Virus database status "Waiting for update" for six days.

Last week, I upgraded 2 out of 3 systems from F-Secure Internet Security (FSIS) 2011/12 to FSIS 2013 (the 3rd will be another thread). The system descriptions:
System 1: A low-use Windows XP Professional system, used mainly for e-mail and scanning/printing. Regularly patched. Always on and connected. Installed as logged-in user.
System 2: A Windows 7 Professional laptop, used as an out-of-office system. Also regularly patched. Regularly on (not always) and connected when on. Installed with "Run as Adminstrator".
System 3: When I get fshoster32.exe to stop crashing....
Neither system has anything outrageous on it, network connections are "Assume always connected" and "No HTTP Proxy", and both ran FSIS 2011/12 flawlessly.
Also, I'm assuming FSIS Installer Release 4 was used, since it has the same version number as what I downloaded after re-subscribing.
However, since upgrading to FSIS 2013, virus definitions are not updating.
1) The "Virus Definitions" field under Database versions (Settings -> Database Versions) has stated " Waiting for update " since upgrade on each system.
2) Peforming a " Check for Updates " results in "Update check was successful. Your product is already up to date."
3) The "Virus and spyware scanning" field under Status alternates between nothing and flagged red with " Out of date ".
The support site knowledge base doesn't seem to have anything useful on this.
Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone know of a solution?
Similar story here.
Have been using FSIS 2013 relatively painless since April (when I had updated from a previous version).
Today, when prompted I applied a free update to 'Computer Security 12.83 build 100', anti-virus is at 11.00 build 19132
Since that point (and after several reboots) I am at pretty much the same situation as AVBluz:
1) The "Virus Definitions" field under Database versions (Settings -> Database Versions) has stated " Waiting for update " since upgrade on each system.
2) Peforming a " Check for Updates " results in "Update check was successful. Your product is already up to date."
3) The "Virus and spyware scanning" field under Status is flagged red with "Out of date".The only thing I have found that looks slightly odd to me (and I acknowledge at this point that I'm out of my depth) is that when I look at Common settings > Downloads there are several 'anti-virus sounding' downloads that have a status of "'not installed".
The top 4 items look like this:
Received Title Status
30/07/2013 F-Secure Hydra Update 2013-07-30_05 Not installed
30/07/2013 F-Secure Aquarius Update 2013-07-30_08 Not installed
30/07/2013 Computer Security 12.83.100 Installed
30/07/2013 CCF Basic 1.83.311 Installed
Maybe that's completely normal?
Only thing which has downloaded for me is:
F-Secure ORSP Engine Update 2013-06-05_01 (version '1370467978')
Otherwise, it looks like we're running the same thing:Computer Security 12.83 build 100
Anti-Virus 11.00 build 19132
DeepGuard 4.10 build 275
E-mail Filtering 1.02 build 14400
Management Agent 8.30 build 43113
User Interface 10.00 build 176And the Internet Security Suite (FSHoster???) is:
F-Secure 1.83 build 311
CCF CUIF 10.01 build 36597
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 369
CCF Automatic Update Agent 1.05 build 1065
CCF Upstream 2.00 build 118
CCF Diagnostics 8.00 build 18415
CCF Scanning 1.23 build 124.8831
CCF Network 1.02 build 128
CCF Reputation 1.0 build 25.1877Maybe FSIS 2013 Release 4 was released before ready. I know on my 3rd system, I'm having issues with fshoster32.exe crashing, so I can't even tell if updates are happening.
3 systems, 2 different operating systems and 4 different network connections (including 2 coffee shops), none working "as advertised". I've never had this bad of an experience with F-Secure products in the 14-15 years I've used them; I can't remember anything beyond being annoyed at having to reboot until these past few days.
Regarding this problem, I would suggest you to open a support request and provide an fsdiag: create an fsdiag:
Turned the PC on this evening and it seems it's fixed.
Looking again at Common settings > Downloads
New updates for Aquarius and Hydra were produced, downloaded and successfully installed today, no visible downloads are showing as "not installed"
'Virus Definitions' now show updated 'Today, 18:05 (2013-07-31_07)
I've been out of town on business since last week, and just got back last night.
I'm still having issues with FSIS 2013 not updating on two systems, and will be gathering info to file a support ticket.
In looking at the fsua results from FSDIAG, updating worked for around 24-28 hours after upgrade on one system, then stopped for no reason.
A Wireshark session I ran last week before leaving showed connection to f-secure servers, but no downloads, if I recall correctly. I need to rerun to be certain.
I am telling what i know. First time install of f-secure IS 2013 takes a long time to update. Status will stuck in "waiting for updtae". So I restart the system after 2 hour update with 60 KBps internet speed. If that doesn't solve the problem then go to status and turn OFF then ON the module which is stuck in waiting for update.
My system also started crashing after i installed the new version. So i installed the new graphics driver and the crash disappered. So try installing new driver for video and audio.
I hope this may help in solving your problem.
The problem was with lingering F-Secure entries in Windows registry.
Contacted F-Secure support, and while they didn't give the exact solution, they ignited the light bulb to finding the solution--which is just as good.
After tech support noted a registry error being reported via FSDIAG and recommended (another) uninstall/reinstall, I decided to search through the Windows registry for the terms "f-secure" and "fsecure" after uninstalling. I found some lingering entries and judicially removed them.
A reinstall, and definitions were current, and automatic updates started working as expected.
Repeated on second system, and it worked as well.
Thanks to all who replied, and to F-Secure tech support.
This solution required modifying the Windows registry. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. You could make your system inoperatable.
I had already opened an SR and submitted fsdiag output. Support pointed out a bad registry setting, and suggested I use UninstallTool and reinstall. I'd already done that several times prior to submitting an SR, but the registry comment made me think of doing the search and destroy in the registry.