Mobile Security
How can I stop F-Secure mobile security from continually asking me to provide my mobile number when I do not want it used for marketing purposes.
When I tried to locate my device, it is showing as Location Information Not Available. Plz help me
The monthly health-check does not recognize Acronis.
Can I add this backup sofware in some way?
I have a screen that keeps popping up saying to allow a function or block & not allow.
I recently changed providers for internet, ect & during all the downloading process this pop up screen came up from you re: allow or dont allow a function & no matter if a choose allow or block it wont and the screen keeps coming up, I try to close it & it wont . If I hit close 5 or 6 times in a row it closes, then re…
Could NOT found -> "fs-193-66-251-050.f-secure.com:http" Is server down? Help, its can't to Insta
The Installer is: "F-SecureNetworkInstaller.exe" for Anti-Virus 2012 When "License Terms" step, The License Terms text in english is can't be loaded... I tried to turn off Firewall, check ping for "fs-193-66-251-050.f-secure.com:http" But, still can't It's something wrong with my connection? That's Impossible, I have good…
My computer will not open internet or documents, nor will it delete items, do i need cleanup
I have allowed others ( family) to use my computer while I'm away, the result is that I have a unusable, slow computer, that will not open any thing . I have some important documents that I need to retrieve, incase I have to trash it or clean it, can you help?
wifi connection
Is this function protected by Fsecure?
F-secure and Symantec running at the same time good idea?
I have both F-Secure and Symantec installed and running on my laptop. Is this okay to do? I have heard previously that using two AV softwares simultaneously can prevent one another from working properly... If I have to pick, which one should I keep and which should I uninstall?
Desejo restabelecer contado com a guia do messenger. Como fazê-lo?
Tudo certo, mas não abre o messenger. Desejo que seja restabelecido o contato com ele. Um abraço, Gomes
Pokerstars update won't run when using F-Secure Internet Security 2012.
Had to uninstall FIS 2012 to run Pokerstars update. Turning everything off in FIS 2012 does not have any effect. Can run Pokerstars client though. I used FIS 2011 before and it didn't have this problem. I have contacted Pokerstars support and they claim based on error number it is firewall that is preventing update, I…
100% Processor and scanning inside compressed files
Hello I have just purchased F-Secure for Mac today and I have some questions ... I am noticing that F-Secure when scanning is consuming 100% processor power on one of the CPU cores. I am not really sure why this is necessary when scanning downloaded files. Can i set the system for priorities? Also, I do nto seem to find…
Activation failed
Hi, Although I can connect to the internet, the activation of FS AV 2011 failed with the message that there is no connection to the internet ? Any ideas ? thanks
iTunes WiFi sync issue
Hi folks, Has anyone else had any issues with wifi synching an iPhone 4S with iTunes? I have been trying to get it to work for two days now, and iTunes won't connect wirelessly to the iPhone. I have tried all that I can think of, so my last port of call is F-Secure, with the thought that perhaps it is blocking something. I…
F-Secure shows that I have a Rootkit, Whistler.A on an external drive, but it can't remove it.
How can I get rid of a Whistler.A rootkit on an external drive that F-Secure detects, but can't remove. Should I just leave it alone?
How can I remove Ask.com from my PC?
Hi, Ask.com has infiltrated my Mozilla Firefox search engine. Even my address bar has disappeared. I have tried to remove it using Add/Remove in MS Control Panel but to no avail. I have removed Mozilla Firefox and then downloaded it again but Ask.com returns. Any ideas on how I might remove Ask.com permanently. I am using…
error message 603 e-mail scanning is not functioning due to a severe error
I am regularly getting this message when I boot up my pc and before I have opened Outlook. Has anyone come across this before and if so what does it mean and what should I do?
Question About Norton Security Suite & CA Security Center
Hi, I'm new to internet security systems so please bear with me as I explain, Which is considered the better choice Norton Security Suite or CA Security Center? Can I have both on my computer? Also I clicked on a link for "Antimalware, And Antispyware Resources" and I am wondering should I add some of these applications in…
Child protection
Hi! I have recently installed F-Secure mobile on my mobile phone, Samsung IG 9000 S with Android 2.2. After installation the child protection is active and I´m defined as a child and I can only change this by entering a password which I don´t have. It is also not possible to deinstall F-secure without entering this to me…
is it possible to manage all computers I've installed the 2011 internet securew
virtual machine
Have 2 physical windows machines (Win 7 and XP home) and 1 virtual machine (XP mode on Win 7) on one of those physical machines. Does the 3 license version of F-secure Internet Security include the virtual machine as 1 machine? Will the 3 license version install on the virtual machine? Thanks in advance for your time, help…
Email protection - monitor multiple POP ports? 110 and 995 simultaneously?
Any way to configure email protection to monitor multiple simultaneous ports for different email domains? Maybe with 110,995 in configuration? Thanks in advance for your time and information Slugo
I have F secure protection & my computer is saying it is unprotected WHY ???
Virius in game file supposedly.
I am trying to play an old win95 game. The game has a patch from the vendor. The exe supposedly has a virius and is quarintined automatically. I want to know how to allow the the exe to be run if possible. I unloaded F-secure and played the game for several hours. Then reloaded security and did a virius check to see if any…
Non détectection programme malveillant par F Secure (antivirus et firewall) ?
Depuis environ 15, un programme attaque mon ordi, je pense en priorité pour récup user et mot de passe lors navigation internet (programme de fonds qui utilise de la mémoire). Windows a été endommagé deux fois (réparation index+ fichier la première fois; et la seconde fois idem + réparation windows). F Secure en analyse…
Why F-Secure can not find all the pests?
Why F-Secure can not find all the pests? Symptoms: the site "marveloussearchsystem.com" will open automatically. called: ZeroAccess / rootkit.sirefef / Max++ annoying!
y f-secure says it covers up to 3 devices in the house how do i no it,s coveing my new lap top
please can you help i need to no how will i tell my new laptop is covered
how do i remove Win32.ZAccess.bb
I forgot about my F-SECURE code that I created, not the default one
Please help me! i'm apreciate with your help, because of this i couldn't change the SimCard/GsmCard
I missing my mobile phone nokia c 7 just 1 days ago and f secure active in my mobile phone.
i miss my phone and my phone secure by ef-secure so what to do next????
codice blocco per symbian
ho dimenticato il Codice blocco ...provo a mandare dal numero attendibile il msg #unlock# ma nn succede niente, come faccio a cambiare il mio Codices bloc ????