I bought an F-secure CD to update my security but there was no product key , so what should i do?

I have been a customer of F-secure for almost three years now. Two days ago I bought an F- secure CD because my one year protection was about to expire in two weeks time but when I arrived home I found out that inside the box was only CD without the product key. So I do not know what should I do for my one year subscription as my time is running out now?
When I inset the cd it updated my current F-secure instead of installing the new one year security time. However, my current security is still telling me that my security is about to expire in two weeks time.
So can somebody help me with information please.
Best regards
What exactly di you buy?
somewhere in/on the pack the must be a keycode looking like this:
What exactly did you buy?
If you can not find that anywhere, then create a regular support request, mention this thread and provide scans from box and bill and your old keycode with it (do not post these here)!
Thanks Mathias,
I bought the installation CD but to my surprise there was no that product key code you mentioned. I have been buying the F-secure antivirus and there is always a key code but this time, I was surprised there is nothing its a plain CD without anything writen on it. I inserted the CD with the idea that maybe the rule of the game has been changed but it updated the already antivirus that is about to expire with a week and a half but not installing the full one year subscription as usual.
And my antivirus is still showing me that the subsrciption will be expiring soon (12days). So should I go back to the wholesaler I bought the antivirus because I still have the receipt?
cheers then