Update to FS protection 18.3 beta 5

martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

Just wondering again how are you supposed to update to FS protection 18.3 beta 5 ?

FS protection was updated automatically to 18.3 beta 5. No questions asked just needed to restart.

I already asked in another thread why is shut down and new start in Win 10 the same as FS restart.

Another question in another thread was how to get 18.3. beta 5 to work on a mobile where 18.3. beta 4 was working just fine before the automatic update.

No when I try to use the password manager in a browser. It does not work any more. If I try to download the extension, it is not recognized to be running by the browser.

When I try to use browsing protection it does not work either. The old extension file which I got from support did not work either.

Before this gets to commercial stage it has to be SMOOTHER.

How should I proceed to get the password manager and browsing protection to work in Win 10 after 18.3. beta 5 update?

Accepted Answer

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 761 F-Secure Product Expert
    Answer ✓

    In general, the product updates automatically and there is no option to prevent the update. The update should not require restart in most cases, in fact, I can see from our telemetry that it's around 0.5% of updates that do so. If every update requires restart, please submit a bug report for us so we check why that happens.

    There was an issue where id guardian and fs protection conflicted. Unfortunately this broke the browser extension communication channel and at the moment, the only way to fix it is to uninstall both and reinstall them. We will release id guardian update hopefully soon (could still take some weeks) which will fix the browser extension communication if you don't want to reinstall.

    Browsing protection extension was temporarily blocked in Firefox by Mozilla, but that has been resolved already and it should work now.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ville

    What you write in the two first paragraphs is exactly what I experienced.

    No such problems when 18.3. beta 6 came.

    However, there is still a little problem with the Firefox extension.

    I use the portable version which is not fully supported, but used to work fine with the Browing protection extension. I just had to install it manually when support provided me with the file.

    Now FS Protection does nnot offer to install it to Firefox portable and when I search the extensions I can see there are browsing protections for all kinds antimalware but not for F-Secure.

    If I try to install the old .xpi file for Firefox I get a message that there is an issue.

    So how do I get the new version of the xpi file that works with the latest Firefox (and hopefully with the portable as well)

    Do I need to open a case with support to get it as the last time?

    Please help me.

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 297 F-Secure Product Manager


    You can install the firefox extension from the Settings - Secure Browsing page.



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Cale