i try fs free online tools that is "health check".. when i run it,it said my com is not protected.. u can look at this image but,i has norton IS...
My sim card is blocked in the output of GPRS, MMS, 3G. What should I do?
My sim card is blocked in the output of GPRS, MMS, 3G. What should I do?
Deepguard blocked virus but can't delete
Deepguard blocked lddp.exe and smsc.exe viruses and i scanned these in C:\Windows\System 32 but F Secure couldn't delete these by reason "no virus found".
Joikuspot Premium is blocked by F-Security firewall
My Nokia E71 phone has F-Secure 6.60 running with "Normal" firewall setting. Joikuspot Premium 3.10 can't make an internet connection unless I open the firewall and set it to "Allow all". Is there a customised setting I can vreate to overcome this? Thanks
Can't Update F-Secure Internet Security 2011!
F-Secure can't update itself. I tried removing/re-installing and other basic things. Used fsaua-reset.exe, doesn't work. Ran fsdbupdate.exe and fsdbupdate9.exe, it seems it did some updates. But it's really annoying that I should update the product manually. It also timeouts product key checks. I can't activate the product…
need help
I ran the f-rescue disc and my computer still will not boot up. What should I do now?
How do I renew my subscription
Hi F-Secure, I currently have two subscription for a PC and a lap top. One expires in two days the other in Jan 2012. I also note that I could have covered the two bits of kit with one subscription however as they were purchased about four months apart (Sept 09 and Jan 10) I did not appreciate I had this option. Thus my…
Bug in latest browsing protection plugin?
Ever since the release of the latest browsing protection plugin, Firefox 6 & IE8 will freeze up sometimes (for 10-20 seconds). When I disable the plugin in each browser (Firefox: Tools>Add-ons; IE8: Tools>Manage Addons), the problem goes away. I have F-secure installed on another computer and that computer has the same…
My Children start to surf the web
Hi, having Children and they are now in the age to discover the internet. I my self have only a copple of pages which I visit regulary as I don't see any bigger use of spending to much time online. Any good recomondations strategies? Thank you in advance
Please help me, i not remember my password anti-theft free best regards Hugo P.S my english is bad, I from Brazil
Can I see the key code somewhere even though I can't open the FIS 2011 console?
My clients computer has FIS 2011 installed, but at the moment it is not protecting the system. I guess I should reinstall the product but since the computer is my clients one I don't know the code and the console is not opening... Is there a way to see the keycode somehow so that I could reinstall the FIS?
what can i do if i forget my security code?
I am advised that my virus definitions are 'very old' How can I update them?
I am advised that my virus definitions on F-Secure are 'very old' How can I update them (simple language please!!!)
Which version of F-Secure Security Suite?
My ISP has provided F-Secure Suite as a service to its customers. How can I determine which version we have?
After reload of phone, device not accepting password for F-Secure.Please help. Nokia C7 is the model
My phone got blocked after an upgrade of OS on the phone and after the reload of the device it was not taking the password i used to unlock it with anymore.... It still is blocked as of now. Please help as it is taking me to pain without any phone services as of now.
how can i get my pasword? my cellphone it is blocked!
I hace blocked mi self phone by accident, and i donr remember my password.. How can i fix it??
Qt SDK 1.1.3 binary detected as infected file.
Hi, I just installed the latest Qt SDK version 1.1.3 from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/ page on my Windows 7 laptop. The C:\QtSDK\Simulator\Qt\mingw\bin\xmlpatterns.exe file was detected as Gen:Huer.Minggy.1 infected type. I'm using F-Secure Internet Security 2010 suite with the versions below. F-Secure Browsing…
How does one report email phishing malware on the F-secure website?
Unable to select all-copy-paste email into F-secure malware reporting area. How does one report this kind of malware @ F-secure?
FF6 & Browsing Protection
Should we expect 2 weeks before update become available? On the other hand Firefox must be doing something really silly with the latest releases, first pulling ver 4 after couple of weeks later, then switching to rapid release cycle so ver 5 lasted barely 8 weeks
Just had a phone call from someone purporting to be from Microsoft say that XP has been compromised
Just had a phone call from someone purporting to be from Microsoft saying that XP has been compromised thru emails and wants to access my machine before close down to clean it (I should coco!). Last scheduled scan Friday morning and all in order. Is this Kosher? Anyone experienced the same?
Install fails after removing Norton
I bought a new laptop that had Norton internet 2011 installed. I knew I was going to have trouble because I went through this when I installed F-Secure on my PC a few years ago. I used the Norton Removal Tool and it looked like it worked, but the F-Secure install failed again. I called Norton and they remotely connected…
ShawSecure and cleaning viruses
Over the past week ShawSecure has been finding and attempting remove a virus without, apparently, any success. As far as I can tell it's a variation of the Expiro virus (Kazy variants 19492, 17055, 19434 and 5700). Apart from backing up all my files and wiping the computer, what can I do?
FSIS 2011 and SeaMonkey 2.0
Hi, I use FSIS 2011 and SeaMonkey 2.3 myself, and have no problems at all, however, for the last few weeks, a friend with the same browser and FSIS 2011 keeps getting the popup box from FSIS, claiming that the program (SeaMonkey) has been modified, and does he want to allow it? He clicks Yes, ticks the box to remember the…
Internet Security 2011..How to allow an inbound application?
Ive got Internet Security 2011 installed on my comp. Ive got an file catalog program on my computer. My secretary has got client of that program on her computer, and sometimes she creates new files or change the files of that catalog program by connecting my computer. While firewall is active, she cannot access my program…
FF 5.0 & Browsing Protection
Hi! Firefox 5.0 has just been released. As usual when new version is released, browsing protection is not supported. Is there update coming soon? Thanks!
Could nosy or bad Facebook apps be detected without API access, possibly by reputation?
A fellow we follow on Twitter recently tweeted: "#facebook apps are scary. Educating users is not enough. Could AV detect nosy web apps without some fb api?" Wondering if it's a possibility. Thanks!
my computer keep sending unknown udp packet
Hi guys, need help here. I found that my computer keep sending unknown udp packet to "" , consistantly sending and using source port 13000, and destination port 13777. I full scanned my computer and can't find anything... Here is some sample packet data (capture from wireshark), which i don't know how to…
How do I purchase an update my mobile security for my new Nokia E 6 in India?
Asking this question that was posted on the F-Secure wall. Any idea where I can direct him to purchase Mobile Security in India?
netbook virus definition out of date
my vodafone netbook has stopped automatically updating for viruses and has a small red cross on the symbol that highlights 'automatic updates:malfunction' . i have gone to the control panel and tried clicking automatic updates, but it doesnt work. i have also tried to run f-secure's online scanner and it just says unknown…