To F-Secure SAFE

Is it possible to install this antivirus on a server with a fictitious name and a fictitious IP, at first, then in a 2nd time, to rename this server with its definitive name and to give it its definitive IP, or is it that the license will be linked to the first name given and it will take a 2nd license to switch to its final name?
thank's for your comeback.
Sorry for my bad English
Best Regards
Accepted Answer
Welcome to the F-Secure Community page. Thank you for your post.
F-Secure SAFE is supported on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices only.
You may go to this link for the technical details and supported platforms F-Secure SAFE — Award-winning internet security | F-Secure
However, if you are looking to protect your server, you may visit the WithSecure page for more choices Corporate Cyber Security Solutions | WithSecure™
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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