Re: How to retrieve Account-ID for Freedome subscription

Also have the problem.
Bought F-secure TOTAL with 5 licenses directly through F-secure.
Can't install on new iPhone, where freedome has never been installed before, because it needs account-id.
I have all e-mails recieved after purchase. None of them have an account-id of the type needed on iOS.
Everything works fine on my Mac and other devices. Just not iPhone.
Amazing design guys! ... because just having it verify your subscription on iPhone with a login through your f-secure account e-mail and password, like on all the other devices, would be way too simple....sigh.
Hi Raz,
Did you install Freedome from the MY Account? To install Freedome from your TOTAL subscription, you can follow this help section for the steps.
After you have installed Freedome, click the 'Log in' option to use your subscription from TOTAL as mentioned in this KB article. The activation method for Freedome subscription depends on the license purchased.
does not work! No page found ...
Spent over one year without Freedom om my iPhone because the "id" is nowhere to be found.
How hard can it be to put it in the account on the web page?
Hi michaell,
Have you been able to activate your Freedome for iOS since your post?
The account ID is the same subscription code for Freedome in your iOS (subscription code = account ID for your iOS). Could you try to search your email which you registered for Freedome purchase to find the code and use that in your iOS device? Your email should have the subscription code for Freedome which you purchased for your multi device subscription.
If you are unable to find it from your email, kindly get in touch with our support team here in order to locate it for you.