I Cant use my license code after re-installation Windows 10

2 Day ago my win10 x64 crashed and i have to re new the windows
the problem is after re newing windows 10 x64 and freedome now i use my physical code it say you have reached the maximum number ...... my code is 6 mounth 3 user ( pc - android - ios ) .. on my LG G3 Android phone i got this license key with 139 day left !
but i cant use it on my pc ..
Sorry for my bad english ..
can someone help me please?
ur latest version of Freedome for PC and MAC allows you to transfer your licence (this should also work in case of a clean reinstallation) which resets your Freedome licenses. However this is not available yet for the ios platforms. Please check this article for more information on the license reset procedure.
i upgraded to lastest version of pc windows but i cant see transfer option ..
( I read and test that solution before start this subject on forum ) -
Honestly I Got It as gift from a friend..
I Cant Find Transfer Option Or Somthing Like That On My Mobile App And Windows Program ..
Where is This Option Exactly?~!
The error Say I Use The Maximum Number of This License Somthing Like That .... i just want reactive it after renewn my windows .. its not fair your license cout as installation .. Some People Like Me who get cruppted windows doe HARDWARE problem or virus or somthing should pay for new license while their ex license got over 100 day left ?! -
Hello HolymighT,
The transfer option should be available when you perform the installation on a reset device or new device.
We do not sell currently 6 months license in our e-store , therefore knowing the origin of your code would be helpful to better understand the problem you are facing.
I got Picture From My Physical License Let Me Upload
this is the license im using
180day - 3 Device ( Android - windows - ios )
I Lost My Windows One During Reinstallation Windows .. but still using it on my Android and it say 132 day left !
i just want freedome support help me to reactive my license on windows and use it again .. -
Hi HolymighT,
From the picture you have attached, it is for the F-Secure Safe and not Freedome. Are you refering to the F-Secure Safe? If Safe, then you can always login to your Safe Account and proceed with the installation.
Please confirm if this issue is related to the are Freedome or F-Secure Safe.
Thank you.