Qt SDK 1.1.3 binary detected as infected file.

I just installed the latest Qt SDK version 1.1.3 from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/ page on my Windows 7 laptop.
The C:\QtSDK\Simulator\Qt\mingw\bin\xmlpatterns.exe file was detected as Gen:Huer.Minggy.1 infected type.
I'm using F-Secure Internet Security 2010 suite with the versions below.
F-Secure Browsing Protection/ES 1.10 build 1039
F-Secure Internet Security 2010 10.00 build 246
F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.10 build 15261
F-Secure Automatic Update Agent 8.25 build 3737
F-Secure User Interface 9.00 build 4864
F-Secure Management Agent 8.10 build 30088
F-Secure Parental Control 8.40 build 15270
F-Secure E-mail filtering 1.02 build 7380
F-Secure Network connections 6.24 build 103
F-Secure Email Scanner 6.00 build 432
F-Secure DeepGuard 2.20 build 146
F-Secure Online Help 2.00 build 1450
Customization F-Secure/IS 10.246.7
F-Secure Sidebar Gadget 1.00 build 192
F-Secure Service News 1.00 build 140
F-Secure Browsing Protection/SW 1.10 build 5627
Please have a look into this false detection.
Thanks in advance.
So why are you still on 2010? pull the update from here: