Activating a new subscription
i bought the five device package on the 6th of may and i paid through paypal... i have been forced to wipe my computer due to being hacked so i am now going through re-installing software... i see that your site is not straight forward in retrieving id etc as i see a lot of people requesting help in this matter.. and since…
Problem installing F-Secure on iMac M1
I install F-Secure on my new iMac M1. When I do a restart then I have to wait for 30 seconds or more before bluetooth mouse and keybord are connecting to the computer. And then I can login. When I unstinstall F-Secure then everything is normal. Is there a solution?
Scheduled Scan Problem
Hi, Not sure if its just my PC but I have scheduled scan enabled once a day but the last time it shows up in recent events is the 11th May 2022 Maybe related to recent MS updates ? Any comments welcomed.
Unable to install F-Secure Safe - Free up some disk space
I am trying to install F-Secure-Safe using the F-Secure-Safe-Network-Installer. I get an error saying that I need to Free Up Some Disk Space. That around 1GB of space is required! I am installing on my main C drive and have over 60GB of space, so there should be no problems. Can anyone help me, how I can get the software…
My existing F-Secure subscription (via my provider XS4ALL.NL) has expired. I have requested and paid for a new subscription on your site. Created a new account with a new e-mail address with a new password. Installed the program 'F-Secure ID PROTECTION' but I can't log in with the new account, only with the old password.…
F-Secure has been blocked
Firefox: "Browsing Protection by F-Secure has been blocked for your protection. Why was it blocked? This add-on violates Mozilla's Add-on Policies." Sorry, but: WTF?
Adding additional people/ children too complicated
Hi there I wanted to add my child but we were not able to manage. We have given up. So I have 3 licenses left I cannot make use of. How can I sell them? After more than 10 years of using F-Secure, I have to find another solution which is not so complicated. Best regards
IDP single point of failure?
IDP is offered as a countermeassure for ID theft. But nowhere as a new FS Total customer is it explained how my extensive amount of personal data ie. Driver license, passport information together with my bankaccount and creditcard (with pin) info, stored in the same place is secured and managed. Everything needed to steal…
Safe banking in edge
These last couple of days safe banking has stopped working in Microsoft Edge, it works fine in Firefox, just wondered if anyone else is having the same problem.
I have changed mobile and have problems getting Freedome to work on the new mobile. I have released the F-secure Total license on the old device and transferred it to the new one. F-Secure on the new device does not work with Freedome. I have downloaded the app but do not get to any place where I can activate it.
Charter Security Suite Error
Hello, I have a subscription to F-Secure through my internet provider Spectrum, when I first installed the program on my MacBook Pro it was running flawlessly. Since the Install in late April of this year I have been getting an error message stating that "Security Suite has faced an error and a device restart is required…
I ordered and paid F-secure SAFE. However it says that my order is invalid.
I have got a confirmation from Cleverbridge and followed the instructions in installation. However I cannot login to my F Secure Safe, it says always that my order has got old. After login attempt I always end up this same page (as in picture below) I have had earlier F-secure in my computer, but when subscription ended it…
Is this normal?
Does F secure disable this feature automatically?
Mesh Wifi Systems
Hello, I am thinking of installing a Mesh Wifi system at home, and most of them seem to come with some sort of network security product, which I assume is pre-installed. Asus Zen, for example, comes with AiProtection by Trend Micro. My question is, is it likely that this additional security tool will interfere with…
How can I clear the statistical information?
How can I clear the statistical information
Switching from Kaspersky
Like so many I am switching from Kaspersky due to heightened security concerns. I am wondering if you have any tools that enable importing of passwords from the Kaspersky format (not CSV) into your password manager? I have Googled the subject ad nauseum and there doesn't seem to be any quick or easy way for a non…
Export more "Device Details" in WithSecure EPP
As an administrator, I would like to extract more information in a list (e.g. CSV or HTML on the screen) from my devices. Up to now, EPP records details like vendor, model, BIOS version and date, etc. but this information can only be seen per machine on the details page of each machine. Up to now it's not possible to…
ATTENTION! The latest Windows Patch Tuesday updates broke the SAFE and ID Protection programs!
After installing the latest Windows 11 Patch Tuesday updates your SAFE and ID Protection products stopped working and will not even open. Deleting and re-installing the programs will not fix the problem, because the error appears immediately again even during the installation process. Below I will attach screen captures of…
Why is Freedome changing my DNS settings?
Hi I use Freedome version 2.45.888.0 on Windows 10 Enterprise build 18363.2212. I use my computer on Ethernet in my office and on Wifi, using Freedome, at external locations. Sometimes, after having used Freedome on Wifi then coming into the office after starting up the computer, the Ethernet connection shows no internet.…
VPN connects to server in Finland instead of Stockholm Sweden
When trying to start the VPN to Sweden I very often get connected to servers in Finland. Why is this happening? Best Regards Greger
F-Secure SAFE doesn't open after renewal of the license
Hello everyone, Few days before my 3 licenses goes expired i renewed my subscription. Then found that at one of my computers (windows 10) f-secure license was not renewed. Tried to remove it from the licensed list and reinstall but still can not open it (i mean the blue icon and "Open F-Secure SAFE"). When i hit the button…
Mac F-secure safe browsing extension on Firefox - needs acceptance everytime
Hi, I did not find this issues described elsewhere in the forums, so here is the new thread. Every time I start Firefox, I need to first accept that Safe Browsing plugin has permissions to access traffic, and then it says "installation complete". Why I need to accept this every time I restart the Firefox? Same extension…
repeated Registraton announcement
Good afternoon, I wish to know why I keep getting on my mobile phone the message "Registration expired". My subscription is fully paid until next year. Therefore, please let me know what is the problem. Is there any difference between subscription and registration? Thank you for your answer beforehand. Eva Johnson…
The program is stuck
Stopped at 99 percent why?????
Backup feature for ID-Protection
Add password/pin-code eg. encrypted Backup/Restore feature for vault entries
Import CSV-Datei
Um die Passwörter von Kaspersky hierhin zu übertragen habe ich den Angaben zufolge eine Excel-Datei erstellt, die Spalten mit den vorgeschrieben Überschriften ausgefüllt und die Datei dann im CSV- Format gespeichert. Wenn ich dann unter Einstellungen - Passwörter importieren - KeePassX V 2 die Datei importieren möchte,…
Request for Refund
I didn't know that phishing site protection is not effective just by installing it on a mobile device, but only when using a safe browser. Since I usually use Safari or Chrome, I have not been protected in any way, and any tool that does not have checks enabled when using these browsers is not suitable for use. I was…
Unable to access NRK from abroad, again🤬
Dear moderator, In 2020 there was some issues with your VPN-server In Oslo. That problem you guys fixed in a couple of days. Now it's not working again. I know that Netflix and some other big players are effectively blocking there services, but this guy is a small player, so please could you do something to fix this…
LAN speed reduced by about 50%
How do I increase my LAN speed to something like the supplied FTP speed pleas? Currently much reduced.
Payment via cryptocurrency
Hello Please allow cryptocurrency payments (especially for VPN purchases). This is really a need.