How to set Freedome prefer IPv6 addresses?
Hi! I'd like to know how to set Freedome to prefer IPv6 -addresses instead of IPv4 in my windows 10 machine. My internet connection works well with Freedome, but I noticed that my system prefers IPv4 after I visted this 'IPv6 -test' -site. When I switch Freedome off, that test runs without complaints. My Freedome adapter…
Freedome license count
Hello ! I recently bought freedome : 1 year, 3 devices. I used the code on my laptop (w8) but had to uninstall freedome right after that, reinstalled it and used the code again. Now freedome is working perfectly well but I am afraid that my number of licenses left is wrong. It should be : 1 license used on my laptop + 2…
Reset activated devices
Hey f-secure, for some time now i have been using Freedome-VPN. Sadly my Macbook died last year and i have to continue working on my desktop-PC. But since i always have used 3 devices i now cant use freedome on my pc. Could you reset all activated devices for a given key? For further information, please send a private…
free trial download in japanese ??
When I download the free trial from the website and run Freedome.exe. The install pops up in what I assume is Japanese. Tried again many times with same results. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1 Iam in the Usa Thanx in advance for any help.
Trail period end automatically or not?
Hello, I am using freedome for 11 days now and I would not like to buy a subscription. It's not clear to me if the trail period of 14 days ends automatically or that I have to do something. I read some of the information via the AppStore but it's still not clear. I went to subscriptions in the app on my iPhone and deleted…
Freedome on Windows Phone
Hi, I start this topice because this one has been closed: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-on-Windows-Phone/td-p/46537 In that thread it basically said you were waiting for Windows Phone 10 to create a Freedome app. Now that Windows Phone 10 is released, what are the plans for this? Are you working on a…
Freedome DNS servers
Should we be using F-SECURE DNS servers to ensure that there's no leakage ? Or does it not matter? If so - what are the F-SECURE Freedome DNS IPS ? cheers Pete EDIT: Title
After installing Freedome trial the internet is not working on first boot
Got a Windows 10 here (up to date), been using the trial now for almost two weeks and every time I turn on my komputa I get no internet connection. Reboot, and voila, internet works again using Freedome vpn. Using hibernation pretty much fixes this but still, a bit annoying I'd say. Normal or is it just me? I have a cable…
iOS9 - Whatsapp - Freedome
any news regarding the error report? and what about the "new" version of freedome in review? It's useless for me since 3 months!
Sharing a 5 device account with friends
Probably a silly question but I want to check this: If I buy a 5 device account and share it with 4 friends, can we all choose to use one account as we wish? So for example, 2 of can use it in a PC, 2 in an ipad and 1 in an Android tablet. And naturally from different locations. Or, for example, can all of use our one…
Freedome not working after update to Windows 10 (ipv6)
After upgrading to Windows 10, Freedome doesn't connect anymore giving the ipv6 error. I've tried reinstalling and the suggestions in this forum including renaming the VPN connection, checking ipv6 in wlan adapter setting and registry and also restarting the services. Screenshot of the registry is included as is one from…
Cancelling my subscription
Hi. On 5th February 2015 I subscribed Freedome. Soon after that I sold my IPad. Now I do not want to renew my licence any more but the problem is that I can't find (and then manage) the purchase on ITunes. I do have the original receipt but without any reference number etc... What should I do now?
Freedome License issues
Hi there, I bought 1 freedome license for several devices. Because of regular reinstallations/wipes on both android and windows devices, my licenses are all used. I understand you have solved this issue for windows clients now, but this still leaves my android device unprotected. Is there a solution available/being worked…
FTP Port 21 blocked?
Hello, since I am using Freedome sometimes when I connect to an FTP server via Transmit I receive the error that the port is not valid: Spoiler (Highlight to read)Server: Illegal PORT command Error -162: PORT failed Server: Illegal PORT commandError -162: PORT failed I use the normal FTP port 21 with passive mode = on. On…
Freedom IPS
Hi all, Ddoes the freedom service offer a firewall, IDS or IPS service to feather protect our devices. Imagin there is a new descovered vulnerability in Android could the freedom cloud be "virtually patching" the device or simply filter packets to protect the device? Thanks
Windows 10 Phones and Freedome
Now when many people like me too using Windows 10 with Lumia or some other Windows Phones and before here F-Secure say they make app for Windows 10 Phones just want to ask how long need to wait more?
