How do I renew my subscription

Hi F-Secure,


I currently have two subscription for a PC and a lap top. One expires in two days the other in Jan 2012.  I also note that I could have covered the two bits of kit with one subscription however as they were purchased about four months apart (Sept 09 and Jan 10) I did not appreciate I had this option. Thus my question is: can I have a bit of a discount if I cover them both with the renewal due in 2 days time?




David Wilkinson 

Stratford on Avon



  • Hi Wilko,

    Thanks for your post.

    We have two types of subscription available for Internet Security and Anti-virus: 1 computer or up-to 3 computers.

    Please review your order confirmation to find out which type of subscription you have? If you are not sure about that, kindly contact our support to check for you:

    If your subscription which valid until JAN 2012 is for up-to 3 computers, you do not need to renew now as you may use it on the other computer.

    Best Regards,

    F-Secure Community Moderator

  • Hi Wilko,


    Just an addition to Jaysons post:


    You can also renew now, buying the 1-3 computer subscription.

    The remaining days of your current subscription will be automatically added to the new subscription.

    This works per computer.


    Best regards,


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