F-Secure Freedome does not launch at all.
F-Secure Freedome does not launch at all. If I run on the command line, I got error: -------- ~$ /Applications/Freedome.app/Contents/MacOS/Freedome Assertion failed: (APPLICATION_PATH.length() > 0), function initialize, file /Users/mbbldr/jenkins/workspace/clp-client-desktop-mac/common/settingsmanager.cpp, line 292. Abort…
Bug: Reconnection issue on MacOS with Freedome 2.11
Hey there, there is a big bug in your latest Freedome version 2.11.5038.0 on MacOS (10.13.2). -> After waking MacOS from sleep mode Freedome fails to automatically reconnect to server. -> Workaround: Turning Freedome manually "Off" and "On" again. Version 2.9.x worked fine on MacOS. Experienced this bug after upgrading to…
Hi F-secure. Earlier i bought a Freedome subscribtion for 3 devices for a year. I bought it because at my university i can't access some important sites, and i wanted to buy a VPN to work around it. But my friend wants to share his subscribtion, so i want my money back on my subscribtion. Kind regards, HeppeDavardo
Connection beacon in Mac OS menubar
At start-up, the Freedome icon usually flashes (animates) until connected. Then I get a notification that ”Freedome is now protecting and encrypting my data” and then the beacon icon stays lit. But now after a short while, the beacon starts flashing again even though Freedome says I'm still connected. Internet connection…
f-secure freedom VPN Frage
If I have to buy a new device because the old one is broken, can I transfer the usage right from the old device to the new one? Otherwise it would be wrong if I have paid 3 devices and can use it only for 2 devices because the 3 is broken. Thanks in advance for your help. Dannkeschön
F-Secure Freedome shutting off before subscription is ended
Hi, I discovered that on one of my units, an iPad 2 I got a message telling me my subscription has ended although the end date is in april. How's that?
F-Secure Freedome for OS X
Why does theVPN not appear in System Preferences... >> Network?
F-Secure FREEDOME blocks messages sending with Outlook 2013
Hello, I'm a new user of VPN and I'm surprised that I cannot send messgaes with Oulook 2013 when Freedome is "on", but I can receive without problem. I don't know if this is normal or if this is a setting issue. Thanks for your help.
driver installation error - W10
Hello! w10 installed the latest update, after freedome no longer go to the online mode. freedome inform the "driver installation error" restart your computer. I've reinstalled FREEDOME several times, for no result What should I do ? Thanks
Google captcha 2018
Hello everybody! I think this issue is active again. Everytime I make a Google search I get captcha prompt on first. If I turn Freedome off the captcha is not required. Note: this happens if I choose e.g. Poland Warsaw to be my location (both of my computers) but not when I select e.g. Vancouver. The Google search page…
from 5 devices to 7 devices
Hi guys, i am a happy user for some years now and 5 devices is not enough for me. few weeks ago i renewed my license but is it possible i upgrade my pack (from 5 devices to 7 devices pack) ?
Freedome blocking internet access
I have to keep turning off my Freedome as when it is on, my access to the internet disappears. is there some way to check if Freedome is having technical issues that would be causing this? every computer I have that has Freedome on it is unable to access the internet unless Freedome is turned off
f-secure freedom vpn
Wenn ich ein neus Gerät kaufen muß weil das alte kaputt ist , kann ich dan das Nutzungsrecht vom alten Gerät auf das neue übertragen? Sonst wäre es ja unrecht wenn ich 3 Geräte bzahlt habe und kann es nur für 2 Geräte nutzen weil das 3 Kaputt ist. Danke im voraus für Eure Hilfe. Dannkeschön
I lost my F Secure Freedome license .
I lost my F Secure Freedome license, how will I regain my license? !!!! I directly purchased F- Secure , I do not have anything in paper or digital format .
