case normalization for rules

Dear dev team,

Good day! It seems that when DeepGuard is making a decision, all rules are treated as case-sensitive. That works great and I think it would be better if DeepGuard can ignore case for rules, especially "suffix-rules".

I take "Font Book" as an example here. Set up rules for "Font Book" as below pic, allowing this app read & write any files that has suffix ".ttc" or ".ttf". But once I click a file that ends w/ ".TTF", DeepGuard does not make any decision and ask me what should it do.

Wondering if it's possible that in a future version, DeepGuard can ignore the case of rules?


  • ArthurVal
    ArthurVal Posts: 287 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hello, @66f2e490!

    Thanks for your suggestion! Yes, I agree that it makes sense for DeepGuard to wisen up in regards to case sensitivity in certain cases, especially for file extension based rules.

    I see a few options how this can be achieved. We can of course allow rule matching process to be case insensitive in certain cases.

    Or we can allow the user to make a decision whether case sensitivity should be taken into consideration when creating a rule through Configuration app or by making a decision on an access prompt.

    I'll create a task in our internal ticketing system to discuss this with the team.

    Best regards, Arthur

    F-Secure Technology, Mac Team