DG Configuration UI problem
Dear Dev team, The DG Configuration UI layout can be messed up easily by: moving the tag column to the end restart the app Have a nice day & best regards
FS Protection PC 18.2 releases
FS Protection PC 18.2 releases will be posted under this thread.
mobile security
as poweruser I enjoy Freedome and FS protection on my PC, how can I extend FSP to my GSM ? please PM me thank you
FS protection license expired
My F-Secure Protection license is expiring there is no automatic renewal
FS Protection for Mac 18.1 releases
FS Protection Mac 18.1 releases will be posted under this thread.
FS ID Guardian for Mac Releases
Release 4.200.575 (4.200 beta 1) New features: - Safari browser support, i.e. added Safari browser extension installable via Mac App Store, and install button for it in settings UI.
Beta subscription renewal is lost
Hi, I ran to a problem with latest Beta because it ended my subscription and there is no renewal help. It took a while to be able to reset my password too, so it has been out of subscription around a month. And if I login it only show "Your subscription has expired." and no posbility to renewal or automatic renewal. Anyone…
Can you add a "trust" option in the processing window
Hi Can you add a "trust" option in the processing window so that my files don't always disappear when I report a false positive.
AMSI detected harmful content (user very unfriendly)
The newly installed FSP on the new computer reported an error (about the AMSI), and then I added all its application files and directories to the exclusion list. Opening the app again is still blocked. Trust cannot be clicked in the pop-up message, and there is no exclusion option in the event history record. The problems…
"Read Anypath" Policy doesn't work as expected
Good day dev team! Under Strict mode, I set up rules like: watch prefix "~/" "any" w watch prefix "~/Desktop/" "any" r allow path "any" "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/" r "" "APPLE_PF_BINARY" What is expected: When I open files under ~/Desktop, DeepGuard should not make any dialog like "Finder is trying to read…
How to get F-Secure beta key.
Please help me to get the key. Thanks.
Is F-Secure Beta compatible with Windows 11?
Hello, I just received an Windows update box on my Windows desktop computer saying that Windows 11 is now available & to click to download Windows 11. I thought I'd check to see if F-Secure Beta is compatible with Windows 11 before I went ahead & downloaded/installed it. 🤔 🖥️ Thank you!
How renewal of registration?
How to renew a registration. Auto-refresh does not work.
FS protection license expired
Hi there, I just found that my license expired, can you help me to renew it? Thanks.
FS Protection for Mac 18.0 releases
FS Protection Mac 18.0 releases will be posted under this thread.
Bug reports
How long does it take to get a response to a bug report?
FS Protection PC 18.1 releases
FS Protection PC 18.1 releases will be posted under this thread.
FS Protection Beta expiring
My FS Protection is about to expire in a day. It normally renews automatically. However, it is not doing so right now. Any way this can be done?
Is DeepGuard able to watch "/dev/dtracehelper" file?
Hi dev team, Good day. I want to audit the command $launchctl 's execution. After using FileMonitor.app (by Objective-See), I found that during its execution, this command tries to open "/dev/dtracehelper". However, when I set up the following rule under the strict mode, DeepGuard did NOT generate any dialog. Is DeepGuard…
Installing browser extensions in FS ID Guardian PC 5.2 beta 2
I just installed FS ID Guardian PC 5.2 beta 2 How do I install the browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox?
Compatibility or redundancy with various softwares, BlockBlock, DNS, Network filters, Chromium
Hi, I have been using some software for my privacy and security for a few years and wondered if this software is compatible and/or redundant with F-Secure. My main MacBook Pro with macOS Monterrey Beta 4. I use Objective-see's BlockBlock app, is F-Secure compatible with this software? Is BlockBlock redundant if I'm using…
How do I change my e-mail for my beta test account? I migrated to outlook.com.
I've began testing on Windows 11.
FS Protection Mac (18.0) sign-in loop?
I've been running FS Protection for a while now with no real problem until recently. Now, whenever I try to open FS Protection, I get presented with a login page. The first time this happened, it looked as though it was trying to run through a new install? But I've already set this machine up, so it was forcing me to…
i don't receive the e-mail with password
my e-mail is xxxx@xxx as the screenshot shows, i've already involved in the project but i don't receive the e-mail yet. do i need to wait longer? PII Removed
fs-protection BUG in windows11
FS protection once the installation is successful and after restarted system, will cause windows 11 taskbar UI to reload indefinitely. Can't load the desktop properly. If try to use CMD run the "shutdown /s" , it will be show "ERRORR: RPC Server Unavailable" FYI.
FS Protection for Mac 17.11 releases
FS Protection for Mac 17.11 beta releases will be posted under this thread.
Beta program account access
Hi, Is it possible to get my account enabled to access the beta program? Thanks, Pentti
A confusion about DeepGuard's policy
Hi dev team, good day. I set a rule watch prefix "/System/Applications/" "any" wc in strict mode. expected behaviour: A DeegGuard dialog appears when any process tries to modify "/System/Applications/" folder; What actually happened: A DeegGuard dialog appears when any process tries to modify "/Applications/" folder I…
FS Protection PC 18.0 releases
FS Protection PC 18.0 releases will be posted under this thread. We expect the first beta next week.
FS ID Guardian PC 5.1 Releases
Release 5.2.2321 (5.1 beta 5) Fixed issues: Password entry was potentially duplicated if it was originally created in mobile client and contained longer text than what Windows client supported.