My FS IS2014 IS Not Scanning please be advised and would you guys recommend just a full reinstall?
Here is the scanner's file counter that has not moved since the first installation. This is horrible guys I could really use some help please. Thanks, Rich
Frozen laptop and can't login the safe mood
Hello, When I was installing F-Secure antivirus, the wizard asked that I uninstall Kaspersky. I tried to uninstall it but it didn't work. So I continued installing F-Secure. However, after I restarted my laptop, it was not working. Nothing works including the keyboard and the touch pad. I wanted to uninstall the old…
How do you like/not like F-Secure?
Hi, I am currently evaluating F-Secure (IS) for home ( 3 PCs) use and I wish to know your thoughts as a current user (AV or IS). When sharing, please state how long you have been using then comments. My presupposition is that I am currently a un-happy Outpost (Against) user and I have have some technical knowledge. I do…
New Mac OS X Tibet malware found
See ref URL:- http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/New-Tibet-malware-found-for-Mac/td-p/30957 Othere ref URL:- http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-57415311-263/monitor-os-x-launchagents-folders-to-help-prevent-malware-attacks/ Other mac known…
F-Secure 2014 released
i've received via automatic updates few minutes ago the new F-Secure 2014. no contextual scan icon,yet.well... that's incredible! What should to do to make you add this icon? does not ask the impossible, since every other antivirus have one! may have to wait until 2015? the interface is poor,settings and configurations are…
F-Secure 2014 IS beta need to test with Windows 8.1 preview!!!
Hi I am suggesting F-Secure to hold off the F-Secure 2014 release because I recommend F-Secure to test with Windows 8.1 Preview! This is critical. Because the release RTM of Windows 8.1 is just around the corner. If not F-Secure is bound to have issues later on. I am suggesting to F-Secure to drop support for Windows own…
Problem with update
I've had a probem for a while now with F-secure, and have not been able to figure out how to solve it. Several times a day F-secure interrupts whatever I am working on with a message saying that there is a new version of F-secure that I need to install. However, when I attempt to install it, I simply get a message saying…
forgot my security code
Sir, I forgot my security code for.my celkon a107 mobile...by this problem I can't unistalling any apps.. so.please help.me for unloking my security code... Version : 8.1.12025 celkon Owner: 91131845XXXXXX Subcription key : XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Banking Protection
Greetings! Where can I submit a "bank's website"? Through now, I'm suggesting you to add PayPal (and such sites) to "isolation" as are banking websites.
Browsing Protection IS 2013 Google Search Site Safety Indication Not Working jn Google
When I search the web with Google search engine (makes no difference with what browser) the safety indicator on the left side never shows up. Searching with Bing, Yahoo and AltaVista is just working fine. When I searched in the community for this matter I found that this a known problem, but I was unable to find any…
Problems with security
Hej, Jag får meddelande att "dator är inte skyddad" . Sedan vid uinställningar: "genomsökning av virus" står: inaktuellt. Konto ID 8984-7499-9608-4954-2494 Enh. ID 33f4a1 Hjälp! Tack, Marjan
can someone explain me why yahoo.com is stated as harmful wesite
just flow this link http://browsingprotection.f-secure.com/swp/result?url=http%3A%2F%2Fin.yahoo.com%2F&lang=en what is this. How can you block yahoo.com as harmful
F-Secure IS Release 4
you have added game mode,ok,for me is not necessary because i'm not a gamer :) when will be added contextual menu scan icon?is it so difficult? every antivirus has its icon in the context menu! I think that F-Secure team should implemented functions that all other antivirus products have! as effectiveness, for me you are…
"Foster parent" Virus - removal
Virus foster parent seems to have infected my machine. how to effect removal of the same?
Install secure key to new PC.
I have recently bought a new PC and I have removed F-'secure (via windows) from my lap top. Now I cannot install my security key to the new PC!! What have iIdone wrong?
Renewal Payment
I am trying to renew my F-secure and it seems I can no longer pay by Master Card as mine does not have Netcode Security. In the page where I filled out my details, it said there was an option to use Paypal, but when I went to check out it was no longer there. I really don't need to waste all this time when I've been using…
anti theft on Iphone 5
Can we know when antitheft will be supported on IPhone 5
Subscription Key Failure
Hi, Can anyone help with the problem of the subscription key not validation on a widows 7 system. I find that I cannot use a product I have purchased. I have telephoned the technicians & they have done a FSDIAG but nobody has replied as to the outcome. Have emailed & had no response. Tonight I have tried to chat online…
Browsing Protection problems
Recently, my F-Secure Browsing protection has started to block an increasing amount of web pages. All blocks seem to be caused by images on those sites; Most probably advertisements(?) on the pages, maybe something else. An example is shown below. Anyhow, this is getting troublesome since I can't open almost any news…
Losing network
Hi, my PC seems to randomly lose network connection. Only way to get it back is to press ctrl-shift-esc and kill all F-Secure precesses. After killing them all, network works again. What happens? How to fix this?
Offline installer
i want offline installer so i can install F-Secure 2012 Antivirus.
Unknown device using subscription
Hi! Under subscriptions I have two of my three licenses used, however I have only installed it on one device. How do I find out who or what is using the other device? And how do I deactivate this rogue license?
Battlefield 3, Counter Strike Global Offensive problems with F-Secure
Hi, I'm using F-Secure since two years as it's not very resource hungry and thus ideal for gamers. I recently renewed my subscription but next year I think I won't do that anymore because of the recent problems with many main stream games like Battlefield 3 and Counter Strike Global Offensive. For Battlefield 3 it seems I…
F-Secure Mobile Security Review, August 2013.
F-Secure Mobile Security together with a number of other vendors reviewed here; http://www.av-comparatives.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/avc_mob_201308_en.pdf Resource usage & malware detection were some of the features which were looked at..
Online Scanner not working
Hi, I'm trying to use the free online scanner, but it will not start. I've downloaded the file but when I click it the scanner does not open. A button or tab appears along the bottom task bar in windows xp, with the f-secure shield logo but no text, but when I click on that nothing happens. I'm using windows XP SP3, opera…
is fsecure internet security 2013 compatible with windows 8.1
windows 8.1 will release on 17 october. is current release of fsecure internet security 2013 compatible with windows 8.1. if not then when will compatible version be released. or the internet security 2014 version will be released before the release of windows 8.1.
ISP vs F-Secure version
I'm wondering about the purpose of ISP's renaming the product and setting their own version numbers? To me it's only confusing and seems better I skip the ISP product and start using the original F-Secure product. I can't even tell what F-Secure product and version I'm using. Only that the ISP version is 1.57.391.0 which…
update F-secure
I buy an update, have paid but can not download the program
Virus database status "Waiting for update" for six days.
Last week, I upgraded 2 out of 3 systems from F-Secure Internet Security (FSIS) 2011/12 to FSIS 2013 (the 3rd will be another thread). The system descriptions: System 1: A low-use Windows XP Professional system, used mainly for e-mail and scanning/printing. Regularly patched. Always on and connected. Installed as logged-in…