Low speed from Sweden

Ingo93 Posts: 5 Observer



I have in a couple of days very low speed if I connect tru Sweden. If I change to Norway the speed is much better. I have performed the DNS flush. The problem also exist on my pad and phone.


Why is it like this?


I have installed version 1.1.2531.0 on pc whit Windows 10 and Windows 7 and on Andriod


Best regards



  • Dragonman
    Dragonman Posts: 7 New Member
    This is a issue that i also have. Its REALLY slow. So its prob a server issue they have in Sweden. Heck i even have faster connection using Japans server
  • Natherul
    Natherul Posts: 14 New Member
    Same for me on both phone and computer 😢
  • Fotomats
    Fotomats Posts: 1 New Member
    Same for me. 😢
  • Nacke67
    Nacke67 Posts: 1 New Member
    Same here, hope the supplier is able to fix the issue sooner than later 🙈
  • Ingo93
    Ingo93 Posts: 5 Observer




    I add some test result from Sweden. Notice that I connect to Norway to upload this image. Sweden take to long time.



  • GH
    GH Posts: 5 New Member

    I have very much the same experience.

    Will anyone from F-Secure comment on when the Swedish servers will be working properly again?

  • Robfal
    Robfal Posts: 5 New Member


    The same problem for me.

    I have 7,56 MB connection and when I turn on Freedom it goes down to 0,56.

    The consequence is that I can't look at the Swedish TV Play channels.

  • Hello all,


    Our Swedish location has been having some issue for the last couple of days.

    It should now be back working normally.


    Let us know if you still experience slowness now.

  • Robfal
    Robfal Posts: 5 New Member

    Still the same slow connection.

    7, 25 when freedom is off and 0,82 when it's on.

  • GH
    GH Posts: 5 New Member

    Swedish server now works with good speed 30 Mb/s for me.

    Problem seems to be solved.


  • Robfal
    Robfal Posts: 5 New Member

    Still low speed from Spain to Sweden.

    I have now 1,76 upload when freedom is on and 7,25 when it's off.

    Shall the different in speed be that large?

    I tried with TunnelBear and there I have 5,26??!!

  • Robfal
    Robfal Posts: 5 New Member

    You must fix this problem now.

    There is no possibility to look at Swedish TV from Spain any more.

    This service has been working for three month now, so there must be something wrong.

    Latest connection measure was 1,43 and 7,56 with freedom off!!






  • simonleuf
    simonleuf Posts: 3 New Member

    I am having the same issue with really low speed in Sweden. Note that I am trying out your 14-day free trial and this is my first day.


    I know VPN's will negatively affect your speed. But should the speed penalty really be this bad? See picture below which shows the speed before and after I activated your software:



  • Natherul
    Natherul Posts: 14 New Member

    Getting similar results as simonleuf today as well...


    When they fixed it before the speed was way better but its at least functional (before when this thread was created the speed was like 0)

  • simonleuf
    simonleuf Posts: 3 New Member

    I am getting extremely slow speed in Sweden tonight. My connection is basically grinding to a halt when I use the Swedish VPN connection. Finland and other places works just fine.


    You guys really need to make some drastic improvements to your Swedish connection, because this is pretty much unusable. Smiley Frustrated

  • Hello Everyone,


    We are monitoring our locations actively and we are not seeing any particular slowness at the moment. However, could you tell us if you are getting the slowness all the time or only at particular times?


  • Natherul
    Natherul Posts: 14 New Member
    For me it seems like an intermittent issue. it comes and goes but I cant see any pattern on times so far (when it slows down and Im blocked on some sites I switch to another node)
  • hansu
    hansu Posts: 4 New Member

    I'm getting exactly the same sort of thing when connecting to Finland. Frustrating! This has taken place in the past two days.


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