Is macOS Ventura supported?

Accepted Answer
Hello, @XenoPhage!
Thanks for your question! macOS Ventura is not officially supported as of now.
We are planning to make more adjustments for Ventura support in future releases. I believe there is one quite important fix coming into the next FS Protection release quite soon. After that, it should be safer to use it on macOS Ventura. At least the base functionality should be intact.
We keep monitoring all newly released Ventura betas to verify that there are no new issues as it's being actively developed at the moment. With that in mind, it's not that easy to assess full support of macOS Ventura until we are closer to the public release in autumn.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Yes, we had to postpone macOS Ventura fixes for a bit later time due to production release motions.
I believe the next release of FS Protection is planned to include Ventura compatibility improvements.
We'll make a new post once it's available for installing.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team
Updated the thread in the 18.3 release cycle
The latest FS Protection for Mac beta 7 should include the improvements mentioned above. Please be aware of the action required note in the release notes for users who are already running macOS Ventura.
Best regards, Arthur
F-Secure Technology, Mac Team