V-E-R-Y SLOW connections. Oversold service?

56kbps Posts: 5 Observer

Ok, for a paid service from a company like F-SECURE this product sucks. I have been experiencing constant drops and slow-downs regardless of which virtual location I select (from my Mac). I understand the bittorrent restrictions, but considering what competing services charge, this is just awful service. I had high hopes for this product, but it is just unusable at time. Sometimes I'm able to watch YouTube videos, and at other times I can't even load Google search results. Switching to competing VPN providers I don't have any problems. Sometimes my connection is so saturated I can't even have YouTube playing in non HD without one of my SSH connections being dropped.


Anyone have any ideas as to what's going on? Are they squeezing 5k users onto oversold VPS services? 


  • Hello 56Kbps,


    First we are very sorry of the bad experience your have had with Freedome so far. Our teams are constantly monitoring the traffic on our virtual locations and should normally detect the type of drops you mentioned. We do not limit the bandwidth for our individual users and extend the global bandwidth available when needed.


    You were speaking of "one of my SSH connections being dropped". Do you have many SSH connections simultaneously?  Could you tell a bit more about your set up?


    Don't hesitate to open a support request so we can investigate better what could cause such drops.

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