Is it safe to disable "Scan and remove viruses from web traffic"?It makes you tube video very slow.
Is it safe to disable "Scan and remove viruses from web traffic"?It slows you tube and other videos.
FIS 2011 compatibility question
Hello, Is FIS 2011 compatible with: a)Malwarebytes Anti-Malware(on-demand only). b)SUPERAntiSpyware(on-demand only). Is it safe to use them for on-demand scans along with FIS?
I got some awkward paths not able to be scannet whit fsecure. They are Opera (fake?) files, for the net browser. After i noticed them, Opera crashes alot. They apear to be encrypted, so the scanner can not open the files. This is how it looks: http://screencast.com/t/Vm6AZDtICU Can this be the reason for Opera crashing?
Can i get a free license?
How to resolve if my phone with anti-theft feature and then change SIM card ?
How to resolve if my phone with anti-theft feature and then change SIM card ?
I have not heard of this company, where can I go to get feedback of happy customers?
Do you have a free trial offer? I have not heard of your company.
setting up dmz for open wi-fi ap can anyone help with threat monitoring
F-Secure Internet Security 2012 has been released
Congratulations! http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/news-info/product-news-offers/view/story/463302/F-Secure%20Internet%20Security%202012%20-%20Complete%20Protection%20for%20Your%20Computer%20and%20Online%20Life As a tester I'm proud of it
mysle ze nie jest złe to oprogramowanie
tylko jak uzyskac klucz do niego
Doubtsonline scanner
When I use the Online Scanner, you downloaded the database for the scan, where it stores the update to scan.
F-Secure Internet Security Turned off
For several minutes I could not get IS turned on. It was turned 'on' but was showing a big red X for off. Even after rebooting it was off. Then, it turned back on again. Win XP sp3 H.E.
My mobile is stollen how can I locate it
My mobile is stolen and I no longer have the same contact number to which sim change can be reported. How can I locate my mobile and blacklist or block it from being used.
Cant remove
I have some infection and now I cant remove the 2011 F-Secure antivirus. It says Uninstall Failed and ask me to reboot.
The description for Event ID ( 1 ) in Source ( F-Secure Gatekeeper ) cannot be found. The local comp
Ive been having this problem for a few days now, less then a week. I have Windows XP w/ Serivce Pack 3 and its been freezing up lately and slowing down so Ive checked event viewer and this is some of the problems its been showing in red from only a few days back and its only 1...relating to F-Secure everytime it freezes.…
Scheduled scan not working since July
Hi does any one now how to fix the scheduled scanner as mine is not working I have tried an new install over the top and still not working any help pls
Ik heb mijn telefoon voorzien van een nederlandse taal optie die de telefoon in eerste instantie nie
Ik heb mijn telefoon voorzien van een nederlandse taal optie die de telefoon in eerste instantie niet had. Naderhand heb ik mijn back up hersteld en teruggezet. Ik had de anti theft optie ingesteld en voorzien van een code alleen accepteerd de telefoon de code niet. Zelfs de optie om mij te voorzien van een instruktie…
I get error no. 65 with the Online scanner (Chrome).
With IE the Scanner only attempts to start loading the files and the cancels due to an error. Administrator user mode in Windows 7
.bat file and exclusion
I have a .bat file here which I run on occassion which cleans the complete event viewer contents. (the .bat file needs admin rights to run; I am also the admin of all machines here, but only run user accounts while using the machines normally.) However, with FSAV 2011 installed, even whit this .bat file added to FSAVs…
When time release 2012 version.
Hye, all 1.What time release F-Security 2012 version. 2.Can 2011 licence use to 2012 product?
Please Fix Browsing Protection icons
Browsing protection toolbar icons are too large and when you unmaximize the toolbar in Firefox (moving F-Secure icons into the standard Firefox toolbar), all the Firefox navigation icons distort, i.e. stretch vertically, because the toolbar accomodates the biggest icons, in this case F-Secure ones. This happens whether the…
Way to fix "generic" variant detections? (wrong detections constantly)
It's getting annoying that anti-virus keeps destroying binaries built by myself from my own code (both at work and at home, different computers and different code etc.) when it only shows as some "generic" variant of something. Is there way disable that somehow ?? Either make sure it's something to cleanup or don't do…
Browsing Protection Toolbar Question(s)
I've searched for other questions related to this but was unable to find the answers. 1. Is the browsing protection toolbar similar to the Web Of Trust add-on for Firefox? In the WOT add-on it states by a series of colors whether a site is safe, questionable or unsafe. It also reveals the safety of sites when one uses a…
FF7 & Browsing Protection
This was posted yesterday by Beta-Team: ----- There's a new browsing protection release candidate availableThis release contains support for Firefox 7 (beta)The visible version string is "F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2011-09-05_01"The update is distributed through the policy manager which has been configured as…
I bought an F-secure CD to update my security but there was no product key , so what should i do?
I have been a customer of F-secure for almost three years now. Two days ago I bought an F- secure CD because my one year protection was about to expire in two weeks time but when I arrived home I found out that inside the box was only CD without the product key. So I do not know what should I do for my one year…
I have ran F-secure and got error code 65. How can I overcome this?
I have tried to run F-secure for a second time but get an error cod, id 65. Refers to 'insufficient user right to scan all targets'. How do I resolve this issue?
Unable to use symFTP server
Hi, I am trying use symFTP on E7-00, need advice on Firewall configuration. TIA
The Subscription Key supplied by TalkTalk (my Internet Provider) does not work on my F-Sec 2009
and neither does their Security Boost! I have F-Secure working on my Win 2000 machine but it will run out in 2 days time please give me a key that will work on my Win 2000 machine, please.
Outlook, POP3 and Spam
I am using Microsoft outlook 2007 and connected with my provider Forthnet.gr with POP3. I keep receiving e-mails in Russian language 20-30 daily which I managed to delete upon receipt with a rule in Outlook. In F-secure Internet Security 2011 the only way I found to block e-mails is by stating the e-mail address in the…
Error message
I keep getting an error message " F - secure 2006 is unable to access its data directory. How do I get rid of it?
PC and Mac
Hi I have a 3 computer pc licence but only using 2. can I use 3rd on Mac?