F-Secure Host Process Error

a message from windows keeps popping out every 30 seconds or so telling me there's been a problem with F-Secure Host Process (it's the classic windows message that tells a process will be shut down and asks if you want to send informations about it).
By checking task manager I've found out there's about 10 processes running all named "fshoster32.exe". I think the two things might be connected.
I haven't also been able to scan my system with F-Secure since this problem came up.
Thanks in advance for any answer.
It should have few fshoster32.exes, but I don't think that much. Had you tried to restart your computer? It does still so?
(you can try to "request support"(in support page) as such bugs aren't quite often seenand give them fsdiag.zip (find "support tool" or "fsdiag tool" or similarly called application in the start menu's F-Secure folder and launch it))
Hello arvo,
Please contact to our technical support regarding this problem.
This morning, I got two phone reports about this error message from our home users.
One says he couldn't even access the net until FSIS was disabled! If that is the case, not even the superb AUA-based update and patching technology may be able to remedy the issue automagically. That's worrying!
Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.
Dear Jari,
Just got an FSDIAG file from an affected customer and forwarded it to the FSC Partner Support e-mail, with the subject "F-Secure Host Process has crashed and stopped with FSdiag (Top URGENT!)". I haven't got an auto-response with the SR ID case ticket code yet.
Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000, Hungary.
Dear Jari,
Please check the "SR ID 1-561432685" case. I submitted the correspondingly numbered FSDIAG files via F-Secure's FTP server, because there a problem with F-Secure HQ's Proofpoint gateway when hhandling large e-mail attachments.
I think this software bug needs urgent fix.
Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000, Hungary.
I have exactly same problem too, and I'm worried about it.
It makes me think if my desktop computer is still secured against viruses and spy software ?
I did run Microsoft's msert software to check if my computer is infected by the virus but it wasn't.
I'm glad that I'm not only one with this.
I hope that I get soon a solution and an explanation for this Error message.
I got an email-message from F-secure Technical Support Engineer, not sure if this solution is official, but it worked for me:
Download file ftp://avhfshoster
Extract it and run the installer in the folder. Problem solved.
Still I'm not sure if this is correct way to fix.
Having same problem since upgrade. I am having considerable hard drive access it takes approx 30 minute for PC to stabilise. The FSSm32.exe is forcing massive amounts of read writes to the disk. In viewing the tasks its shows that the fsecure gateway has continually failed to initialise. On shutdown there is always a fshoster message showing that the task has not completed shutdown.
Additionally when fsecure startsup there is no antivirus protection and a windows message states this. It is not until about five minutes into boot time that the fsecure icon appears in the bottom right corner.
All of this leads me to believe that fsecure is not functioning correctly since an update. Its now getting to the point where I will have to remove and get another proection method as this looks like it has been compromised in some way. I have sent fsdiag to F secure. But I think this may be something fundamental with the new build or its install.
Running XP SP3.
Jayson, not sure the fix is working. My machine was particularly worse last night. Today is the 2nd of May so we are now nearly a week past the fix being updated. I will of course check that the fix has been installed, but last time I looked it seemed that the patches were also not being installed or at least that was what the fsecure log was telling me.
I have internet connection and can download emails, so its not a network problem. The fact that the fshoster.dll is not shutting down at PC shutdown tells me that something is not quite right with the software. Any ideas on what I should be checking? The PC is almost unusable in its current state. The fact that FSSM is maxing out the hard drive read/writes does not seem right either. Is it always going into a scan at startup. I have three licences and the other two machines are fine its just this one with all my work on, so I am going to have to do something drastic shortly.
But to be candid , I have thought that the new fsecure product is not as good as it used to be and I am a long term customer of the software. It now seems to be very buggy and slow since 2011. Hopefully you will be able to restore my confidence.
Hello ,
Please kindly download the fix from:
To install the fix, you may need to do the following:
- Extract the zip file
- Run install_cmd
The fix was released to the channel but unfortunately the problematic component is related to our automatic update functionality. Thus, the fix may not be taken into use.
In case issue remain after installing the fix, please kindly open a support ticket for further assistance required:
We apologize for the inconvenience caused
Thank you
Had the same sort of problem, The AVH_replacer worked in MOST cases.
On the machines it didn't fix, I had to do a "new" install AFTER running the uninstaller.
BTW, after this (type of error) you have to do a diskcheck, because the registry can't close properly.
I even had HARD errors (plural).
Have a good one.