantee service changed my laptop with new one). Now the problem is that F-secure management shows that Im using all the 3 licenses, how can I…
do i need permission to review f secure products
If someone wants to review f secure product in there website or in youtube, then do they require permission from f secure to do that? What about reviewing for commercial or non-commercial purpose?
Missing "Network connections" and "Internet" in the settings
Hi, I was trying to play a game that I had to open up ports in my router and allow through my Incoming and Outgoing ports list with F-Secure. Today, my game wouldnt go online so I checked my IP and router ports, everything was fine and in-order. Then I opened up F-Secure Cincinnati Bell and opened the settings box to look…
Comodo Firewall LeakTesting Block by Deep Guard
Hi All, As for today (now), F-Secure Deep Guard detect and block Comodo Firewall Leaktest. But you still have two option, either to allow or block the program. Attention F-Secure Deep Guard Developer. If the user still choose to allow the program to run, at least Deep Guard must block every run down test of Comodo Firewall…
Virus Bulletin 100 test-August 2013
VB100 comparative testing is a regular independent comparison of anti-malware solutions. To display a VB100 logo, a product must: * prove it can detect 100% of malware samples listed as 'In the Wild' by the WildList Organization * generate no false positives when scanning an extensive test set of clean samples All this…