Virus and spyware control out of order, restart does not help

My PC suddenly prompted being without virus checking and suggested restart. Restart seems to bring no help.
My F-Secure Computer Security - Internet Security Status screen keeps telling that:
"Virus and Spyware control program has a malfunction" ("Virus ja vakoiluohjelmatarkistus. Toimintahäiriö")
"Spamming and phishing filtering has a malfunction" (Roskapostin ja tietojenkalastelun suodatus. Toimintahäiriö").
Restarting twice did not change the status.
Manually started virus checking found nothing to report.
What should I do? Uninstall and install my security program?
BR Asvaltti
Thanks guys.
My F-Secure program's info screen tells me having "F-Secure 1.83 build 3.11". I have Windows XP running in this PC.
I have no other security apps installed here.
I have not raised any support ticket. I tried something but didn't succeed in it. (Contact Support - start chat with support persons - the only prompt I got there told that support console closed the connection). I am interested in raising a ticket. Got to study first how. - - - - Ticket now raised.
BR Asvaltti
Thanks guys.
I raised a ticket and got an answer at night ten hours ago. The simple instruction was that please uninstall and install. Plus I got strict steps how to do this. I did accordingly and the thingy seems to work. Full computer scan didnt report anything suspicious either. Looks fine so far.
But still one concern: I had an unused usage right waiting still to be installed in a third PC in my household. This uninstall - install process however ended up to mark also the third usage right in status "installed". So I have lost one third of my purchase. I reported this already in my response to support ticket information. Let's hope I will get instruction how to still get all licences used.
Simon was wondering what are the version numbers I and Tafia replied to his question. Well, that's what F-Secure application tells us. Now when I have the newest version installed the info screen tells me having
"F-Secure 1.89 build 202"
In more understandable terms I have now "F-Secure Internet Security 2014". Looks like the whole community is using that kind of language. Why the info screen cannot then tell something similar... My previous, broken version used to be 2013.
The original reason for the malfunction of the previous version is not revealed to me. But cannot care anymore when having used already several hours of working to fix my connections. Thanks to everybody!
I gave Kudos to Simon of his first reply and suggestion to raise a ticket.
Best wishes Asvaltti
Using uninstallation tool forcefully removes the product and the license server does not get notification that the license is no longer in use. However, when you install and all your licenses are in use, the product gives you the option to move a license. In this scenario the "ghost" license gets moved, so you should be good.
The only thing that is enforced that there are no more active devices than there are licenses. You can always move the license to a new device.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products