Poor test results for Freedome at hiding ports ?

Grimlock Posts: 18 New Member

I made some tests to see how well the Freedome hides ports at my computer while using it. When have the Freedom turned on, i went to this site https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 and clicked proceed. Then i made the Common ports test which Freedome had poor results on. It did not passed true stealth analysis and many ports was not stealthed and one port was detected to be open.


I then did the All Service ports test and it also gave poor results. It did not passed true stealth analysis and many ports was not stealthed and one port was detected to be open. When doing the same test with another VPN service that i have installed, that service passed both true stealth anaylises and all ports was stealthed. Why did Freedome gave poor test results? Does it has flaws?



  • Hi Grimlock,


    The test doesn’t check the 'User's ports' when Freedome is on. It checks our 'Gateway ports', i.e. one of the VPN gateway servers in whatever virtual location the user has chosen to use. We have all the ports on our gateway servers defined the way they are on purpose. This doesn’t lessen the security of our users; it is not possible for anyone to access the user’s device through those ports open on our gateway.

  • Grimlock
    Grimlock Posts: 18 New Member

    So Freedome  stealth covers all the user ports then? Can you recommend any other leak  test so that one can check how well Freedome performs?

  • Grimlock
    Grimlock Posts: 18 New Member

    I interpreters the silence from the staff from F-secure that there is no better leak test available and that there might be vulnerabilities within the Freedome services.

  • Grimlock
    Grimlock Posts: 18 New Member

    Its not really an issue since Freedome works on my pc, but i would like to see a test that really shows how  Freedome hides the ports and how well  it works in reality.

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