Opnieuw opstarten vereist

Ik heb onlangs F-Secure SAFE geïnstalleerd. Maar ik krijg iedere keer nadat ik mijn PC opgestart heb de melding "Opnieuw opstarten vereist" Virus- en spywarebeveiligingsfout: uw computer is niet beveiligd."
Ik heb dit meermaals gedaan maar de melding blijft verschijnen na het opstarten van F-Secure.
Een snelle manuele scan lukt wel. Welke actie dien ik te ondernemen op dit euvel te verhelpen?
Accepted Answer
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kindly follow the steps below to assist you.
- Please make sure that your Windows operating system is up-to-date, check Microsoft's instructions here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/update-windows-3c5ae7fc-9fb6-9af1-1984-b5e0412c556a#WindowsVersion=Windows_10
- Please uninstall or disable any other Real-Time Security app that you may have on the computer
- Please uninstall F-Secure SAFE with the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool, see instructions here: https://community.f-secure.com/common-home-en/kb/articles/5439
- After uninstallation is complete, reboot the computer
- Install F-Secure SAFE back on the computer, see instructions here: How to reinstall F-Secure SAFE for Windows - F-Secure Community
- Start F-Secure SAFE, the update should start, if it now asks to reboot the computer, you may do so once
- If the F-Secure SAFE tells you that you're protected, you may resume using your computer as normal. If it still asks you to do a reboot, please have your FSDIAG from the computer ready. You can take FSDIAG from the computer using these instructions: Using the support tool | SAFE | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
Kindly let me know the outcome.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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Welcome to our Community page. Thank you for your post.
We only have English and Finnish language support for our Community page.
However, related to your issue, may I confirm with you that SAFE is showing "Restart required. Virus Protection blocked an unwanted application" or it is showing "Virus and Spyware error"?
Can you share with us a screenshot of the error to provide us with a better understanding of this matter? Because each error will require a different resolution to fix the issue.
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
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