On Off Switch to start Tracking Protection seems to be hacked
I have a strange line within my green on off switch to start my tracking protection. As my PC is the only one showing this result i wonder if I am hacked or have a MIDM Attack ? Does anyone had the same issues or can provide help and support ? Best regards Thomas
problem with VPN
Hi, starting this year VPN is no more recognising set up area. Is it a problem with my settings or new release bug? Problem occurs same time on two different devices. Any tips?
Latest update from Windows 10 not installing.
This update has been trying for the last few days but will not install, just read an article in Computer Active that this a problem with a few security suppliers, which one of them is F Secure. This seems to be a important update are you going to send a patch?
Tracking a site that have recently visited
I have F- Secure Freedome (VPN) installed on my Notebook. When ever I visit a hotel booking site with the VPN activated I believe what I am accessing is being tracked. The reson for this when I access other sites, the advertisment from the hotel booking site is shown on the site I am now on and it further makes…
Freedome causes my Geforce 1080 to downlock the GPU clock
I lately noticed that my usual overclocks don't work as they should or used to. I can get a stable OC to about 2050/5000 that I've used for months. I use MSI afterburner for OC. Then one day I noticed that the GPU clock was stuck at maximum at 1683. It downclocked to idle and when I get to full load it rises to 1683. I was…
UNITED KINGDOM Missing from VPN list
I think my previous message dissapeared, I just installed the Freedome VPN update and the UNITED KINGDOM, is missing from the VPN list. I updated the software today about an hour ago - I switched VPN back on and UK is gone Platform: Mac OS 10.13.2 Version: 2.14.5108.0 I am only using F-Secure Freedome Many thanks
Can't seem to find a location for England on the list of locations. Was there a while back but not now. Something strange is going on. It automatically sings me as in France even though I'm in Spain at the moment
UNITED KINGDOM Missing from VPN list
UNITED KINGDOM Missing from VPN list I just installed the Freedome VPN update and the UNITED KINGDOM, is missing from the VPN list. I updated the software today about an hour ago - I switched VPN back on and UK is gone Platform: Mac OS 10.13.2 Version: 2.14.5108.0 I am only using F-Secure Freedome Many thanks
Version 2.10.4980.0 won't connect to any server, it simply won't start
Hi, I tried the trial version of Freedome and it worked like a charm. Therefore I decided to buy the product. Initially it would not accept my code. It would try to validate endlessly. Then I downloaded the version that was behind te link in the mail I got after I bought the product. This newly installed version…
Freedome won't reconnect after computer wakes
Hello, Freedome has no problem connecting to its servers after the PC boots, but if the PC comes awake from sleep, it will sit there attempting and failing to connect to its servers. I'm running Window 10. This problem occurred in November 2017. F-Secure pointed me to their uninstallation tool (instead of using the default…
Freedome does not launch on my Mac
Freedome VPN does not launch on my Mac even though I click Freedome icon on my Application folder. There is no error message showing up. I already tried these: 1. Delete Freedome app with relevant folders/files (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-won-t-open-after/td-p/74895) 2. Reinstall the latest app…
Freedome won't connect
Freedome wouldn't connect. The circle just kept spinning. I tried re-installing but that didnt' help. Finally I changed my location from Southeast to East Coast and it connected. Don't know what happened as Southeast had worked fine for months.
Re: Upgraded to Mac OS High Sierra and VPN won't connect
I have a new macbook pro and vyprvpn doesn't work. I downloaded the app on my Samsung S8 and it works no problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Followed all of the videos on youtube. Thanks for your help.
Amazone Firestick
how do i use freedome vpn on firestick, or is it posible?
Using Freedome Proxy shuts down access to many popular web-services
Hej, more and more services recognize that you are using a proxy and shut you down. Is Freedome doing anything about it to circumvent the detection as a proxy? Otherwise the whole point of using Freedome becomes obsolete.
Make the Freedome VPN undetectable by Netflix
So far Netflix refuses start the movies while the Freedome VPN is on. It would be great to fix that issue so that the VPN would not be detectable.