DAE feel like Freedome is a bad BETA project?

56kbps Posts: 5 Observer

Going through some of these discussions, I'm really surprised at all of the problems different users (including myself) have been experiencing. I'm not exactly impressed with the support responses in the forums either. Nothing about this project seems professional. Support via forums - on a paid product? The quality of support I have experienced with this product reminds me of those days where I had to chat with HP's online support people - seeing some of these responses from support people is almost painful to look at. 


Am I missing something? How is it that a professional firm like FSECURE manages to screw up something as simple as VPN bandwidth and account/user management. I could understand these problems if the service cost $1 a month, but that's not really the case.


  • Avisitors
    Avisitors Posts: 54 Explorer

    I isssued my personal opinion.
    have you had compare freedome with other secure vpn ?I tirde some different secure vpn production.In comparison with other product,freedome has the following advantages:interface beautiful,privcay(an american scurity company,abbreviations C,say they log costumer traffic in their privcy poilcy,a famous europe secure corporation,they says they will sell their client's information in their privy polict and you know freedome not ),security,usually update.As for visit speed slowly indeed,I think is a really problem.actually this is widespread problem with Vpn.You say thiresupport are not good enough,may be they think they do enough.may be A vpn need not complex support.

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