Freedom for Linux and Browser Extentions
Hi Iam a linux user should we expect from you the freedom version for linux or you didn't work on that for now or forever, Or are you working on it. What about browser Extentions Chrome,Firefox ... many people need them but few juices are available specially Firefox at most there are two or three vpn extention in Firefox…
How to move subscription from old PC to a new laptop?
I have a valid subscription on my PC until 24.6.2017, but I'm now planning on selling this PC and buying a laptop. I'm wondering if it's possible to move my subscription to the new laptop? I'm still using the PC and I'm able to copy files etc if it is necessary.
Belgium location down?
Is the Belgium location working for anyone else? I can't seem to connect to it at all. I've tried with two different devices (Android, W7) and local networks. All other locations are connecting and working fine.
cnn.com - can't open articles completely with Freedome enabled
to reproduce this issue: go to cnn.com - click on an article -scroll down till the "read more" button appears - after clicking on it, nothing happens. with freedome disabled, the rest of the article loads after clicking the button. could you please pass this on to the right person?
Freedome on Android messing up LAN?
I have Freedome installed on an Android TV box (Minix X8). I also have Plex and Kodi media managers installed on this box, and a Synology NAS with SMB shares for my video and music library. All are connected via wired ethernet. When I have Freedome ON, I cannot access the network shares in Kodi, and also Plex keeps losing…
Freedome will not allow me to activate new device
I'm not sure why I cannot activate another device. Right now I'm trying to activate my laptop that currently has a Freedome Beta license which is set to expire in 15 days (January 15, 2016). I paid for the 5 device license and can only think of 4 devices my license was activated on, one of which I no longer use. Which is…
Plex Access
I'm running a Plex Server on my PC. I have a DDNS entry that assigns my IP to my DNS on a regular basis. My Netgear router has the port on the router forwarded to my PC's IP that is reserved by MAC. All of this works great... Then I turn on Freedome. Once it's on my Plex is no longer visable from the outside and I can't…
LAN access seems dodgy
Hello, As soon as I activate Freedome, I loose RDP connections to my local servers. I cannot reconnect with DNS either, but going with IP works. Also, active directory access is lost, which makes me think that Freedome only allows direct IP access even if the DNS resolves to the local network. What am I missing here?…
have a 12month subscription on 4 devices not working
Have subscription for 2 phones a laptop and a tablet, message reads your subscription has expired for my. LGTablet.
Any way to configure a dd-wrt router to work with Freedome?
Happy customer for 2 years. But is there a way to configure my router (dd-wrt) to work with Freedome. I need it for my Roku as I am outside the US. Thanks
Freedome on pettymys
Olen joutunut uusimaan käyttöjärjestelmän kahdessa win 10 laitteessa, joissa oli lisenssi Freedomeen. Nyt en pysty enää aktivoimaan niitä uudelleen. Ohjelma väittää, että kaikki lisenssit ovat käytettyjä. Ohjelmalla ei ole samanlaista pois kuittausta, kuten esim. Fsafessa. Toinen käyttöä haittaava tekijä oli silloin kun…
stream TV channels
I do not know how to stream TV channels can anybody please help me through it galaxy prime Android Thanks
No virtual location in use - data required to run Freedome is missing or corrupted.
Hey, since I started my computer today, Freedome is not running anymore. When I start it, I get a notification that I should enter my system administration password because Freedome needs to do some configuration. However, when I do that, I receive another error message saying that data required to run Freedome is missing…
Reached maximum number of installations with the code
Hi, After installing the latest W10 update (november update) Freedome and other F-Secure products were uninstalled. Getting Freedome reinstalled required several tries, but in the end I am stuck with maximum number of installations. License is 12mo/3 dev.