Notifications on apple watch not working well using Freedome; VPN problem when iPhone not in use.

Notification of incoming messages, for instance by iMessage, sometime are not sent to the Apple watch from the iPhone (6S+) when Freedome is on. One realizes that there is a message only when the iPhone is accessed, then the notification appears (about messages received long ago at that point).
The problem seems to be that with Freedom, iMessage does not access the internet in background. It is as if the VPN connection is re-established every time the iPhone is used, and it goes off when it is not. I guess it should be re-established when a push message is received by it does not seem to be always so.
There is a similar thread about whatsapp made long ago (last message May 2015), but it is unclear whether it was sorted out in the end. I think this type of problem prevents one from actually using Freedome on the mobile phone, so I hope it is fixed soon.
Hello Bayes,
This is a known issue. We already have a new functionality in our Beta program that should help resolve that problem.