FS Protection mobile app updated to 18.4 with a new look and useful features

AMazed Posts: 2 F-Secure Employee
edited September 2021 in Home Security Beta Programs

Your FS Protection mobile app will be updated with a new look and useful features. Here's an overview of the latest changes.


What's new: People & devices view 

The new People tab lets you manage your protection conveniently in the app. Here are some things you can do in the People tab: 

Secure more devices 

Send an installation link to yourself to protect another device, or invite new people to improve their online security by sharing your licenses with them.  

Control your licenses

If a device is no longer using FS Protection, you can release its license to protect another device instead.

Manage Family Rules + VPN for children 

Tap the icon for your child's account to easily set and update healthy device and internet use limits remotely. You can also enable a free VPN that is now included in FS Protection for child profiles. This allows enhanced protection for children on any browser or app – even on public Wi-Fi. 


 Other changes in existing features 

  • Family Rules has been redesigned for children: Thanks to the new look, children can easily use FS Protection and understand their limits set together with the parent. Thus, using Family Rules in adults' profiles is no longer available. 
  • Finder support will be removed, as Find my iPhone/iPad is already attached to Apple ID for all iOS devices. Similarly, Android users have the possibility to use Google Find My Device with similar functionality. 
  • iOS: Ad blocker will be removed, as it has not been widely used. 
  • Android: Application privacy was originally introduced before it was possible to view and edit application permissions easily on any Android device. Now that this feature is no longer necessary, it will be removed. 

If you have automatic updates on, you don’t need to do anything: Your FS Protection mobile app will be updated automatically. You can also check out from these links:

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fsecure.ms.fsprotect&hl=en&gl=US

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fs-protection/id914909809



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 586 Superuser

    something wrong: vpn, safe browsing tabs are missing

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 586 Superuser

    Help !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    something wrong: vpn, safe browsing tabs are missing

    VPN (Privacy) should be only with kids/child profile installations of fs protection.

    What about SAFE browsing tab - perhaps, with any..

    could you describe your trouble a bit more? I mean, what do you mean by missing and / how / where you tried to find them.

    Help !!!!!!!!!!!!

    And if something else should be discussed.

    Maybe your installed application with some other builds - where another design.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    When you login there is no option to display the password you enter. Personally I should like that, because it reduces the number of failed attempts.

    When add a device from your FS TP and it is a mobile device. It counts as a license for FSI Protection TP. Though it is supposed to have integrated ID the install of the mobile version does not count as a license used for FS ID.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    When you login there is no option to display the password you enter. Personally I should like that, because it reduces the number of failed attempts.

    Yes. Actually, I did not notice it before. With my devices - when you 'type' - character / letter visible for some seconds (maybe based on device's settings). So, this is a bit of mitigation. I can keep control over typing.

    But I also from time to time tried another workaround. If I need to manage mobile device - at first, I will change password on desktop / laptop to a bit more friendly to type - then configure mobile device - then back 'complicated' password on desktop / laptop. :)

    When add a device from your FS TP and it is a mobile device. It counts as a license for FSI Protection TP. Though it is supposed to have integrated ID the install of the mobile version does not count as a license used for FS ID.

    Maybe it should be so.. with its re-designed. Instead integrated ID Protection (or on My FS Protection portal) with its own count inside when activated. So, you not forced to use if you do not need it (and to consume any extra license of main security solution part of package).

    Or have I misunderstood there?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry for my opinion.

    This is about "App Control" feature.

    Currently (and from introducing functionality), you can check list of installed applications and to allow / block / restrict their use.. but there are just names like "Gmail" in the list. But is it legit one?! and so on. Or obscure names like "Touch" - what is it? category, purpose, type...

    I mean, could it be a bit more useful - because, perhaps, you cannot even to know what it is unless you search it and found. But, at least, category of application (or more information about App) will make decision a bit briefer. For example, that if you will see application with the name like "Twitter" - it is indeed that one Twitter.. and not the Twitter something else (because that 'normal' Twitter is "Twitter Original").

    Just as a kind of way to improve.
