Auto disconnect

I have some problem with auto disconnecting after 10 mins
Because i should manually connect after every 10 mins when there is no internet?
and if Iam not near ( faraway from Device ) the device it will send traffic without freedome VPN.
If it is possible make it an option in settings panel to choose whenever to disable or enable it.
or set another timer and make some choices like "Disconnect after" 1hr, 5hr, 10hr, 1day ...
Best ragards
I mean when there is no internet in my device "no internet source" and after a moment freedome founds that there is no internet. it auto-try to connect "still no internet source", but after 10 mins if there is no "internet source" it will auto-disconnect.
Very annoying, and I think it was added in the last version I mean 1.3.2906.0
Thanks -
In all seriousness, has this issue being fixed? Well I can't accept any VPN client does not have the function to prevent any connection time out while you place your mobile on sleep mode.
To make it perfectly clear, what if my mobile went into sl3ep mode? Cos i don't a habit of having the need to keep monitor on my mobile connection status . connection timed out is no joke. Yet there's not even a suloution to resolve this make it even worst. Not even a minute o can afford to see this on my VPN client as its totally compromise the whole t&c not even mention what so privacy matters . anyway should thete have something like " select continuously connect or repeat connect upon any disconnection. Same goes as the DNS leak issue which I was still searching for but end up came across this thread.
@Brianlan you can use this option in order to keep the connections alive when your mobile device is idle.
@Robert-brinkman Freedome tries indeed to connect for a while if the Internet connection drops. After too many failed attempts, you will indeed need to manually reconnect Freedome.