Windows 10 upgrade has stopped F-Secure - msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll

Since I've upgraded to Windows 10, whenever F-Secure tries to run I get an error: "msvcp110.dll is missing" for fshoster.exe, followed by the same for msvcr110.dll.
This also happens when I try and uninstall or run a new install, for starter.exe.
I see the dlls in system32, have tried downloading new versions, to no avail.
I've tried downloading latest C++ redistributable.
Any ideas how I can get out of this hole as I am currently unprotected!
Hi @Lester
Our Internet Security / SAFE product requires Visual Studio 2012 redistributable x86 runtimes to work. They are installed with the product and should not get removed by Windows upgrade.
If you have 64-bit Windows, the files should be under Windows\SysWOW64 folder.
You can try installing them from Microsoft and see if that helps.
You can also use Uninstallation tool to remove the product and do a clean install, which should place all necessary files to the system.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Sir, I think it should be only fixed if you install this file, you can either download it from microsoft website, or dll files website, If it is first time error then you must check this file on your PC.
Deatiled info about this problem can be found on this topic from here
or go to this link for detailed info from your computer
I faced with similar problem few weeks ago. I solved it by donloading these files from and move it to correct system folder. I don't know why, but reinstalling C++ redistracteble didn't help me and it was official way to fix this error.